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Ready to trash my site!

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 09/06/08 08:20 PM Views: 1633 Replies: 9
Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:20 PM

I'm going to last about five more minutes before I trash my website. Every time I try to delete an announcement or take something off the homepage it comes back! Now I have two music players on there. I keep trying to delete the announcement where I put the first (it was the only place it would work) and now I can't delete the darned thing! It's driving me NUTS!


Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:25 PM - Response #1

Well, first, you should wait about 7 minutes before trashing your web site. I think 5 is a lil' premature. Smile

The best thing to do is click the source button in the upper left corner of your editor. If you have two instances of your plugin code there you'll spot it pretty quickly.

I'm assuming you've fixed everything, as I'm not seeing double anything on your page anymore. Ya see, those extra two minutes can be critical. Smile

Edited 09/06/08 8:25 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:29 PM - Response #2

By the way I hope you don't mind, but when I was in your site I noticed your chat room was 30 pixels too wide to fit on your page, so I resized it just slightly so it doesn't cut off.

For more information why this is necessary see this thread.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:29 PM - Response #3

I click that Source button all the time. Half the time the stuff is there and the other half it's not. I'm still seeing double and I'm beyond frustrated. But, then, the whole class thing has me furious since my "so-called committee" has left me with the whole reunion. Now I know why I hated them 25 years ago.

I'm going to reboot and hope all is well when I turn it back on. I've done websites for years and have never been this ready to toss a site.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:31 PM - Response #4

It sounds to me like you're having a caching issue. I.E. your page is probably actually fixed but your browser is not refreshing. Hit reload or refresh on your page, or better yet, set your browser to always display content on the page fresh each time you hit the page.

If you abandon your site after 7 minutes, you might just end up at......well, I better not say their name here. But trust me, you don't want that.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:32 PM - Response #5

By the way here's some instructions for Internet Explorer I copied from another thread.

You are having a browser caching issue. All browsers are a little different, but here's how you can fix this in Internet Explorer:

1) Click Tools
2) Click Internet Options
3) Click the "Settings" button under the Browser History area.
4) From the 4 options select "Automatially." If for some reason that still doesn't clear it, then select "Every time I visit the web page" instead.

In the unlikely event that doesn't solve the issue either, please clear your cache (i.e. delete your temporary Internet files) -- something may be "stuck" in there for lack of a better explanation.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:54 PM - Response #6

EXCELLENT reply!!!

I've seen that little nuance of IE affect many things!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 10:07 PM - Response #7

I walked away for a while and things seem okay on the site now. Thanks for resizing the chat box. I was wondering how to do that. I'm out of my element not using FrontPage or the Microsoft website software.

Thanks to everyone who sent messages of encouragement. All is well now. Smile

Enjoy the night!

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 10:18 PM - Response #8

Whew! I thought we were gunna hit that 5th minute for a moment there and all would be lost. That was close.

I know everything takes a little getting used to. Just watch what happpens when your site really starts getting out there though -- all of your hard work will pay off. The fun starts now.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 10:55 PM - Response #9

I can attest to that! It does take some time to adjust to a new "system" (even something a simple as going from Front Page to Expression Web). I've probably spent some hundred hours or so on our site and have often wondered if it would all work!

Today, we started advertising the site. Our site is still not quite what I'd like, however, if we waited until it was "perfect", we'd not get the feedback to really make it the site for "OUR CLASS"!

Hang in there kiddo! Change and adaptaion is what life is all about!


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