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Photo Gallery

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/18/13 03:04 PM Views: 1464 Replies: 10
Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 3:04 PM

How do you allow classmates to upload photos to a Photo Gallery page (not their Profile page) that has been created?

Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 3:21 PM - Response #1

Gallery Creator
Upload Permissions:    

Only Admins: Allows only Site Administrators to upload photos to the gallery.

All Classmates: Allows both Site Administrators and Classmates to participate in uploading photos to the gallery. Each Classmate can create his or her own unique gallery within the master gallery. All photos uploaded by Classmates will be credited to them!

All Classmates, But Approve Photos First: Allows both Site Administrators and Classmates to upload photos, but before photos added by Classmates go live on the site they must be approved by an Administrator first.

Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 3:44 PM - Response #2

Kyle is right. However, I wanted a page of elementary school pictures that was organized by school and the pictures could be placed in year order. The goal is to get as many of the pictures over the years as possible. I started it and will be launching it with the release of Class Connections when that is ready. Wink

So in order to achieve the organization I want, I added an album for classmates to upload and then I move it to the correct album/school and in year order. I opened the page to show you. It will be open for a day or so. Please come back to tell me what you think and share any suggestions you may have! Smile CLICK HERE to view.

Edited 05/18/13 3:46 PM
Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 5:13 PM - Response #3

Thanks, Kyle!
Gwen - Nice job organizing the school photos!

Awhile back, I tried using the Forums for something like this - I set up separate forums for the different grade schools - was hoping to get those that went to grade school together chatting on the forums and uploading pics. No luck but then it's been so long ago that I can't remember if I ever finished what I started and if I eveer sent out notification about the Elementary School forums. Someday, I'll get back at it! : ) I think I like your idea better!

Edited 05/18/13 5:16 PM
Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 5:17 PM - Response #4

So Gwen,

you are saying that all of the albums on that page are ADMIN ONLY upload except the one that is called "Add class pictures here" which is CLASSMATE UPLOAD. Then when someone uploads, you just move it to the proper album and try to keep the "Add class pictures here" gallery empty.

Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 8:12 PM - Response #5

Yes, Kyle. But... I could open each folder and just move the picture, right? Duh, Gwen. I'm telling you... there are times this person should not be working on sites. It is called the wee hours of the morn. Wink

Do I hear a second to open the albums? Wink

Wait a minute. In working on the change, if I open it that an alum can upload to any school... then they will have their own album inside the school album. What I want is to place each class picture in year order. So how I had it was right... unless someone has another way to make it work. If so, please share.

Edited 05/18/13 8:55 PM
Friday, June 28, 2013 at 8:40 PM - Response #6

Gwen - I've just finished setting up a Gallery like this of all our grade schools. How is that you allowed classmates to upload photos to just this one gallery folder? I'm not understanding how to open up the folders only (no other gallery links)for classmates to upload and I'm very leery of opening it up to everyone to upload photos for fear that someone may lose photos or mess it up somehow. Also, how is it that photos are attributed to a particular person? Where is it that credit is given to an individual?

Since doing this in our forums didn't work, maybe this will draw some interest! Thanks for the inspiration!

Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 12:24 AM - Response #7

Hi Rhonda,

As classmates uploaded into the one gallery, I received an email notification. I simply went right in and moved the photos.

If you are concerned more than one person will want to upload at the same time, make more than one gallery for uploads.

Go into my alumni site's Kindergarten - 8th grade.

Click on "Harrison Elementary". At the bottom right of the class picture, you will see the credit given to the classmate. She loaded this photo into the "Add Class Pictures Here" gallery.

Now the HOW... which is key for all admins.

What I suggest is that you open Gallery Creator, pick a gallery and click on PHOTOS. I choose CHANGE PHOTO LOCATIONS to move the photos into the correct school gallery.

I am sure if you consider what you want to do and read the descriptions of the options, you'll have an ah-ha moment. If not, give it a try with a test member (fake member) by uploading a few photos into the one folder and then signing back in as yourself with admin rights to go in to move the photos. If that doesn't help, come back and share where it went wrong. Wink

Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 12:46 AM - Response #8

Thanks, Gwen! I guess the ones that are uploaded by an admin don't show "submitted by" which is where I was getting confused. I do have a fake classmate and will do the "test" uploading to see how it works. If I could only get so lucky as to have a lot of classmates start uploading pics, I'd be happy, happy, happy!

Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 9:40 AM - Response #9

When you click on PHOTOS for a particular gallery, you will see a button "Add Photos for Classmate/Teacher". Here is the description:

"Use this option if you need to upload photos on behalf of a Classmate or Teacher, and want the photos to be attributed to the name of the Classmate instead of yourself."

Rhonda, when I set up the elementary school gallery, I had not read all the options. I am one of those who jump in and run with it. Thanks to my brother-in-law, a senior security analyst, who has been my go-to person for all things computer, that has changed. In working with him via Teamviewer while on the phone, I learned to slow down and read every word. Of course, I do not read each word as slowly but it sure helps to understand exactly what the option is about. Smile

Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 9:45 AM - Response #10

Though I believe we should be learning the options from the descriptions on the page, here are the EDIT PHOTO options for a gallery:

Add photos to this Community Gallery as yourself. All photos uploaded will be attributed to you.

Use this option if you need to upload photos on behalf of a Classmate or Teacher, and want the photos to be attributed to the name of the Classmate instead of yourself.

Select one or more photos in this gallery and move them into a different gallery.

Change one or more photos in this gallery to be attributed to a different Classmate.

Drag and drop photos to quickly rearrange order. Very handy if you need to rearrange a large group of photos.

That's it! Build your galleries... it is not as difficult as it feels when you are first starting. With the options above, you can change the name of the person submitting the photo, move it to another main gallery page and more.


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