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Memory DVD

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/28/10 11:24 PM Views: 2072 Replies: 8
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 11:24 PM

I'm compiling a memory DVD for our upcoming reunion. I have angels in the background as the names scroll slowly on the screen. I have also added music. I would like to add inspirational words in between the names: eg: Memories are forever, we miss you, the sky is filled with angels. I need about 40 of these so if anyone has some really nice (happy) words to add about our classmates/teachers I would really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance.

Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 9:56 AM - Response #1

I don't know if it will help or not, but you're welcome to take a look at our in memory slideshow with music, we only added obits from paper, but maybe you'll get an idea from there...

marlene johnson kennedy
class of 1960
McPherson Kansas

Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 12:24 PM - Response #2

How about something short and sweet...lots of possibilities,even when "words fail"...some ideas that come to mind are:
"Gone, but never Forgotten"
"Always in our hearts"
"Friends forever, even in Eternity"
"Treasure the Memory"
"Good Friends, Good Times, Never Good-Bye"
"till we meet again"
"Missing Your Smiling Face"
"Still laughing after all these years..."
"Never a better Friend"
"Legacy of laughter"
"Definition of Friend..."
"Thanks for the memories"
"Entertaining Angels Unaware"

A nice touch would be to personalize it, if possible with adjectives of character qualities. But the above are almost "universal"!
Or you could use phrases from songs, such as "So close, yet so far away"
"Carolina on my mind...", "Tears in Heaven", "Dancing in the moonlight"..."You are so Beautiful" etc

Our Memory page is open, an eclectic compilation of many sources but maybe it will give you some ideas.


Edited 04/30/10 9:20 PM
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 9:13 PM - Response #3

Loved your presentation! Did you create it in PowerPoint? I'm getting ready to make a DVD to show at our 50th reunion. May use some of your ideas. I liked how you had the personal notes about each classmate. Great job.

Edited 04/29/10 9:14 PM
Friday, April 30, 2010 at 7:37 PM - Response #4

I love the Diamond Rio song, "I Believe", and your presentation. Thank you for sharing your In Memory section with us all.

Betsy Savery
Troy High School
Troy, NY
Class of 1963

Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 10:34 PM - Response #5

Thank you Kris. Some very beautiful words.
Very much appreciated.

Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 10:44 PM - Response #6

What an absolutey beautiful video presentation. Well done. Brought tears to my eyes.

Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 11:02 PM - Response #7

Kris, I've viewed a lot of reunion sites, but yours is one of the best. It's a work of art. What a pleasure to see your creative ability.

Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 11:26 PM - Response #8

Thanks for the kind words, Diane, but i cannot really take too much credit...It's a work in progress and a "creative challenge" for me all in hopes that someone shows up at our reunion and as others have said, "find a long lost friend", or perhaps a new "old" friend that helps add meaning to life!
Actually, i have to give credit to Doug Platt for sharing his Remember When page last year, which started some ideas rolling and then i learned how to copy and paste, and dinners have been late ever since!...Thanks Doug!
Many of our pages are open...take whatever you like. Many here have "shared" unknowingly, so thank you to all of them that help spark ideas and share readily! Our Five Decades Back page is Doug's Remember When, with a few additions and the Reunion Humor?Reunion 2010 have ideas meant to help get our class to show up in July! The Insights and Whatever pages are intended to be self explanatory...when you paste, do so through Word, i think, as Brad editing skills stink on ice and i figure i have "time" after the reunion to get that code thing understood! But that rule is the very best and saves tons of time! Thanks Brad and Kyle!
So, thanks again and take whatever you wish...and thanks to everyone for all their help. A year ago, all i knew how to do was find my e-mail! Miracles Happen! They just sometimes take a little longer!

Thanks and Have Fun!

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