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Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 08/05/10 03:31 PM Views: 1195 Replies: 1
Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 3:31 PM

Perhaps the new version you are currently working on already will have this included, if not would you add an "Advanced Search" to your already existing Search? The Advanced Search feature would allow us Admins to be able to go into any message posted on the forum and select the actual TEXT. Example of this: Today several have spoken of a new problem that exists regarding iMac's and a new release of Safari 5.0.1. If I enter in the Search field "Safari 5.0.1" I get NO MATCHES. but see for yourself in a thread "SITE NOT DOWNLOADING".

Thank You

Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 3:38 PM - Response #1

do a search for "Safari 5 0 1" and match ALL WORDS and it works just fine. The "." characters are removed.

you can also search for "imac" and it works just fine.

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