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Active Classmates Percentage

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/25/09 04:03 PM Views: 1569 Replies: 10
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 4:03 PM

Percentage Of
Active Classmates: 50%

This morning it showed 50%, then I received an e-mail announcing yet another classmate joined the site (YES!!) and when I went to the site to read their info...the PofAC dropped to 49???? Did I miss something? Did a classmate drop out?

You would think this was a Monday morning Laughing

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 4:43 PM - Response #1

Did you or another Admin enter anybody else possibly? What I can tell you is you have 80 members. 39 have joined. That's 48.75%, which our system rounds up to an een 49%. Thus your pie chart is correct.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 5:04 PM - Response #2

No, I'm the only admin. Another classmate joined this morning but why would that drop the %? I was all excited because we reached 50%!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 7:08 PM - Response #3

I counted 80 members (86 - 6 deceased classmates). I counted 41 classmates with profiles (classmate profiles filtered by Contains Profile Information). That means it should be 51%

39 classmates are listed if I sort by LAST UPDATED.

The difference between the two numbers is these two classmates:
ODgW member_id=207276 and
ROC member_id=207312

Both of these classmates say "If you are XXX please click here to update your profile" instead of the JOIN HERE message, so they seem to have profiles, but not much (just a birthday and residing in) is included.

What does active classmates mean?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 7:30 PM - Response #4

Active Classmate means that the person has actually joined the site. By definition here, an active Classmate is somebody who has created a password. If you have a password, then our system considers you active.

In this particular case, she has turned on the second radio button at the top of her Clasmate Profiles edit page. That radio button instructs the system to dispaly admin-entered Profile details even if the Classmate has not joined the web site. She's apparently done this twice, which is why you're seeing 41 entries, even though only 39 people have actually joined the site.

Any way you slice it though, there are 80 possible members. 39 of those 80 have actually joined the site. Thus the Active Classmates box is correctly reporting 49% participation.

Unfortunately I realize that none of this is actually answering the question, which is why did the pie chart previously display 50%? And the answer is that I do not know why. Were any Classmate Profiles reset? You're positive no new Classmate names were added? Was anybody on the deceased list taken off (we've seen this happen)? Any of these things could have affected your totals. The only thing I can really do is look at your current count, and see that it is correct.

Edited 03/25/09 7:34 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 8:11 PM - Response #5

I did enter two passwords for two classmates. One who is incarcerated and probably will not get out and the other who is a physician currently serving in Iraq. He asked me to go ahead and enter a password for him. I then sent him an e-mail via my personal e-mail address to let him know what his password is.

Actually, now that I review those two particular classmates, I actually signed in as the individual; I signed myself out, and signed in as him. The other one, per your instructions on missing/incarcerated members, I entered notmissing in their e-mail address line. *However, the incarcerated CM still reflects as not registered.

1) No one was deceased then removed.
2) Three new members did just sign up over the last few days:

I'm so confused...Confused

How can I now reflect these classmates as not really being missing but rather as registered classmates?

**NOTE: I changed the two above mentioned classmates profiles to reflect that they have not registered. The reason they had a check mark beside their name was because I entered all info I currently had on classmates, whether it be an e-mail address or snail mail - as these two particular classmates had. Once the city and state were removed, the system reflected they have not registered. However, it did not affect the pie chart.

***BRAD: there is no second radio button at the top of classmate profiles to check. Is that correct? Again, the only way to remove that check mark was to remove their city and state from the snail mail address.

Edited 03/25/09 9:24 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 10:33 PM - Response #6

Whew! -- Ok, let's take it from the top:

1) You can't just enter a password for a Clasmate. You have to actually join the site on behalf of that Classmate. I.E. you have to complete the 5 step member wizard. So when you say you entered a password for two individuals, I'm assuming you mean you actually joined the site on their behalf. The ONLY way you can enter a password for somebody without actually joining is if you're setting up an account for a Non Displaying Guest Member. I'm assuming this wasn't what you were doing.

2) Regarding the incarserated Classmate, did you actually join the site on his behalf? Or did you simply enter "notmissing" in his email address field. I.E. does this person have a password now, or no? If the person has no password, then the individual would correctly still appear as not registered. If you HAVE created an account/password for this person, and the person is still showing up as not registered (I don't see how that would be possible) then please private message me the name of the incarserated Classmate so I can check into this.

3) Ok, next, the default "Missing Classmate" criteria is to consider Classmates as "missing" if they have not joined your web site. But we have several other criteria you can also select from if you wish to change the default. I see on your site that you did in fact change the default criteria. You changed it to "Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no email address or street address entered in the system." As a result, any registered Classmates on your site (i.e. they've actually joined your site) are still going to appear on your Missing Classmate list anyway if the Classmate has not entered a street address into their Profile. If this isn't what you want, then you should change your Missing Classmate criteria back to the default.

4) Finally, there IS in fact a second radio button that changes what information is displayed on your Classmates' Profiles. It's not your actual Classmate Profiles page, but rather it's an option in your Administration area. Click on Manage Classmates, then click the Enter/Edit Classmates Manually button. On the top of that page you will see the top radio button tells your site to ONLY display Clasmate details if the Classmate has actually joined your web site. That's the default. The second radio button at the top of the page tells your site to display information entered by an Admin even if the Classmate has not joined your site. This option is frequently by "older" Classes, where many Classmates simply aren't going to be personally participating, but the Admin wants information entered to display anyway. If this is not what you want, then you should change that option back to the default radio button to only show Classmate Profile details if the Classmate has actually joined your site.

Ok there you have it. I hope this sheds some light on the various options and configurations.

Edited 03/25/09 10:35 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 11:54 PM - Response #7

Ok...I'll attempt to answer Shocked

1. No, I did not just enter a password for a Classmate. For the one Classmate who is in Iraq, and completed the 5 step member wizard.

2. I did not enter a password or join the site as the incarcerated Classmate. I wanted to remove him from the missing classmates and per a previous forum link, was instructed to enter "notmissing" into his e-mail address and this would remove him from the missing classmate list. It in fact did not which takes us to #3...

3. < I see on your site that you did in fact change the default criteria. You changed it to "Consider Missing Classmates to be all Classmates with no email address or street address entered in the system.> This was done because the instruction to enter "notmissing" did not remove the incarcerated Classmate from the missing list. The only way to remove him, was to click this option. I kept getting a message that said something like, that's not a valid e-mail address. So in a futile attempt to get him off the missing list...I clicked this option and BAM he was gone, lol Perhaps I didn't allow the system to "kickin" and remove him.

4. My bad. I changed the buttons back to the default.

All of this head spinning still hasn't addressed my original question why the PofAC said 50% this morning, then after another classmate joined the site, the PofAC dropped to 49%. Thank you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 1:33 AM - Response #8

Ok, by my count we're down to one final issue here: Why is "notmissing" NOT causing your incarcerated Classmate to NOT appear on your Missing Classmates list. I hope that made sense, 'cause it's gettin' late here. So, here's what I want you to do. Change your Missing Classmate criteria back to the default. Then go into incarcerated Classmate's email address and ensure that "notmissing" has been entered in all lower case in the primary email address filed (not the alternate email address field -- I've seen people put it there, and that won't work). If it's there, and incarcerated Classmate is STILL appearing on your Missing Classmate's list anyway, private message me the name of the incarcerated Classmate and I'll go check it out. If it IS working as it's supposed to be, then WHEW, I'm gunna wipe the sweat off my brow on this and call it a wrap.

Edited 03/26/09 1:52 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 1:48 AM - Response #9

It's a will be waiting in the morning Very Happy

Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 1:50 AM - Response #10

GREAT! Smile

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