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Unknown person co-opts classmate's name

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/29/10 12:14 PM Views: 1356 Replies: 1
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 12:14 PM

It seems that a total stranger has joined our website. Someone apparently clicked on the name of a classmate who has not yet joined the site, joined the site under that name, and then changed the classmate's name. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?? Thanks!

Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 1:39 PM - Response #1

From FAQs

Questions About Privacy

What’s to stop a bogus person from creating a Profile using one of my non-registered Classmates' names?

Answer: Somebody falsely joining your site using one of your non registered Classmate's names is known as a "hijacking." Fortunately this problem is rare. If you are having a hijacking problem or simply wish to error on the side of caution and ensure no hijackers gain access to restricted areas of your site, follow the steps below to turn on our anti hijacking feature:

Log into your site and click the Preferences link under your Admin links.
Under the "New Classmate Access Rights" section click the radio button next to the "DO NOT ALLOW" feature. With this option enabled hijackers will not be able to access password protected pages on the site, access Classmate Profiles that are restricted by the Classmate, or post a message on the message forum until you have verified the Classmate's identity. The hijackers Profile will also not be visible to other Classmates.

Read the FAQs page quoted above to see suggestions for how to verify the identity of your classmates, and how to approve their profile once you are reasonably satisfied of their identity.

After you enable the new member verification feature, you will need to "verify" (approve) all of the current members of your site.

Edited 04/29/10 1:44 PM
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