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Survey Results

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 07/19/08 07:31 PM Views: 2390 Replies: 22
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 7:31 PM

Is there any way that you can make it so that we can view survey results by category? For example: I created a survey with three choices (A, B & C). I would like to be able to click on A, for example and see all the members who voted for it and so on. Right now, I have to click on View Results and then click on each individual class member to see how they voted. I hope that makes sense! (Let me know if it doesn't.)

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 8:13 PM - Response #1

We can probably add a link that will allow you to see the list of Classmates who voted for item A, B, C, etc. I just put it on "the list".

Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 6:12 PM - Response #2

I would like to know if it's possible to be notified when people have taken the survey that I have created, so that I don't have to keep checking to see if anyone new has filled it out.

Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 8:52 PM - Response #3

You can't do it now, but that's a good idea. I just added it to our "to do" list. We'll make it optional of course, and it will be per survey. So you'll be able to have al results sent to your email, or not.

Friday, August 15, 2008 at 5:22 PM - Response #4

Another suggestion for the survey. As more people take our survey, the more they have to scroll to see individual answers to click each person's name at the bottom. Would it be possible to put the link to who answered on top of the page rather than on the bottom? I think it's hidden for some people because it's in such an inconspicuous spot.

Also, would it be possible to put a blinky or icon on the customizable link that would automatically display when a new survey is completed?

Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 12:44 AM - Response #5

Cathy Plotnick wrote:

Another suggestion for the survey. As more people take our survey, the more they have to scroll to see individual answers to click each person's name at the bottom. Would it be possible to put the link to who answered on top of the page rather than on the bottom? I think it's hidden for some people because it's in such an inconspicuous spot.

Also, would it be possible to put a blinky or icon on the customizable link that would automatically display when a new survey is completed?

1) You're more right about that than you think even. Individual Classmate responses are not visible to other Classmates at all. Only Administrators can see individual Classmate responses. Because the respondents' names are dynamic, and sometimes extremely long (especially for the large classes) the location is best left only at the bottom of the page. You already know the respondents' names are down there, and Classmates can't see that data down there anyway.

2) No, there is no room for icons on any of the navigational links. You could certainly put a graphic or other verbiage in your body content area though to call attention to your new survey, and/or email the class to let them know a new survey is available.

Edited 08/16/08 12:46 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 1:12 AM - Response #6

Brad Switzer wrote:

Cathy Plotnick wrote:
Another suggestion for the survey. As more people take our survey, the more they have to scroll to see individual answers to click each person's name at the bottom. Would it be possible to put the link to who answered on top of the page rather than on the bottom? I think it's hidden for some people because it's in such an inconspicuous spot.

Also, would it be possible to put a blinky or icon on the customizable link that would automatically display when a new survey is completed?

1) You're more right about that than you think even. Individual Classmate responses are not visible to other Classmates at all. Only Administrators can see individual Classmate responses. Because the respondents' names are dynamic, and sometimes extremely long (especially for the large classes) the location is best left only at the bottom of the page. You already know the respondents' names are down there, and Classmates can't see that data down there anyway.

2) No, there is no room for icons on any of the navigational links. You could certainly put a graphic or other verbiage in your body content area though to call attention to your new survey, and/or email the class to let them know a new survey is available.

Ohhh,I didn't know they couldn't see who actually answered the questions.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 2:53 AM - Response #7

Yup. I went in there and added some verbiage to make it more clear. If Classmates have an awareness that their answers will be visible to all other Classmates, it can easily taint their answers and their propensity to be forthcoming in their responses. It's for this reason we only show individual responses to the Site Administrator.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 2:24 PM - Response #8

Brad Switzer wrote:

Yup. I went in there and added some verbiage to make it more clear. If Classmates have an awareness that their answers will be visible to all other Classmates, it can easily taint their answers and their propensity to be forthcoming in their responses. It's for this reason we only show individual responses to the Site Administrator.

I wonder if it would be possible to give the respondent the choice of whether their identity is visible to others. Maybe when they fill out the survey, there is a radio button to click yes or no to that option.

For our survey, visible identities wouldn't really taint their answers because it's a series of fun questions. I can see the identities being invisible on a poll, but for the survey, perhaps leave it in their hands. In our case, I bet most would allow their IDs to display since it's more of a fun survey rather than one that is a vote or something like that.

What do you think?

Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 5:24 PM - Response #9

Sure we can do that. I'm going to put it a zillion miles down the task list behind many more pressing things, but I think ultimately this is a good idea. So it's now an official task. I'm just gunna copy exactly what I put on the programmer's task list below so you can see how this will play out when we get to this task:

I think the post below is a good idea. Let's do it. If an Administrator makes a survey and allows the results to be visible to the Classmates, then let's append the following two radio buttons to the bottom of the survey before the Submit Survey button:

Allow only Site Administrator to view my answers.
Allow other Classmates to view my answers.

(please have the top radio button selected by default in case somebody misses seeing these options -- I'd rather error on the side of caution)

If the survey results visibily has been left public by the Site Administrator, and there is at least 1 or more Classmates who have opted to let their responses be seen by other Classmates, then let's show the same ajax menu at the bottom of the survey results that the Admin sees, allowing Classmates to drill down to other Classmates' individual answers.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 5:47 PM - Response #10

Would double doses of Pure Canadian Maple Syrup move it up the list?? Wink

Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 8:53 PM - Response #11

Well ya know what, if I drop one of those doses smack dab on the programmer's desk with a sticky note with a link to this task, I bet it will move it up indeed. Smile

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 3:57 PM - Response #12

Brad Switzer wrote:

We can probably add a link that will allow you to see the list of Classmates who voted for item A, B, C, etc. I just put it on "the list".

Has this happened yet? If so how do I get the results, right now I'm using the click on every classmate method. If not is it coming soon? Or if not is there anyway to print a list of everyone who responded along with their response? The list method suggested by the thread starter seems the most efficient way.
Have a Great Day!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 4:02 PM - Response #13

Still on Task List as I did not mark it high priority. It's still comin' though. Right now all 4 programmers are working on high priority tasks only.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 4:18 PM - Response #14

maybe someway to export the results as a spreadsheet, like the classlist... i know i know not high priority... LOL.
High priority meaning threaded boards and realtime stuff?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 4:43 PM - Response #15

We have tasks ranging in priority from 1 to 10. I think right now there are at least 50 priority 1 tasks or so. Fortunately most of them are not a huge deal in terms of programming, we just happen to have some of the larger priority 1 tasks under development at the moment (live chat, threaded forums, photo galleries, new preferences area among others).

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 1:25 AM - Response #16

I checked the survey results the other day and saw that one of your bright little elves added exactly what I was looking for! Thanks to you and your elves! For something not high on the list you guys fixed that fast!

Edited 12/03/08 1:28 AM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 1:28 AM - Response #17

That was elf Kevin. Smile

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 1:41 AM - Response #18

Thanks Kevin! Makes my list making compulsion much easier! Is it 1:42 am where you are Brad? If so, dude you are up way too late or too early! But thanks to your work my class is having another get together and we are fun reconnecting, Thanks guys!

Edited 12/03/08 1:43 AM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 8:49 PM - Response #19

Hey! I just noticed that we can now see who answered each question in the surveys. Before, it was just a lump of answers without any clue who answered. Now, we can see the name under each! BRAVO! That just may earn double maple syrup!

BTW, here's an idea I had. I tranferred all my survey questions to the new profile generator. One of the questions I added for post reunion was asking people to post stories they remember from the reunion itself.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 9:04 PM - Response #20

One other thing... are the results of the survey still hidden to everyone but admin?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 10:34 PM - Response #21

Collective class results can be seen by your Classmates if you allow it in your Survey Maker. If you don't, then all results are for Admin's eyes only.

Individual survey answers have always been visibile by clicking on the Classmate's name -- that's not anything new. Now, pure Canadian maple syryup on our doorstep............THAT would be something new.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 3:15 AM - Response #22

Brad Switzer wrote:

Collective class results can be seen by your Classmates if you allow it in your Survey Maker. If you don't, then all results are for Admin's eyes only.

Individual survey answers have always been visibile by clicking on the Classmate's name -- that's not anything new. Now, pure Canadian maple syryup on our doorstep............THAT would be something new.

Brad, you're just going like gangbusters!! hahahah!!

I think I will have french toast for breakfast tomorrow. Of course it will be slathered with you know what!!!

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