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Definitions in classmate profiles

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/15/12 06:36 PM Views: 1375 Replies: 7
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 6:36 PM

We like everyone else have numerous ways to look at our classmates. Example - Profiles updated in last six months - seems pretty obvious. But there are a couple that aren't obvious to me and I don't know how to find the difference. E.g. we have 198 profiles containing information and 198 last updated. I shall assume they are the same 198 folks. But we have 199 newest members. How do I determine who is newest but not last updated or without information?

Edited 05/15/12 6:37 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 10:17 AM - Response #1

There is no mechanism in the site to compare which classmates are being counted under which headings. If I were pursuing that informaiton, I would copy the three lists from the page displaying them and paste each one into a column in a spreadsheet, sort each column, and then look for the names where the lists diverge.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 3:18 PM - Response #2

Thanks Eric - I can do that...but I was trying to determine the criteria for how one is counted as "newest members" that would include everyone except one person. Might it me the very first person - me? But within 1 day after me, we had a few more signed up, so that date of 2/7/11 is not it, so it's not that date.

I thought "newest" might be defined as only earlier than N days from today like one year or 18 months but as above that doesn't calculate. I thought it may have something with profile or guests, but my "test" person had nothing except a name, so I added an address and phone (but no state as i didn't want it counted in the population of states) and the difference is still one person.

I haven't actually COUNTED the people - relying on CC for that, so I'm assuming that it includes either all classmates or all classmates and guests too

Someone must know this

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 3:51 PM - Response #3

Actually, the Classmate Profiles page is the next in line to be redesigned (after 'Notify Me' is released). So some of these things you are seeing right now might go away or be enhanced/improved.

Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 3:50 PM - Response #4

OK - I think I may have found the "offending" classmate. Can you please check out Judy N. P. on our site. She is registered; I can see that when I click on her name...but she has no check next to her name indicating her name....maybe some obscure item (to me) is not checked or something. Thanks

Edited 05/17/12 5:35 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 4:26 PM - Response #5

You can see that it IS Judy by clicking on the Classmate Profiles page, clicking on the "Contains profile information: 202" then clicking on the Show By Newest Members: 203. This will cause everyone with a check mark to show up and also those without a checkmark that are included in the 203 newest members. The only one without profile information is Judy.

If you want her to have a check mark, just add some profile information to her profile.

Her profile is completely blank, so it is not interesting, so it doesn't deserve a check mark.

If you think she DOES deserve a check mark (even though her profile is blank), you can change that through this option on the Manage Classmates, Enter/Edit Classmates page:
   On Classmate Profiles, display next to all Classmates who have joined the site
   On Classmate Profiles, display only for those who have filled out profile information

You have the 2nd option checked (only show classmates with information there). Choose the 1st option and EVERYONE who has joined will get a check mark.

Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 5:06 PM - Response #6

Makes TOTAL sense...I was assuming if they had registered on the site they'd show up - but obviously wasn't reading it carefully enough. As it happens, I personally know Judy and since she has been part of our Reunion Committee, it surprised me when I was looking thru a bunch of folks to increase our registration..But I also know that she rarely uses her (very old, ancient and slow) computer so we need to rely on USMail or the phone for her input. It was the box "Newest members" that differed and thus I wasn't looking for anything except that would define what "newest members" meant. You guys have really thought of a lot of stuff - thanks for keeping me continually learning !

Edited 05/17/12 5:10 PM
Friday, May 25, 2012 at 1:26 AM - Response #7

Hi everyone,
I realize the "dilema" is over, but would it not make sense that the "newest" old member would be the one your looking for? Or am I missing the point?

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