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Send invite but got invalid email message

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/07/13 05:13 PM Views: 806 Replies: 1
Friday, June 7, 2013 at 5:13 PM

I tried to send an invite from the classmates profile.

Their email is like:

It doesn't like this address and I got back that an invalid email address message. Note: This email works well from though. Am I missing something here?

IS the same authentication code is used if they log in with this address? Will this stop them when they try to register?

Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 9:40 AM - Response #1

I checked our ClassCreator admin and searched for e-mails addresses using "" and there were about 50 of them. So since this is the first we have heard about this, it is probably only an issue with the SEND INVITE form. It won't stop them from trying to log in or register.

Our programmer couldn't reproduce the issue you are seeing. If you are getting an error page, please attach a screen shot of the error page to this forum post. On a PC, you can take a screen shot can be taken by holding ALT down and pressing PRINT SCREEN button. This will copy the screen shot to the copy/paste buffer. Then go to the PAINT program and crop the image, save the image, and then attach it to the next forum post.

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