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I.P. address

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/23/09 10:55 AM Views: 1487 Replies: 8
Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 10:55 AM

i see each message I am receiving has an IP address on it. Is there somewhere where we can verify this? Or what should I do with this information?

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 1:43 PM - Response #1

Do you mean on your Contact Form? If so, we recently started printing the IP address of the sender on the Contact Form submissions. We did it because one class was having trouble with an individual continually sending threatening emails through the contact form. Stuff like this is very rare, but in case anybody has an issue and needs to know where the sender is located, we show the IP address. The IP address can help you determine the city and state somebody is in. You can't track people down to their street address or anything like that. Unless you're having an issue with somebody misusing your Contact Form, just ignore it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 1:51 PM - Response #2

Hey Brad, the only thing about this is, when the administrator replies to someone's Contact Form, to give them the system password, etc., some people will see that they gave away their I.P. Address, for those who have their e-mail set up to include the former message. I have had the same thing happening, but when I reply to the classmate, they can also see that I was given their I.P. Address and some people may be concerned by that, right?

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 4:10 PM - Response #3

I agree with that. I have been send "new" messages.

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 4:34 PM - Response #4

Right. And the way it is now, on the e-mail that comes in from the "postmaster" from Class Creator, there is a small message at the bottom that reads something like, "If you reply to this message you will reply to the classmate, but it also includes a link to the classmate's e-mail address. So the Admin has one of two choices: If the Admin clicks the link, it goes off as a "new" e-mail so the I.P. Address of the classmate does not show. But if the Admin simply replies to the e-mail, and their settings include the former e-mails, then right there, the classmate can see that the Admin now has their I.P. Address. If I were in the opposite end of this, I would not feel comfortable about someone having my I.P. Address. I haven't heard back from the classmate this time, but I just thought I would warn you to check it out.

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 8:57 PM - Response #5

Anywhere you go on the Internet your IP address is often logged. In your own threaded forums you can see all of the IP addresses of the posters. I can see all of your IP addresses right here in my admin forum view.

An IP address can only tell you the region of the world somebody is logging in from. It can't tell you anything more than that, like a street address or anything along those lines. If somebody submits a contact form and you don't want to include the IP address in the reply, you can always remove it. The only other option is we can take it back out and selectively turn it on for classes having a Contact Forum abuse issue.

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 9:03 PM - Response #6

Thanks, Brad. I appreciate the information. Any idea why I was getting those e-mails with only the I.P. address, the ones I sent you today that you requested? Maybe the classmates are sending me the form to request the Admin. password but simply not writing anything in the Subject or Body of the message.

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 9:10 PM - Response #7

I may not get to that 'till tomorrow. Today was my daughter's 4th Birthday and we spent the day on a river cruise. Of course now I have a huge email backlog to work through tomorrow! No though, it shouldn't be possible to leave the message body completely blank.

Edited 08/23/09 9:10 PM
Monday, August 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM - Response #8

off subject, but the whitehouse has my IP address and yes I received david axelrod email. I switched my web search browser to ixquick. they state they do not allow your IP address to be accessed.

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