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Starting Up? Enlist the class to find the rest

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/06/10 04:22 PM Views: 1904 Replies: 5
Friday, August 6, 2010 at 4:22 PM

If you're just getting started on Class Creator, you've probably got an unvalidated list of members, maybe from the directory distributed at the last reunion 10 years in the past.

Here's an announcement I created for Parkside HS of Salisbury MD. You're welcome to utilize this specific idea -- editing the language for your own site and using your own image, of course.

This link points to a specific home page announcement at; it's one of many announcements on their home page. CLICK HERE TO VIEW

You'll need to use the browser "Back" button to return to these Help Forums.

Thanks to Parkside HS Class of 1981 for permission to share this.Idea

Edited 08/06/10 4:25 PM
Friday, August 6, 2010 at 6:18 PM - Response #1

We started our web site in November 2009 for our 40th reunion in August 2011. Our plan was to spend most of the first year just finding people. We are talking about around 700 people, including deceased classmates. So far about 27% have joined and I want to work on that! I really like these ideas. We need some kind of boost. I am going to think it through though. We have already added MANY pictures, choir music so there is much to see. But this information is important and succinct so that people can know and HELP! Thanks for the ideas. Will adjust accordingly of course. You are welcome to go to if you wish. Any ideas would be helpful. I just attended the reunion for the class ahead of us so that's attracting some attention.....

Denise Derge

Monday, August 9, 2010 at 11:06 AM - Response #2

John, Thanks for all your wealth of information and ideas. I'm always learning new things from you !! Have way more to learn.
I did use your find missing classmates announcement, thank you for that. My reunion is in September; I think your message could generate some people at least looking.
I believe I have seen this explained before, maybe even by you -- how do you copy an image from a page (i.e., the image you have of the classmate names and the icons next to them)? I'm using your image at this time, but would like to have our own image.
Appreciate all that you do !!

Monday, August 9, 2010 at 11:21 AM - Response #3

Thanks for your comments.

I learned of "Jing" from the CC Crew and it has been a great program for capturing all or part of a screen. Free version (Pro upgrade is only $14)Idea

Low learning curve so you'll figure it out quickly. You can either save the image to your computer, then upload it as needed for your website OR store it at jing. But if you choose the latter, you won't be able to embed it as an image on your site, just provide a link to it. LIKE THIS

Please don't use the image I showed as it is specific to a someone else's website; I was able to show it here because they gave permission. Embarassed

Edited 08/09/10 11:23 AM
Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 3:45 PM - Response #4

Hey, John --
Good tip here.
A small item, but big enough to be corrected: The Parkside HS site says:


Class members with a gold star have already registered at (Thanks!) We're looking to contact all other class members without gold stars.

Actually, as you know, the gold star means that the classmate has updated his or her profile in the past 6 months. The green check indicates that they've signed up and created a profile. At the start (for the first 6 months), all the green checks will also be gold stars. That will change by Month #7. It's really the classmates without the green checkmark who we'll be wanting to find.

Perhaps you can contact Parkside and they can change it, and your link can stay.

Thanks !
-- Fred

Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 3:52 PM - Response #5

Actually, Parkside caused the problem by adding additional information to profiles. Somehow causing the green check mark. Rolling Eyes

They only opened in early July so those with the gold star are the ones who have actually signed on to the website.

Yes, others using my idea will need to change that language and use their own screen capture appropriate to their situation. Exclamation

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