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Centered Formats

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 07/20/08 10:38 AM Views: 1513 Replies: 1
Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 10:38 AM

Hi Brad, I know I asked you this in an e-mail but didn't get the answer I needed. I want our site page centered. I think it gives the site more polish and a more professional look. (By the way, I like the way the new ClassCreator site looks, especially with the centering.)

You indicated that some of the templates are centered but I am finding when I go in to select a new format none of them center our site. I have already adjusted the display as you advised in your e-mail. I see this page centered just fine.

Please let me know which template format I can use to center our site. Thanks.

Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 12:04 PM - Response #1

All current templates are left justified. It's possible you are running a high screen resolution and thus seeing quite a bit of blank space to the right of your site. The amount of space you see will be directly in relation to the size of your screen resolution.

The plan is to develop new templates over the course of time, such as our upcoming Photoshop templates, that will offer the ultimate in design customizability. We have no plans to change any of the current templates. They were developed to work with resolutions 1024 pixels wide or higher and be compatible with 100% of your Classmates' displays. But now monitors are not only going higher resolution, they are also going wide screen to match the new HDTV format. So we will be developing future templates taking these industry changes into account as well.

I don't have a specific date as to when new templates will be released, but as mentioned, they will be released periodically over time. We've recently been far more focused on the technical aspects of our system to make sure it actually works. You may have noticed awhile back that we "drove the system into a brick wall" as 100,000 Classmates signed up seemingly overnight and our hardware wasn't prepared to handle the massive traffic. That sent us into a qundary updating software, database back end systems, multiple server clusters and so forth and so on to keep the system running smoothly for all (have ya noticed the great performance lately?). I'm mentinoing this just so you understand some of the issues we face over here. I wish we could develop many new templates all the time, but sometimes things such as keeping the system actually running intervene. Smile I do want you to know that new templates that will be more to your personal liking are on the dockett.

Edited 07/20/08 12:07 PM
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