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Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 9:34 PM
I have a problem with mates wanting to be a part of the site- then once they get the secret word they just lurk instead of registering their profile. Instead of constantly changing the secret word (cause eventually they will ask for it and lurk again) is there a "gotcha" feature that after a certain amount of time or log ins (connected to a cookie?) a box pops up and says "Don't be a lurker! Register!" or something to that effect. Just thinking...
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Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 9:53 PM - Response #1
No, but you might want to consider putting interesting content on your home page that is only visible to logged in registered users. At the same time you can put content on your home page that is only visible to non logged in Classmates that describes the enticing content you'll get if you're logged in -- and only if you're logged in.
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Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 9:54 PM - Response #2
We have a class full of "lurkers", many different reasons, i suspect for "lurking"...but i decided to leave the "control issues" behind, as it is too stressful for one's immune system and mental health...and anyone who has lived with teenagers realizes that "control" is just an illusion...!so our pages are not locked, private pictures,etc are on survey pages, as are other benefits of registering...we haven't had a problem so far with the im a guest route, but i am trying to respect everyone's place, wherever they are coming from...we have some that are checking it out and finally get up the nerve to commit, others who commit little just because i have "nagged them" and they want to be rid of me...and others who are going through a variety of crisis' of the moment, and may just need a reminder that we are here for them...i am not sure we would have anyone show up at our reunion if i made them feel as many think others did years ago. The town is small and many harbor hurts from slights no one remembers. i am on a quest to get them to "forgive" and forget...and move in a more positive direction. i wish i had a "registree" for every phone call i've made with someone really hurting on the other end, and suspicious of why we would want them to "register", but i present the opportunity as best i can...(and i didn't even like high school! The people were the most interesting part, and i want them to celebrate the fact that we still can celebrate! One never knows the hurts or problems that might be a reality for some, so if they do not "join", i am not taking it personally at this time. Life's too short...then again, what do i know...? Just a thought from my little peanut gallery... Thanks for letting me vent. Fear of the unknown is a mysterious thing! Miracles Happen, they just take a little longer! Hope springs Eternal! kris p.s. i have to say that our most "faithful" members are some that "lurked" for quite some time, reminiscing,etc, and finally decided to "commit" all is never what it seems, and i am learning each day that thinking outside box and coloring outside the lines,etc helps us all grow in many ways. Follow your heart, but keep an open may be just what one person needs in their time of need...and HaveFun!
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Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 11:54 PM - Response #3
Congratulations! You sound like an optimist with a good heart, if I may say so. Michigan just lost tonight to Iowa 28-30. Nade me sad but reading your comments made me less sad. Thanks!
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Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 12:46 AM - Response #4
Thanks, that's kind of you to say...but i have come to realize that my original intent of getting everyone to "register" was not as effective as i had hoped...and yet, those that have seemed to "lurk" are those that might prove to be the most effective, when they are ready...and i have to evaluate my intentions many times over....i hope that a year from now, if i am still alive and have survived our reunion, i can report back that many more have realized that "registering" is not nearly a frightening as they once thought! p.s one of the many ironies of this "journey" is that we chose to homeschool our boys for many reasons, but a big one was my deep aversion to the many, sometimes mysterious,cliques of high school and the many hurt feelings of such an awkward, yet very wonderful time in one's life...I have phoned many classmates and felt fortunate when they answered, yet there are many Life challenges they are going through, many very private, but hurting, but Everyone has something wonderful to offer, all are not as visible or obvious as others, but no less valuable, and every "friendship" has it's own beauty. Never undersetimate the wonder and joy of the "journey"! i hope and pray that others will find this truth as we plan "reunions" whether over the internet or in person. Sorry for "old-timerz" moments are getting quite frequent! But it keeps things "Fun"! Yeehah! Thanks again!
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Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 1:31 AM - Response #5
I have a different opinion on the lurking. It is important for people to register so you have their information. The classmate information is what makes it worth your time and money to maintain the site. The most difficult part of planning reunions is to find your classamtes. If people are lurking, you have no idea who you have/have not found. I post content that the lurkiers can see on the home page because if they found the site, at least I can provide them the information I hope to spread. The good (private) stuff... the pictures, forums and classmate profiles are visible only to registered members.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 1:52 AM - Response #6
I agree that each must answer that question for their own site...and i was just chiming in, as i have come to the conclusion, be it "right" or not so much...that perhaps those that need the "jokes" and some of the "stuff" i pass along, just may be the "lurkers", those that may need a little encouragement to get them through their day,etc. My instinct was to be otherwise, but that didn't work so well, and i perceived that somewhere, somehow, the right ones will join when they are supposed to and when they are ready...and some will never join, some want the perks without the "commitment", and i have probably offended almost everyone in some way or another, without even trying...So, since i do not know what all others are going through, i am trusting that it will all work out. Many family members have found their loved ones, some have "googled" their names to find a delightful surprise, and others do not want to be "found" by anything more than an e-mail...and many do not want anything to do with a computer! So, i forge head in my ignorance, ever hopeful for those Miracles, that take a little longer! If one person can find what they might need, whether a long lost friend or some reason to keep looking for their Joy, than so be it. Those that "register" do find more surprises, but then again, some have signed up just to shut me up and never use the site or bother to read anything! Hope springs Eternal! Life is way too short, and too many of us, or favorite loved ones are gone too soon! So thanks for letting me voice my "control" issues (the more i have tried to control anything, i find that i really have no control, but i am a bit of an old Life goes on!) Does anyone have any insights that might help?! Lots of wisdom and experience out there...Please share! Thanks again!
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Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 2:31 PM - Response #7
I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, but I don't give out a passwords at all. If they ask to get into the site, I just tell them, all you have to do is click on the "Classmate Profiles" link and look for your name, it will promt you from there, this way you can get in and see anything on the site. So far it really hasn't been a problem. They always end up joining. I have a very eye apealing site and there is a lot to see and I add and change things all of the time and I still have problems getting people to visit often. I have kind of a flaky class. I am hoping that the new chat room is going to help with that! 
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Monday, October 12, 2009 at 10:07 AM - Response #8
Just a semantic note. In another Forum I've run for 13 years, we used to refer to "Lurkers" - now we call them "Silent Supporters" or "Shy Supporters". In the case of Class Creator, where they can't see if they aren't registered, point out that they control how much information is shared about them for every question and option. Register, see the content, get comfortable and open up later.
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Monday, October 19, 2009 at 1:04 PM - Response #9
I concur. And the selling point is that ONLY registered, logged in members can view YOUR profile -- you wouldn't want it any other way. Put interesting links and teasing pictures on the home page that links to the Forums or the content pages, but set them both so they can only be viewed by logged in members.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 9:33 PM - Response #10
Just wondering where everyone's thought on this still is? I'm always reluctant to give out a password to the site and have encouraged classmates to register. I think I do this to make sure hackers aren't the ones really trying to access the site. I also don't know why there are classmates that expect me to do the work for's weird. Hmmmph!! lol
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Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 10:15 AM - Response #11
I am the site admin for our website and wife to the actual classmate. When I have someone email me for the password, I of course ask my husband: 1. If he remembers them 2. Look them up in the yearbook 3. Email the person back to give me more information about them to "qualify" them if they're a Guest. We have classmates from other classes that visit our site and word is getting around! I've tried to get the class of 68 (after ours) to start their own website too but may end up getting a multi-year site started to include them.