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Mozilla vs. IE

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/29/09 04:55 PM Views: 1337 Replies: 2
Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 4:55 PM

I continue to struggle with views when switching from Mozilla to IE. My home page is a classic example. In IE, it's perfect with about a 3" margin on the right where my background shows. In Mozilla, it's about 1 ". I'm assuming it's a zoom issue but I can't figure out how to match them. Can you help?

Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 9:17 PM - Response #1

I am lucky I have both on two different computers and have never had a problem. I have done editing and uploading also. However I have two different sized screens running two different resolutions. Have you checked those? Beyond that I am of no help.

Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 9:20 PM - Response #2

One thing I should point out is the amount of background image to the right of your site that displays is directly related to the size of the user's screen resolution. People with old 4x3 1024 x 768 displass won't see much of your background image, while users with 16x9 widescreen displays will see a significant amount of the background image.

This unfortunately doesn't explain what you're describing though. I just viewed your site in both browsers and the amount of background image displaying is exactly the same, as it should be. Thus I'm assuming you're right, it's probably something local to your computer, such as your browser magnification settings or something similar. One thing I'm sure of it the vast majority of people are seeing the site background the same in both browsers.

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