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Attending Reunion Icon

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/22/08 02:48 AM Views: 7394 Replies: 25
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 2:48 AM

I would like to see the 'attending reunion' icon inside each person's profile. It would save clicking back to the class list to see if they are attending or not.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 10:04 AM - Response #1

That is a great idea!

It would also be nice if we could print out more reports like a list of who is attending the reunion, birthday, etc.

Another great feature would be a search function. There are many times that a classmate puts something on their profile or on the message board and then later a topic or interest is brought up and I can't remember who's occupation would be able to help or who mentioned what without having to go on a scavenger hunt trying to remember who it was that mentioned it.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 10:18 AM - Response #2

I have two concerns about this, and maybe others can weigh in:

1) The icon alone may not mean anything to many Classmates, especially newer Classmates who are not familiar with all the icons yet. Wherever there are icons there should be a corresponding key, and I wouldn't want to put a key in people's personal Profiles.

2) Instead of the icon we could easily add an "Attending Reunion" field to the Profile and have a Yes or No showing. My concern there is in the beginning all answers will be No. As Classamtes are personally responsible for their own Profile page, the No there may make a stronger indication to Classmates that the individual is NOT coming to the reunion and has deliberately entered this "No" him or herself, when in reality the Classmate may be coming to the Reunion but has simply not yet registered.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 10:55 AM - Response #3

Why would you have to have a yes or no option? Is there no way to program it so that if they choose "yes" it puts it on their profile and the "no" would not have to be there at all? Similar to the last updated that you just added to the profiles.

Edited 07/22/08 10:56 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 11:24 AM - Response #4

Yes, although I'm sure with the field present on some Profiles, and not present on others, some people are likely to ask why the Attending Reunion field is missing on many Profiles. Overall though I'm good with this solution. Anyone else like to weigh in?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 2:51 PM - Response #5

I think a 'no' would be great - that way I know who definitely can't come!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 5:20 PM - Response #6

But even people who are coming would all be set to "No" until they've signed in and registered. I'm concerned Classamtes will think the "No" means the person is simply not coming, which really isn't what you want people to think if the Classmate is ultimately planning to register and attend. As you know people don't all register right away. I'm more in favor of omitting the field completely in personal Profiles until such time that the answer is Yes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 5:57 PM - Response #7

Can it be blank - and then when they state yes or no, it identifies that answer?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 7:27 PM - Response #8

You guys are makin' me think tonight.

I would say yes. That would solve the problem of the field being on some profiles and not on others, which is surely going to lead to some questions. Showing the field but leaving the answer blank until such time that the answer becomes "yes" I think is the ideal solution.

Folks, this is how Class Creator became what is is, and how it will continue evolving. I don't always have the right answer, but most of the time you guys do.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 12:12 PM - Response #9

I think that's a good solution, Brad.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 3:28 PM - Response #10

That was fast!! I noticed they added the blurb 'attending reunion: YES' to profiles of those attending!! Thanks for such quick action on that!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 4:24 PM - Response #11

Yes, at the moment it's only showing at all if you have answered Yes. Let's leave it that way for now and see if it leads to questions or not.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 5:10 PM - Response #12

Brad Switzer wrote:

Yes, at the moment it's only showing at all if you have answered Yes. Let's leave it that way for now and see if it leads to questions or not.

I think it will work well.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 9:51 PM - Response #13

I noticed the 'yes' today...I like that...

Maybe there could be 3 answers...

Yes, No, Maybe

Makes sense if they haven't answered to not display anything but would be nice to know if someone is thinking about it so we could follow up as the reunion gets closer. And, if they actually have answered 'No', would be good to display that as well...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 10:01 PM - Response #14

Dave Kauffman wrote:

I noticed the 'yes' today...I like that...

Maybe there could be 3 answers...

Yes, No, Maybe

Makes sense if they haven't answered to not display anything but would be nice to know if someone is thinking about it so we could follow up as the reunion gets closer. And, if they actually have answered 'No', would be good to display that as well...

I'm happy with the YES. I think having 'maybe' would leave it open for people to be non-committal. We have enough people humming and hawing and leaving it to the last minute without giving them the opportunity to sit on the fence even longer.

At least they can change a yes to no or vice versa. Maybe leaves too many holes IMHO.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 10:48 PM - Response #15

What they mark in their profile doesn't actually place the order...This is just their 'intention'. Some are undecided and this lets us know that so we can nudge them.

We have a whole bunch of folks that have marked 'yes', but have not 'registered' and placed the 'order' yet.

We'll be sending out reminder/clarification for those they have done that.

For those on the fence, we'll send a different trying to encourage them to decide to come or other classmates may do that as well.

I noticed that other similar sites have the maybe option and it seems popular -- maybe you're right though and they are procrastinating Smile

I like the option mostly because some have not answered what their intention is at all. I'd rather have an answer of some sort than no answer.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 11:39 PM - Response #16

Dave Kauffman wrote:

What they mark in their profile doesn't actually place the order...This is just their 'intention'. Some are undecided and this lets us know that so we can nudge them.

We have a whole bunch of folks that have marked 'yes', but have not 'registered' and placed the 'order' yet.

We'll be sending out reminder/clarification for those they have done that.

For those on the fence, we'll send a different trying to encourage them to decide to come or other classmates may do that as well.

I noticed that other similar sites have the maybe option and it seems popular -- maybe you're right though and they are procrastinating Smile

I like the option mostly because some have not answered what their intention is at all. I'd rather have an answer of some sort than no answer.

I agree. I'd love to get an answer either way from people. The procrastination drives me up the wall. Many seems caught up in high school wondering who is going to be there and who won't. Sally won't come if her ex Joe is going to be there, but she will go if Bob will be. It's ridiculous! They don't seem to realize the work that goes into organizing this.

Just the other day, I got an email asking if we could change our rule of no tickets sold at the door. The person stated that some people haven't decided whether they're coming and they want to have the option to come at the last minute.

We need to give the venue a final count for the food a few days before the event and we need to ensure cheques have cleared. Not only that, since we have gone to such great lengths to organize the reunion, our committee would like the opportunity to enjoy the reunion and socialize without having to sit at the door selling tickets.

Some people just don't get it.

Friday, August 8, 2008 at 10:29 AM - Response #17

I don't see this option in my members' profiles is there something I have to do?

Friday, August 8, 2008 at 10:55 AM - Response #18

Yes. You don't have an active reunion on your site. You need to go into your Reunion Planner and turn on a reunion. Even if you don't utilize any of the functionality in there at all, you should at least take the information from your Reunion Information customizable link page, and move it into your Reunion Planner page instead. Not to mention that will free up 1 of your Customizable Links.

Friday, August 8, 2008 at 1:05 PM - Response #19

I love the feature of being able to look at someones profile and seeing the yes if they are attending the reunion. Thank you!

And we too are having issues with people buying at the last minute and wanting to purchase at the door. And we've also heard rumors of people just wanting to attend the free mixer on Friday night without having to pay for Saturday. We'd hate to do away with the Friday night alumni only....any suggestions?

We've had so much fun with this site, thanks!

Edited 08/08/08 1:21 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008 at 1:14 PM - Response #20

There is currently no export option. We will be replacing your Reunion Planner custom questions with essentially a copy of your Survey Maker instead. This will allow for far better reporting than we could produce right now (e.g. how many people are having the chicken dinner, how many people are having vegetarian, etc.). This and more are coming in "Reunion Planner II", which will be several months in the making.

Friday, August 8, 2008 at 1:24 PM - Response #21

Thanks. I hadn't looked far enough into other topics to find the answer...Smile

Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 12:09 AM - Response #22

Carla Weller wrote:

I love the feature of being able to look at someones profile and seeing the yes if they are attending the reunion. Thank you!

And we too are having issues with people buying at the last minute and wanting to purchase at the door. And we've also heard rumors of people just wanting to attend the free mixer on Friday night without having to pay for Saturday. We'd hate to do away with the Friday night alumni only....any suggestions?

We've had so much fun with this site, thanks!

I think the way to get around this is to charge something for the alumni night. It sounds like people are more willing to attend a free event and that has sort of bitten you in the bum.

You could make it a package price or charge a certain amount for Friday, a different price for Saturday and a package price for both.

Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 12:46 AM - Response #23

I love the icon in the classmates profile that indicates that YES they are attending... I would love to see icons added for the MAYBE's or the NO's, also. To everyone's point, I'm running into the same problems - everyone waiting until the last minute to RSVP, just to see who is or isn't coming. Some marked as a 'maybe' would hopefully encourage other on-the-fencers or definites to send friendly messages encouraging them to attend.

Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 12:47 AM - Response #24

I love the icon in the classmates profile that indicates that YES they are attending... I would love to see icons added for the MAYBE's or the NO's, also. To everyone's point, I'm running into the same problems - everyone waiting until the last minute to RSVP, just to see who is or isn't coming. Some marked as a 'maybe' would hopefully encourage other on-the-fencers or definites to send friendly messages encouraging them to attend.

Sunday, October 12, 2008 at 12:47 AM - Response #25

I love the icon in the classmates profile that indicates that YES they are attending... I would love to see icons added for the MAYBE's or the NO's, also. To everyone's point, I'm running into the same problems - everyone waiting until the last minute to RSVP, just to see who is or isn't coming. Some marked as a 'maybe' would hopefully encourage other on-the-fencers or definites to send friendly messages encouraging them to attend.

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