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Missing classmates - separate report

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 03/06/23 11:37 PM Views: 589 Replies: 6
Monday, March 6, 2023 at 11:37 PM

Is is possible to get a link for "Missing Classmates".

It would make life so much easier to have this as a link rather than having to download whole list to excel and then try to sort it all out.

Please think about putting this into play!


Monday, March 6, 2023 at 11:59 PM - Response #1


Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 9:54 AM - Response #2

Hi Meg,

The system gives you several option to define what "missing" means on your list.

If you go to Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages > Missing Classmates > Edit Page

You will see the following options:

- Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates who have not joined the site.
- Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no email address entered in the system.
- Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no street address entered in the system.
- Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with neither email address nor street address entered in the system.

The system defaults to the top option. If you change the selection and save your change the list will update based on your selection.

Class Creator Support

Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 4:29 PM - Response #3

Thanks for responding. I was actually looking for an excel report under the edit classmates, reports section. I went by a previous forum post that said to download the whole class list to excel and then sort by joined, then work it from there.

I was suggesting a link for missing classmates to download to excel without ALL classmates download and sorting out the missing ones. This would be in the edit classmates, reports section. Sorry I wasn't clear before.

I am aware of the links Jack and Jessica suggested. Those do not give me an excel report to work with.

Edited 03/19/23 4:46 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 6:01 PM - Response #4
Missing Classmates.xlsx

Does the attached give you what you're looking for? I went to your Missing Classmates page, highlighted all the names on in, then copied and pasted into the attached Excel file.

Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 9:05 PM - Response #5

FC Bock,
It downloads with what appears to be cryptic codes. LOL

I do thank you for looking and sending me this.

What I am really looking for is to be able to download the missing classmates along with admin notes. I have notes from past reunion and have updated stuff over the years.

In another forum post from a few years ago, instructions were: go to manage classmates, and in download sections for reports, to download all classmates with joined date and after it downloads to excel, sort the groups so that joined was separated from ones that didn't.

I am teaching myself excel and it hasn't been fun for me at this point when I am trying to do things with time constraints. Of course what could go wrong is going wrong for me!

I thought, it would have been great if we had that as a quick link option on manage classmates reports section!

Maybe they will think about updating that part one day.

Monday, March 20, 2023 at 4:25 AM - Response #6

Download (save link as) the FC Bock file to your PC. Make sure it stays as .xlsx [iow, do not click on that link). For Firefox, right mouse click when hovering over that link.

Now Excel can open that file on your PC

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