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Testing a Survey

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 02/04/25 09:03 PM Views: 106 Replies: 3
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 9:03 PM

How do I open up a survey just for the admins to test to make sure it makes sense?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 9:52 PM - Response #1

To test a survey, under Admin Functions > Edit Site Pages, for your survey, under Edit Link, click on "Active." Then, you will be able to fill in the survey choices and see how it looks. Then, uncheck "Active" until you are ready to make the survey live for everyone to see. At that point, click "Active" and all classmates will see the survey.

Edited 02/05/25 2:27 PM
Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 12:31 PM - Response #2

Thanks! I assume that I have to create a an email with a link to the survey, which I did. I requested a test email be sent to me, which its been over 20 min and I have not yet received. I also sent an email to the class and it has not been sent either. Is there a log that I can see if my emails are in queue?

Edited 02/08/25 12:37 PM
Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 4:27 PM - Response #3

The survey will be its own custom page. It's a good idea to alert classmates to the survey via Email the Class. I can't address your issue with test emails. Usually they come through quickly, but sometimes there is a delay. You can see if your email has been sent via Admin Functions > Email the Class and looking under Previous Messages.

Edited 02/08/25 4:29 PM
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