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Criteria for missing classmates

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 05/08/13 07:11 PM Views: 1250 Replies: 8
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 7:11 PM

Is it possible to manually create a missing classmate list? We're setting up our 50th reunion site and we have about 90 people for whom we have email addresses and mailing addresses but we're not sure that either is current, and we'd like those 90 people to appear on our missing classmate list so we can enlist other classmates' help in verifying these addresses. But we don't want to blank out the existing addresses we have because some of them or many of them may be correct. Is there any way to elect criteria other than the choices we currently have?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, we just set up the site a week ago and we're newbies at this!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 7:52 PM - Response #1

Edit Site Pages, Edit Missing Classmates, you have these choices

Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates who have not joined the site.
Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no email address entered in the system.
Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no street address entered in the system.
Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with neither email address nor street address entered in the system.

You currently have the bottom item selected.

Then if you find someone who is on the missing page that doesn't belong there, there is a "Missing Override" flag you can set on the Manage Classmates, Enter/Edit Classmates, then DETAILS and then choose the Missing Ovride.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at 9:18 PM - Response #2

But I don't want to REMOVE people who ARE on the missing list now, I want to ADD people who are NOT on the missing list now. I want to add people whose addresses or email addresses may or may not be correct.

Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 1:41 PM - Response #3

I would consider using the option that says: Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates who have not joined the site.

Sunday, September 1, 2013 at 11:07 PM - Response #4

I have enabled on our site with the first option "all who have not joined the site." I have gone through our list and inputted all the emails, addresses, phones, etc. that are validated and have marked all of those as no longer missing. Now my problem is this, I have a classmate who wants to log in, has never logged in, and is no longer on the "missing" category. How can they do this? This just happened and I had to log into his profile details page with his email and set his password, then log out and email him with his "dummy" password and asked him to change that password when he logged in.

Is there a simpler way? I seem to do things the hard way all of the time.

Thanks, Ann

Edited 09/02/13 11:54 AM
Monday, September 2, 2013 at 12:28 PM - Response #5

Here, at least, a classmate who has never joined can go to the classmate profiles list via the menu and click on his/her name. They'll be asked to join.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 4:57 PM - Response #6

I wish it were that easy! The way I had it set up, the only list that popped up was the "Missing classmate" list, so if they were taken off the Missing list, as we did take many off, they would not be in with the Missing peeps. So, I just realized, after I read your post, that I needed to unlock the Classmate profile list. That did it. Now Missing or not, a new person can not log in!

Thanks for jogging my mind a bit.


Edited 09/03/13 4:58 PM
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 8:32 PM - Response #7

You might consider adding a menu link calling it "Missing Classmates", "Find These Classmates" or whatever, then list the names of those classmates. Any special instructions could be inserted at the top of the page. As people are found simply delete their name. You can make the current Missing Classmates page inactive for the time being.

Edited 09/03/13 8:38 PM
Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 9:03 AM - Response #8

You might already be aware of this, but if logged out of your website, clicking the JOIN HERE link will first try the Classmate Profiles page. If that page is password protected, instead of bringing up the "Please enter the system password" page, it tries to display the Missing Classmate page.

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