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User Forums for Multi Site

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 12/15/23 03:12 AM Views: 350 Replies: 5
Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:12 AM

Hi Class Creator,

User Forums have been very successful for our single class site with over 1200 posts from classmates. The User Forum generated such interest that for our 50th reunion this year 93 classmates and partners attended reunion events over 2 days with 5 classmates returning to Australia from the USA, London and Europe.

I have recently joined our alumni association and was thinking about proposing a multisite licence using Classcreator for our entire school.

I have trialled a multi-site version and would like to know is there a way to create User groups dedicated to each year. The reality is for most schools the interaction only occurs within classmates for the individuals school year so it is important to make the Forum relevant.

Classmates in 2023 are not going to be that interested in all the events that the class of 1973 plan and similar for other years.

Hope there is a solution for this as it will be the feature I can sell the executive as to why change to Classcreator.

Friday, December 15, 2023 at 12:45 PM - Response #1

User Forums are threaded meaning you can create a separate thread for each year the way we have separate main topics in our support forum. We don't have full copies of the forum for each year, however, you can create links to the various threads for each year if you want to promote them to different groups.

Class Creator Support

Monday, March 11, 2024 at 9:07 PM - Response #2

Hi Jessica,

I am trialling the multi site version and I understand your solution for creating multiple threads, one for each year. (We have operated a single year version for 10+ years)

I can create the Threads under the Admin Forum and this works but I can't access the page via a link if I am an ordinary member, not administrator.

The ultimate aim is to create a Forum page for each year with restrictions that users can post and view Forum posts only for their own year.

Could you pleae provide the detailed steps I need to follow to achieve this goal


Keith Longworth

Monday, March 11, 2024 at 10:43 PM - Response #3

Hi Keith,

The Admin Forums is for admins only. I added the User Forums to your Edit Site Pages area. You can build it all there in the User Forums for the live site.

Some admins live in different states and needed a way for admins only to communicate about planning topics - that is what the admin specific forums is for.

Class Creator Support

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 4:44 PM - Response #4

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for adding User Forums to the multi site we are trialing and responding so quickly.

A few more questions if I may

Is there a way of restricting Post topics using the class year filter? I can only see User Forum having the class filter.

Otherwise is there a way of replicating User Forums on multiple pages so I can use the class year filter on the page?

When clicking on a topic is there some way to display all the posts with content sorted by date in a similar way to what we can see on the Forum in our current single user site?

Edited 03/12/24 7:33 PM
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:12 PM - Response #5

The users forums are a single instance of the multiple thread forum.

The way you are setting it up is the best way

You could create a custom page for each one with a link to the one that is just for that year.

Custom pages can be assigned to a year and then for instance 1973 could link to the forums for 1973

I created a non-active custom page set to class of 1973 only as an example - there would always be this extra step either way whether they went to this dedicated page

or if they went to the main user forums and then selected 1973.



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