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Discrepancy on Number Attending Reunion

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/06/08 03:41 PM Views: 1257 Replies: 6
Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 3:41 PM

Not sure if this is a bug or just a misunderstanding of how the system works by me.

On our Classmate Profiles page, class_classmates.cfm, the system counts 17 'Attending Reunion" - which means 17 folks checked the "attending reunion" radio button on their profile.

However, when I visit the Reunion Attendees page (as admin) I only see 11 people.

So does this mean only 11 have used the "Reunion Registration Form"?

If that is the case, no bug.

We'll just have to figure out manually the difference.

But maybe there's a feature request for Reunion Planner v2 - figure out a way to get the two lists to talk to each other.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 3:58 PM - Response #1

Yes, that would be 17 selected the radio button that they would be attending

11 have filled out the "registration form"

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 4:15 PM - Response #2

Most schools offer multiple forms of registration. That's why we allow people to turn on their "attending reunion" icon even if they are not using the website to register. The # displayed is the total # attending your reunion regardless of how they are registering -- that's the # people want to know. I.E. they want to see how many people total are coming. Thus the two lists are already talking together -- that's how you're seeing the total number of classmates coming.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 4:26 PM - Response #3

I guess I expected the class_ReunionSummary.cfm to be the "master list" - since it allowed payment info, etc.

And the way to make it the master would be for admin to manually add anyone who indicated that they were attending (either with mail in form, or checked their profile but didn't use the reg form) to the Reunion Summary.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 4:34 PM - Response #4

You could certainly do that, and of course it wouldn't affect the count. Not all schools are going to add attendees manually to that area though when somebody has turned on their reunion icon without actually reigstering on the site.

The important # people want to see is how many people are coming. Sometimes not enough people coming results in reunion cancellation. Seeing a strong total attending # can help encourage additional registrations and combat the "well if not very many people are going, then I'm not going either" mentality.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 5:38 PM - Response #5


But I always wear many hats...

As a classmate I want to see how many are coming to decide "if I'm going or not" - as yo point out. So the public list count on the classmate profiles page helps there.

And as admin, I need to keep track of who said they were coming (checked the box on their profile), and who has actually registered, and who has actually paid up. So the second list serves that purpose. And there is just a little bit of manual reconciling to do.

With a large list and lots of attenders, keeping the two lists in sync could be a bit of work. I guess admin could download the profile list CVS, sort on the "attending" column, and then compare with the Reunion Attendees listing. That's probably the easiest thing.

Thanks as always for the quick responses and the great software!

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 7:24 PM - Response #6

We'll have to give this some more thought in "Reunion Planner II." Maybe we can have two reports, one that shows actual registrations, and another that shows just the folks who've activated their icon.

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