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Message Centre Instructions

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 09/22/10 05:26 AM Views: 1799 Replies: 4
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 5:26 AM

Hi, everyone.

Could you possibly include some instructions on the Message Centre pages as to how to use it.

The majority of us who are computer savvy will understand what we need to do and where we need to click, but a few of my older Classmates have had to ask me.

On the Select Recipient(s) page if 'Display All Classmates' could be changes to 'Click Here To Display All Classmates' it would help, and then something that tells them they need to click on a name to select a recipient.

Also, many were unaware they could select multiple names. Could you add something to the effect that they need to keep going back into 'Display All Classmates' to choose more people to send the same message to.

The only other thing I'm regularly asked is "when will we be able to add attachments to our messages?" Will that ever be a possibility?

Many thanks for all the improvements you continue to make.

Edited 09/22/10 5:27 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 9:59 PM - Response #1

We'll do 2 things here:

1) Change the text link to a web button instead. No plans to change the wording as none of the other buttons in the system include the "click here" wording, but I think making it a button alone makes it more obvious this is clickable.

2) Replace the current Classmate name selection system with the system you see on the Profile Subscription page. In general it's just more intuitive, no need to keep clicking the link to select more names, etc. Plus it's consistent with other areas of the system so people will already know how to use the Classmate selector tool. Obviously it makes sense to use this feature anywhere in the system where multiple Classmate names need to be selected.

We are currently working on other areas of the system but I've got this noted for our next round of updates to the Message Center.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 10:15 PM - Response #2

I didn't know you could choose multiple names in the message center.. Learn something every day..

Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 6:39 AM - Response #3

Lynda Laughner wrote:

I didn't know you could choose multiple names in the message center.. Learn something every day..

You weren't alone, Lynda. I only found out after guessing it might be a possibility and testing it. One of those things the boys didn't get around to telling us about. They do so much they're allowed to forget - but only occasionally.

Thanks for listening, Brad.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 8:39 AM - Response #4

Mark Foulsham wrote:

Hi, everyone.

The only other thing I'm regularly asked is "when will we be able to add attachments to our messages?" Will that ever be a possibility?

About attachments is talked about in this forum:

Edited 09/23/10 8:39 AM
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