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E-mail the Class

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/07/08 02:07 AM Views: 1267 Replies: 3
Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 2:07 AM

Now when I want to e-mail the class; below the e-mail the class is a list of classmates that wasn't there before. Alot of the classmate's names says NO E-Mail. Most of these classmates DO have an e-mail adress. I don't know where this list originated from and don't know how to delete the list!
Please let me know how to get rid of this list. There is no way I can find to edit and delete. HELP!

Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 2:30 AM - Response #1

Stan Patsy Barker wrote:

Now when I want to e-mail the class; below the e-mail the class is a list of classmates that wasn't there before. Alot of the classmate's names says NO E-Mail. Most of these classmates DO have an e-mail adress. I don't know where this list originated from and don't know how to delete the list!
Please let me know how to get rid of this list. There is no way I can find to edit and delete. HELP!

As I understand it, if there is no email listed in their profile, then they will display as no email in 'email the class'.

In my class list, people who haven't joined the site and for whom I have no email display that way.

Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 3:11 AM - Response #2

Correct. If it says "no emails" it's because there is no email address for the Classmate in his or her Profile. Can you point out any Classmate name that says "no email", that DOES have an email address entered into the system?

The mass emailer is the same as it ever was before. Just select all names and send your email. Same thing. No different from ever. The only thing that's actually different is that you can DESELECT Classmate names you might not want to send the maiiing to. This allows you to mail selective parts of your Class, without being forced to ONLY mail your entire class every time. So.....the list you are wanting to get rid of is actually a huge improvement for people.

In your case, you just want to select all names and roll with your mailing just like you've always done. I bet there will come a day though when you want to mail only a certain portion of your class, and you'll be glad the list is there.

Edited 09/07/08 3:13 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 6:58 PM - Response #3

Thanks again---got this figured out to, with alittle help from my forum friends.

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