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Login Screen Request

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 02/23/17 01:43 PM Views: 4189 Replies: 1
Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 1:43 PM

One of our classmates has suggested a change to the login screen when logging in from a mobile device, so I'll pass it on.

Their request: "Have you thought about making a change on the entry login screen where we type our email address? I've noticed on some other sites when you use a mobile device which has a virtual keyboard an ability to launch a special version of the keyboard which immediately displays keys used when typing email addresses, i.e. '@' and '.com'. It certainly speeds up the entry.

Another example is when you're in a field that you might be typing in a pin number the field would shift the keyboard to display numbers rather than the alphabet. Keyboards can change based upon the requirements of the field where the curser is in.
It would really be special if you can figure that out.
Thanks "

Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 2:34 PM - Response #1

Once you login and have the browser save name+pw, one doesn't have to do anything?

I suppose if one is not willing to do that (?), one would have to type it in each time Wink


I just ran into Chrome's 'make mobile friendly' option. This rearranges a website to fit a phone. May or may not work for a site (doesn't for ours because of the way I present images), but it is interesting. Don't know how to get it to go back and forth yet.

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