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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 7:33 PM
Hi Brad and crew, Please forgive me if this topic has already been addressed, but is there an option to "hide" the message traffic and posts that others leave on friends profiles, etc? While still trying to determine the FB opt in ClassConnector options, many on our site enjoy their low profiles. I always want to respect privacy first and each "update" about others' communications seems like something others might want to opt in or out on. Does this question make sense? While it may be useful to an administrator, it seems like a privacy issue. In a world where everything is tracked, it is still intimidating to those that prefer privacy and minimal information,etc. What are my/our options, if any? Any insights or help in this area would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance. sign me, an old troll in her cave
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 8:01 PM - Response #1
Not sure if this addresses your concern but classmates can prevent others from leaving comments on their profile by not clicking the Classmate Comments box at the bottom of the edit profile page.
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 9:39 PM - Response #2
As this has been raised a few times now, the issue is one of Visibility. If you're following somebody, you're already notified of Profile updates/comments, and of course you already have access to view that information. This same information is replicated on What's New. So it's not anything you don't already have permission to see. Again it's really an issue of Visibility. I.E. I go to a profile and I'm presented with two options: 1) I can send the classmate a private message 2) I can post a public message While I may opt for #2, the expectation is somebody has to go to the Profile to actually view the message. Now, in addition, same message appears on What's New, which is a more prominent location. So again, while the same security settings are honored, some aren't liking the extra visibility of the Public profile message. One might state you could see that same information anyway by just clicking into the profile. While another could state that while that may be true, many people wouldn't. Thus these public profile posts now have more prominence and that's really the heart of the issue here. Can we get an informal vote here? Who wants: 1) Always replicate public Profile posts on What's New 2) Make a new What's New Preference to NOT replicate public Profile posts on What's New While #2 may seem like the no brainer option, i.e. why not give people options, the concern is always the more stuff you add to a system the harder it becomes to figure out and use. We want to KISS whenever we can. Also, turning this off (if we make that an option) is most likely going to make for a lackluster What's New page until we have some additional What's New features in place (several more things are coming here late Spring). Thoughts on this? As always we'll usually do whatever the consensus is.
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 9:47 PM - Response #3
My humble opinion is that you leave the What's New page for things that concern more than one person. It is really not important for the whole class to see that "Sharon wished Tom a Happy Birthday." I am working on getting people to share interesting things about their lives that might have appeal to lots of us. So my vote is to keep the messages floating among classmates on the respective pages and keep What's New for items of interest to all (or most, which is probably more likely, nothing satisfies them all). Gloria W. Moreau, Central High School, Class of 1961, Bridgeport, CT
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 10:31 PM - Response #4
I agree....I don't think people what to see all comments put on every ones profile page. Leave the page for a place where people can carry on a conversation...or announce something that happened in their life etc etc. I like option 2. Having options is good. I will activate the page..which I forgot about...and test it...and let people give their they like it or not??? I know I don't care to see most of what other people say on other peoples profiles..unless I know them. Gloria V. Moreau wrote: My humble opinion is that you leave the What's New page for things that concern more than one person. It is really not important for the whole class to see that "Sharon wished Tom a Happy Birthday." I am working on getting people to share interesting things about their lives that might have appeal to lots of us. So my vote is to keep the messages floating among classmates on the respective pages and keep What's New for items of interest to all (or most, which is probably more likely, nothing satisfies them all). Gloria W. Moreau, Central High School, Class of 1961, Bridgeport, CT
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 11:06 PM - Response #5
Upon reading these posts, will have to spend a bit more time on the past forums and What's New, but I was simply referring to the "Bob sent Bill a message" on such and such a date,etc and then i can read the post, even if it did not concern me,etc and some may find this very much like fodder for gossip, hurt feelings, flashbacks to the discomfort of high school relationships (i.e. popularity,etc) or an intrusion of what they had hoped may be private. Perhaps I am making it too complicated, but many are just getting over their feelings of so many issues and miscommunications,etc and I am trying to get them to see the value of reaching out after all these years and taking a risk to communicate. Funny how some still carry residual things from decades previous, but many have bad feelings,etc from fb posts and they get more misunderstandings in spite of good intentions. Drama is the result and I am trying to minimize the drama element that is so distasteful about fb. (Once again,this old troll's opinion, only.) We have some who work in law enforcement, public positions of sensitive areas who are most private, while others don't care if they post their entire day, but they do that on fb where it is understood that they like others to know what their food looks like,etc. I understand the desire for each, but was hoping for a politically correct option, perhaps. I have not clicked on the fb connection for exactly this purpose, because many do not want to be bombarded with too much information. I am just getting around to trying to get any interfacing going again, before we get our next reunion underway,so do not want to frighten those with a desire for more privacy about the details of their computer posts,etc. We are still a class with many who do not even share more than their name, for whatever reason, so was looking for a happy compromise. Thanks for this discussion and I appreciate any and all help in getting some sore of direction to go forward, on both a private and public agenda. Thanks Brad and Crew and all admins! You are The Best!
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Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 11:33 PM - Response #6
I agree with you completely...some people didn't like other people and we have 4 classes on the website...not everyone knew everyone else and really don't care what the comments are. So far we are not on the FB connection...and we may never be. The jury is out on that one yet. From another ole troll
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Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 12:23 AM - Response #7
I agree with Gloria and others. Let's keep comments between classmates private.
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Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 12:54 AM - Response #8
I believe I brought this up recently. So here is my vote: Posts written on profile pages should be considered with care. Turn them off - allowing classmates the option to allow them. (isn't that already an option?) Add to What's New: 1) Message Forum posts - a simple Jane Doe posted in the Message Forum, see what she wrote. (The page name would change if the page is renamed by the admin.) 2) Same as #1 for the User Forums. 3) Option to include pages & announcement updates offered at the bottom of each. This is what is important to me as an admin.
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Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 10:05 AM - Response #9
I agree with Gloria completely. Originally, I found lots of our classmates using Facebook, so I naturally expected to move that direction. Very, very few have registered to use Class Connection, even after I sent numerous announcement emails. I am leaning back to the direction of eliminating our Class Connection link. To enhance this however, I would like to see discussed changes in the What's New page, similar to what Gloria suggests.
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Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 10:35 AM - Response #10
I'm in favor of NOT replicating profile posts on What'sNew.
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 12:07 AM - Response #11
Good luck with getting people to share regularly. I get cooperation when they hear from a friend that we have been posting a bout a reunion and then they complain they haven't heard about it. That's because they don't update. Then I'm bombarded with "I can't get In the site or my" I do and I am happy to, but if they just made those little corrections when they change address or email - they would be on top of things.
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 10:41 PM - Response #12
Prefer option 2. Only a few joined Class Connection although more seemed interested at first...Not much in What's New but we try to update the home page as often as we can.
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Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 10:57 PM - Response #13
I vote for a preference option. Like many other things, that leaves it up to the admin (and classmates) to decide how they want their site to look and function.
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Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 7:20 PM - Response #14
I agree with not having to see posts of all profile comments and keeping What's New for items that affect the whole class.
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Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 8:35 PM - Response #15
Hi again, Just checking, in case I missed the update. Is there any way we can "hide" personal messages that appear on profiles, in an effort to maintain some privacy. This is one reason so many do not want FB pages, and am trying to find a happy medium, with offering a CC ClassConnection but privacy on our site. Any options to hide other's conversations? While happy that others are finally communicating, it feels like a violation of privacy to me! Appreciate any option to respect the privacy of the messages of others. Is it possible to give the classmate/profilee the option to have their "comments" open or private, rather than the admin determining that level of privacy? Does that make sense? Thanks in advance.
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Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 10:35 PM - Response #16
We'll need to make admin configurable What's New page. I didn't reread this whole thread but I'm sure I mentioned above that messages on Classmates' profiles are definitely not private. Anyone can go and read those. Only Message Center messages are private. Nonetheless I hear and understand the request. I can especially see on larger classes where the messages populating What's New could get overwhelming. For smaller classes it may be a nice option to more or less read all that is new site wide in one convenient place. It should really be up to the admin.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014 at 11:52 PM - Response #17
This should be on by default (i.e. the What's New page should function by default precisely like it does already). If somebody turns this off the entire Recent Classmate Messages section needs to not display. From my response #16 above: " I can especially see on larger classes where the messages populating What's New could get overwhelming. For smaller classes it may be a nice option to more or less read all that is new site wide in one convenient place. It should really be up to the admin." There's many admins, especially from larger classes, who don't want all Profile comments showing up on What's New. Other Admins (especially from smaller or more unified classes) love it. Thus it needs to be an option based on the desired of the Admin/class. Numerous people have asked to turn this off and we're accommodating based on request volume.