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Add a "5 Minute Rule" on new posts...

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 11/12/10 08:39 PM Views: 2295 Replies: 18
Friday, November 12, 2010 at 8:39 PM

I picked this up from someone else's post a few days ago, but couldn't find it in my quick search...

I am always editing my posts here 2-3-4 times (Yes, I know there's a preview button.)

Rather than sending out the email notices as soon as the author clicks on SAVE, perhaps that click could begin a 5 minute timer that gives the author a chance to fine-tune their post before it sends emails flying off the those who've subscribed to the Forums and/or Threads.

That way those recipients will see the final draft rather than the first one...

Or does CC do that already?

How many other admins here are re-editing their posts here within a given time period just after posting? Rolling Eyes

Edited 11/12/10 8:40 PM
Friday, November 12, 2010 at 10:13 PM - Response #1

I'll let you guys decide this one. Nobody has to save a post until it's finalized, and it's unlikely the majority of the time people are going to get the resulting email notification within the first 5 minutes and come read the post....although clearly it will happen within that 5 minute duration sometimes. Probably not very often. Just thinking out loud.

Friday, November 12, 2010 at 10:26 PM - Response #2

1. I miss ALOT (a well known fact)
2. When did John become a Reunion Coach? I missed that one, for sure.
3. I didn't understand John's question OR the answer.

I feel like such a dimwit...In any case, I will be looking you up on that CC reunion coaching thing come 6 months or so.

Friday, November 12, 2010 at 10:39 PM - Response #3

Hmmm - I often compose my questions in Word [though not this one! LOL] - simply for the spell checker.
I read - re-read, and STILL, Kyle or Brad find errors that I have made or pointed out that I did not read the question thoroughly as well.
One thing I TRY to remember to use is the 'Preview' icon at the bottom of the compose screen.
Yes, I can see how the timer could help, but not a high prority with this admin., but could be helpful to some.

Friday, November 12, 2010 at 11:26 PM - Response #4

I'm one of the guilty ones--even if I do remember to look at a preview, I usually notice a couple more things I'd re-word once I see it on the board. Sometimes I change them, sometimes not. A five-minute delay on sending emails of them would probably help. I'm usually surprised how quickly I get a response anyway, since tech support in other venues is more like overnight. This one works more like live chat! We're spoiled here.

Friday, November 12, 2010 at 11:28 PM - Response #5

Brad, you haven't seen Kyle in action have you? He is so fast on the draw, that I've accused Razz him several times of being on the phone with the sender as his replies are often less than 59 seconds of the senders messages.

I think a five minute time delay is a great idea, but then this may be the last message that I'll be able to post (that is unless someone comes up with a way that I can post here even though I don't have a school site to administer. Working on another plan though that might get me back here sooner than some may think.)

Friday, November 12, 2010 at 11:29 PM - Response #6

Bonita Lyon wrote:

1. I miss ALOT (a well known fact)
2. When did John become a Reunion Coach? I missed that one, for sure.
3. I didn't understand John's question OR the answer.

Sending an e-mail to the class , YOU have several choice's One (Save Draft)

You save a draft and it does not go out until send it. So you have all the ime you need to make any corrections as you like.

John what is the problemQuestionQuestionQuestionQuestionQuestionQuestionQuestionQuestion

Friday, November 12, 2010 at 11:55 PM - Response #7

William & Bonita -- it's NOT the "email the class"; it's the posts right here in the Help Forums that I was wishing for the 5 minute delay.

When someone posts here, you get both their posted message and a link to the thread with that post in the email.

I imagine that what someone sees in the body of the email with my message may not be as accurate, clear or free of mestakes [sic] as if I had that 5 minutes to polish up the point.

[Pause while I check the PREVIEW]
[Resuming - OK I made 2 changes after seeing the preview]
[Clicking SAV...

Now look just below the REPLY and QUOTED REPLY buttons to see that I ended up editing my message by adding this not (sic) after posting it... Rolling EyesRolling EyesRolling EyesRolling Eyes BUT I did it within 5 minutes of the post date above the message.

Edited 11/12/10 11:58 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 10:05 AM - Response #8

John, I'll admit it... I am guilty. Though I use the preview, I have come back to edit immediately after sending. Yet, I seldom edit a simple typo hoping everyone will forgive that.

When I edit, it is when I read through my post (one more time) after posting and believe my message may not be clear enough. Not clear? Yes, there have been times when I reply to an original post or the thread without repeating the situation and someone misses the point of my post. I understand how that happens and have to write again. (Ha! That may be why my posts are so long recently...trying to be clear.) Personally, I try to read the entire thread before I post. There is no need to repeat what everyone has already offered. I'm sure I failed on that one... at least I try.

So, I have a few suggestions:
1) Think twice and ask yourself, do I really need to jump in on this subject?
2) Take extra time before hitting the send button to proof again and again.
3) Do not subscribe to these posts. Schedule "Scan Help Forum Topics" in your daily tasks.

I do receive notices of our posts; each one into my email program and to my BlackBerry. The only thing that bothers me is the sound telling me I've received an email...over and over again. That is something I need to change. Until I do, I deal with it. Smile That includes post corrections, which are just fine with me. My delete button works!

A last minute thought: I've been receiving many duplicate notices - or I think they are 'dupes'. I've been wondering why I am getting so many; I removed a second email address and should not receive two notices per post. Now I wonder...if you are receiving as many duplicate post notifications as I am, are there really that many corrections or is it something else?

My two or three cents worth... and yes, I have re-read and edited this post so much that I opened a Tootsie Roll Pop and finished it! That is way too long to be on one post! Please excuse typos, grammar and anything else that may be 'off' in my post, all. I need to move onto other things and will not be editing after posting. Smile

I hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday!


Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 11:03 AM - Response #9

Seems like a "little thing" in the "Big picture" of things.
My "edits" are often learning experiences that teach me something new", and when adding an image, it often takes much longer, especially if the old computer is not cooperating! (and in my case, the "old troll brain matter"!)
More people probably do not "edit" and are focused on other things, as in a bigger picture of it all.
Seems easy enough to just "deselect" that option of notification and concentrate on all the Good things!
Every day should be about Thanks-giving!

Edited 11/13/10 12:23 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 11:51 AM - Response #10

Thanks Kris!

I should have waited to reply. If this were Facebook, I would have quickly clicked on "LIKE". Smile

While I was away from the computer, I decided there will be very little editing or very few posts in my future.

Thanks again!

Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 12:20 PM - Response #11

Hi Gwen,
Please do not quit posting anything! My point was simply that many of us are not "extremely proficient" in this forum posting thing, and we are on a continuous journey of "learning new things". These forums are a major part of that "learning curve" and without them, it would be quite devastating to those like me that are "self trained" and rely upon Brad and Kyle and their crew to teach us whatever we are to know! Other admins offer great advice and insights.
I just think that the "critique" of each post takes away something from the concept and maybe the "big picture" is what is really important!
Life is too short to worry about "minutiae", and if one has to worry about such petty stuff, the entire process is diminished...many will not "post" anything or ask for fear of being criticized.
Please do not stop posting! It's what makes this all so special and vital to those of us that are "basically clueless" but on a mission to improve our skills and knowledge base!
Thanks for the note, and Please keep "posting"!Cool
Unlike some,i need all the help i can get and almost every post "teaches" me something!!

The journey continues..Cool
Having Fun, anyway!

p.s. I had no idea that this might be an "issue" with anyone...i am probably the most guilty of "editing" challenges! ohwell!Cool
Sorry for any inconvenience!

Edited 11/14/10 12:23 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 12:37 PM - Response #12

Hm, well, I had an experience here with that problem. I know things are monitored quickly. I posted that I had gotten an error message, but then things seemed to be all right. As soon as I posted, I started getting feedback from classmates that they were having problems with the site.

I went back and edited my post to reflect that and wondered if it had already been read with incorrect information.

Five minutes is nice. I also am one of those who remembers something as soon as I close a window and, you know, as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I vote for delay.


Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 2:00 PM - Response #13

Kris wrote:
"I just think that the "critique" of each post takes away something from the concept and maybe the "big picture" is what is really important!
Life is too short to worry about "minutiae", and if one has to worry about such petty stuff, the entire process is diminished...many will not "post" anything or ask for fear of being criticized."

My last post was yesterday and it did have a very quick edit - within a minute of posting. I took John's post personally this morning and apologize if my reply offends anyone. Feel free at anytime to send me a personal note with hints, tips and even critiques. I welcome it all.

In regards to the subject of a five minute delay, I vote no. My personal thought is this is not important at this time. CC has enough on their plates right now. I am so excited about all CC is working on, I am like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Let's not add anything to delay their progress.

I appreciate what you all offer in these forums. Even a simple question has given me an idea without reading a reply. So keep posting and have a great weekend!


Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 2:27 PM - Response #14

Gwen Corey wrote:

Kris wrote:
"I just think that the "critique" of each post takes away something from the concept and maybe the "big picture" is what is really important!
Life is too short to worry about "minutiae", and if one has to worry about such petty stuff, the entire process is diminished...many will not "post" anything or ask for fear of being criticized."

My last post was yesterday and it did have a very quick edit - within a minute of posting. I took John's post personally this morning and apologize if my reply offends anyone. Feel free at anytime to send me a personal note with hints, tips and even critiques. I welcome it all.

In regards to the subject of a five minute delay, I vote no. My personal thought is this is not important at this time. CC has enough on their plates right now. I am so excited about all CC is working on, I am like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. Let's not add anything to delay their progress.

I appreciate what you all offer in these forums. Even a simple question has given me an idea without reading a reply. So keep posting and have a great weekend!


I agree. So far, I don't see the necessity or even an inconvenience. I have no problem proofing, previewing and keep doing till I think I have it right. Bonita

Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 11:13 AM - Response #15

I do it all the time. One I did recently I probably re-edited 5 or 6 times late at night and the next morning, seeing no one had responded to it yet, I decided I wanted to change some things in it. I didn't realize the system was sending out notices each time I made a change.

Not sure that's a concern of mine. Seems more of an idiosyncrasy of the system. Why does it need to send out notices of an update to an existing post? People who've already read it won't know about the change, of course, but new readers will see it. I would think that is my risk. If I wanted to make sure everyone saw my updated thoughts, I'd do a new post.

If someone has responded to a post and I go back and update my post, that's a different matter. I would think the system should flag that.


Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 7:03 PM - Response #16


Unless something has changed recently (last week or so), the system only sends out a notice ONE time. How do you know that it sends out subsequent posts? If you are the creator, you don't receive a copy--just those who subscribe to a particular forum.

If you read the "Subscription Options" at the very bottom of any thread, you will see there is no mention of "edited posts." Now of course, I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time--huh Brad?) So here's your chance to jump in here and correct meLaughing again--or agree with me!Rolling EyesRolling Eyes

Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 8:38 PM - Response #17

John Preview= Edit in my bookLaughing

Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 8:57 PM - Response #18


Sorry, I misread the thread. I thought I was learning for the first time that every time I went back and edited a post a new notice went out. I see now that I had missed the point.

In the immortal words of Emily Litella, "Never Mind". Embarassed

Thanks for catching that.


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