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Manage Classmates "Add Status Controll"

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 06/17/10 01:16 PM Views: 1298 Replies: 3
Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 1:16 PM

Here is the deal, I have volunteers helping contact missing classmates and updating their contact information. Presently there is no way (looking at the list without opening) of knowing who was contacted and if we have a mailing address. I suggest adding two new columns to the details and displaying them on the *class_admin_members_list.cfm page. Not only will this assist in working the list but would also add sort controls for generating mailing lists.

1.“Status” controlled choices from drop down menu
a.   Missing   
b.   Contacted
c.   Joined
d.   Deceased
e.   Please Remove

2 “Contains Address”
a.   Yes
b.   No

Thanks for your consideration,

SH 1980

Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 1:44 PM - Response #1

We'll take a look at this at our next meeting about this area of the system. One workaround for now is you can use the Internal Admin Comments area to include this information. Although it won't come up inside the system on the main list, you can export this information to Excel at any time where you'd have it all in one place. And then just work off the Excel list.

Friday, June 18, 2010 at 8:13 AM - Response #2

We are actually using Google Docs Cool but having two lists is burdensome. I would rather have data entered in CC.

IdeaAnother work around could be to add letter code (a),(C), (R),(M) in front of the First Name this way it appears on the main lists.


Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 2:40 PM - Response #3

I concur with the above suggestion with one minor change. Rather than "Has Address" make it "Has Contact info".
In our class search, I have email addresses, phone numbers and/or addresses. All three are possible ways to contact someone.

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