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Embed a time clock

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 06/13/19 07:07 PM Views: 1109 Replies: 11
Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 7:07 PM

I have a code and do not know how to embed a time clock for our Reunion.

Can I just paste it?

Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 8:46 PM - Response #1

Most of those I've seen need to be pasted on the page you want it to show up on using the "Source" button when you edit the page.

Friday, June 14, 2019 at 10:38 PM - Response #2

I use $2019-05-12$ in my pages to count down to the event in number of days.

It even works in the e-mails I send out to classmates.
Our matrix for reunions shows how many days until each reunion.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 4:23 PM - Response #3

Thank you John and Jim.
I’m working only on an iPhone. While I thought code was embedded in Source by pasting it, I cannot see a time clock. Will look into it when I’m near a PC.

Jim: how are you able to get time clock in email?

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 10:04 PM - Response #4

Actually, it is not a time clock as such.
It counts down the days until the next reunion.

Just type $2019-06-22$ and it will calculate the number of days from today until June 22, 2019
In my reunion matrix I include In just prior, and Days just after the code above.

See if you can visit my site

Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 6:20 PM - Response #5

Thanks, Jim. Appreciate your reply.
I’m leaning more towards displaying a time clock.
Our weather is causing recurring power outages - hope to figure this out soon!

Edited 06/20/19 6:21 PM
Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 10:19 PM - Response #6

I've used THIS site to create and display a countdown clock. They make it easy to create, with your choice of names, date/time, style, colors, etc, and give you the code to paste into Source on a page or in an announcement.

Click on "View Site" to see the one I'm using in an announcement for our 60th reunion.

Edited 06/21/19 12:34 AM
Friday, June 21, 2019 at 7:49 AM - Response #7

Thank you, John!

Friday, September 20, 2019 at 1:40 AM - Response #8

I almost missed getting the countdown up on one year to our reunion. I chose the same countdown as John shared. I'm not thrilled due to how large it is, yet it is responsive. If I find another, I may change it.

John, did you say you had another timer in an announcement? From another source?


John Ralph wrote:

I've used THIS site to create and display a countdown clock. They make it easy to create, with your choice of names, date/time, style, colors, etc, and give you the code to paste into Source on a page or in an announcement.

Click on "View Site" to see the one I'm using in an announcement for our 60th reunion.

Monday, September 23, 2019 at 2:26 PM - Response #9

Gwen Corey wrote:

John, did you say you had another timer in an announcement? From another source?


Gwen, I've probably used half a dozen over the years, but the first time I found that that the one I'd saved wasn't working, I quit saving them and just searched for "Countdown Clock". And it was usually easier to find and create one than modify one. So far, there's always some out there, and I've been able to find one that's easy and seems to work fine.

Monday, September 23, 2019 at 2:51 PM - Response #10

I’m using John’s - it’s perfectly fine! You can view it on our homepage

Monday, September 23, 2019 at 7:53 PM - Response #11

I posted this in another similar thread. It is a countdown clock with code that you can store on YOUR site and not be dependent on any outside reference. IOW it will always be there so long as CC is around. Cool

I'm working on an old tractor so not done but the end product will allow you to set Title, enddate, change the background image or if none the background color, the font color and font size. Maybe other stuff. Need to make it 20px narrower for "classic" if in an announcement.

This is the sample countdown clock page sample countdown clock page.

It will be called something like this
< div id="JVclockdiv" > clock will be here < /div >
< script >
JVcountdown("50th Reunion",12-20-2019,white,40,imageurl); //with backgroundimg
JVcountdown("50th Reunion",12-20-2019,white,40,black); //with backgroundblack

< /script >

(It's actually all there on that page but you have to copy a lot of code. The final product will be much easier.)

Edited 09/23/19 7:59 PM
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