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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/28/10 03:03 PM Views: 1514 Replies: 2
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 3:03 PM

Could it be possible to post the most asked instructions on building your site in the FAQ's?? Like...linking married couples,pages to pages, words to pages, etc etc. Or Maybe in the forum but making the instructions sticky???
I know once you do it you can usually remember it...but it would be nice for all the newbies..and those of us with ole timers disease. Wink
Is anyone else interestedQuestionQuestionWink

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 3:30 PM - Response #1

Heh, well, the current FAQ section really is the most frequently asked questions already. Yea it's a little long I know, but on a rainy afternoon if you read the whole thing you really will learn all the basics of operating a website here. The frequent questions you may have may or may not be similar to the frequent questions other have. Frequent to us is everything that gets asked regularly as a whole, and thus the FAQ section you see in front of you today.

Stay tuned for the return of the Help Videos, which at long last we're about to get back to. Those will probably be more helpful to you than anything else.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 3:42 PM - Response #2

Thanx Brad.

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