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Classmate without email address

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/08/10 05:55 PM Views: 1844 Replies: 6
Monday, March 8, 2010 at 5:55 PM

Can a classmate without an email address but is not lost have their info available to other classmates?
In other words, can they join without an email?

Monday, March 8, 2010 at 6:07 PM - Response #1

Nope. But I'm assuming if they're wanting to join the site that they have access to a computer. And if they have access to a computer, in about 5 minutes they can establish a free or email address. And with that, they can now join the web site.

Monday, March 8, 2010 at 6:20 PM - Response #2

Hmmm - if a classmate does not have/want an email address, we [administrators] can still post the other information for them, correct?
We have several classmates that do not have a computer.

Also, is the email address block the only area that triggers [or turns off] the 'Missing Classmates' feature?

Monday, March 8, 2010 at 6:22 PM - Response #3

He does not have a computer--he conversed over the telephone.

Monday, March 8, 2010 at 6:49 PM - Response #4

Several months ago, I established an Adopt a Classmate program. In an e-mail to the class I asked for volunteers to adopt classmates who did not have computer access. Eight classmates volunteered. I created Word documents that followed the outline of information requested by Class Creator and developed a letter and release to be sent with the forms to the 'no-computer classmates'. Also included in the packet of information for the adoption is a printout of my profile page and one other (with their permission). Each of the adopting classmates sent out the letters and forms, etc. to their adoptions for them complete, including a signed a release for posting on the website. The returned completed forms of those adopted allows for their information to be posted on the website. No adoption is allowed to have their information posted without the signed release - in my hand. I give my adoptions a bogus e-mail address. The bounce backs serve as a good reminder to me to keep in touch with my adoptions. The adopting classmate is responsible to keep their adoptions up to date with website news, be it through snail mail, phone, or carrier pigeon, whatever. Pictures of the adopted classmates have been sent for posting and when done, I send the adoption a printout of their profile page - it works and it is a lot of work, but very rewarding for all. In the regular e-mail to the class, I always mention new website members and if not able to receive e-mail, mention that too.

Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Response #5


Hmmm - if a classmate does not have/want an email address, we [administrators] can still post the other information for them, correct?
We have several classmates that do not have a computer.

Also, is the email address block the only area that triggers [or turns off] the 'Missing Classmates' feature?

Yes if a Classmate does not have/want an email address, you the Administrator can click on your Manage Classmates link and opt to show admin-entered information for Classmates even of those Classmates have not joined the web site.

No, there are several Missing Classmates criteria from which to choose. Many classes have different needs and desires so every time we heard one of those needs we created a new Missing Classmate criteria. Click your Edit Site Pages link, then click the Edit button next to your Missing Classmates page. Set the Missing Classmate criteria of your choice.

Monday, March 8, 2010 at 9:51 PM - Response #6

Kathleen Shelton wrote:

Several months ago, I established an Adopt a Classmate program....

What a great idea, Kathleen! Keeps those members not online in touch and gives some outgoing classmates an opportunity to reconnect.


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