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Add a classmate

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/18/10 03:06 AM Views: 1622 Replies: 3
Monday, January 18, 2010 at 3:06 AM

After I add a new classmate, where are the instructions that I send them telling them what to do.
Where do they click when they first login?
How do they set a password?
Thank you

Monday, January 18, 2010 at 3:22 AM - Response #1

Welcome Cindy.

That's what the Member Wizard is for. The Member Wizard is a 5 step process that walks the Classmate through joining the site. Here's the important things you want to do:

1) Add all Classmate names and email addresses you can find
2) Use your "Email The Class" feature to invite your Classmates to join your site
3) In your email tell your Classmates to click the Classmate Profiles link and then click on their own name to join

Once they've done this the Member Wizard begins and the Classmate will easily be able to join the site and begin navigating around.

Monday, January 18, 2010 at 11:36 AM - Response #2


Our membership is now over 450, and I concur with CC, but as you find new people they tend to still have a difficulty. So we added this paragraph to the top of the home page to help them along.

Welcome to ‘MoVal’ where ‘Here you will always be forever young.’ Vikings from 1966 -- 1981, we would love for you to join us. Just find your year & name in the Viking Profiles and fill in the information. Those that grew up in the ‘Val’ and went to ‘MoVal’ are eligible to join. This also means teachers too, you are in Teacher Profiles. ‘Here you will always be forever young.’


Monday, January 18, 2010 at 11:44 AM - Response #3

Another suggestion, adding on to Terry's suggestion, is to have the announcement appear at the top of the Home Page and make the announcement visible to NON-LOGGED IN Classmates only.

That way, only those who can't sign in will see the announcement.

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