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Page backgounds

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 11/27/09 08:14 PM Views: 2228 Replies: 10
Friday, November 27, 2009 at 8:14 PM

Is it possible to put a different background on individual pages? I would like to put a football background on the "Dream Team" page. Also, can the white default background on the center of each page be changed to a different color?

Thank you for your help. It is muchly appreciated.

Friday, November 27, 2009 at 10:15 PM - Response #1

One yes and one no for you.

Yes, you can put in different backgrounds on different pages, but it's a little harder than what you're doing now with the simple global background setting under the Change Colors link. To put a different background on the other pages you have to do it with JavaScript. It's harder like I said, but it's not overly hard though. This thread will teach you how to do it.

No, you can not change the white background on any of the site designs, although we do have some new designs coming up next year, one of which has a different background color. For the most part white is a good bet. Numerous things are made to work on white, like all kinds of third party plugins and other things.

Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 4:25 PM - Response #2

Thank you for the information about the color change on the center of each page. But, I think I wasn't explicit enough regarding the background question. I currently have fall leaves as the "background" that is created with the Change Color options. So, with that information, is it possible to have different backgrounds that load behind each actual webpage? I don't want to change the background for every page, just the "Football" page.

Again, thank you for your help.

Edited 12/03/09 4:26 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 5:32 PM - Response #3

Glenn Ellen Smith wrote:

Thank you for the information about the color change on the center of each page. But, I think I wasn't explicit enough regarding the background question. I currently have fall leaves as the "background" that is created with the Change Color options. So, with that information, is it possible to have different backgrounds that load behind each actual webpage? I don't want to change the background for every page, just the "Football" page.

Again, thank you for your help.

Just paste this code in your SOURCE of the FOOTBALL page.

Replace the
with the location of the background image you want to use.

Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM - Response #4

Thank you so very much!!! It looks great, at least to me, but then I'm only slightly biased.

You guys are terrific!

Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 9:11 PM - Response #5

Brad, I exchanged 3 notes w/ Ava from Terra Linda Sunday about how she got the background on her CHRISTMAS page. She sent me the code & the gif, which I copied & pasted into an announcement page (I use those as a work area). I got nothing. I know the background (like the black background for my Halloween page) doesn't show in Edit Mode, but it didn't show anywhere that I could find.

Ava's trying to be so helpful, but I just can't make that background work. I have an annc't page in the works called christmaspage. Can you get Ava's Christmas page background onto my work page, and let me know what I'm doing wrong? (Please don't give me a code unless you can tell me how to use it; I've spent the last SIX hours trying Ava's code!)

Thanks so much! D

Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 10:15 PM - Response #6

To Glenn Allen,

May I have a look at your "Dream Team" page?


Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 11:39 PM - Response #7

Kyle Erickson wrote:

...Just paste this code in your SOURCE of the FOOTBALL page.

Interesting that that code you included changed the background of THIS Help Forums page. Rolling EyesRolling Eyes

Monday, December 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM - Response #8

Dale Clark wrote:

Brad, I exchanged 3 notes w/ Ava from Terra Linda Sunday about how she got the background on her CHRISTMAS page. She sent me the code & the gif, which I copied & pasted into an announcement page (I use those as a work area). I got nothing. I know the background (like the black background for my Halloween page) doesn't show in Edit Mode, but it didn't show anywhere that I could find.

Ava's trying to be so helpful, but I just can't make that background work. I have an annc't page in the works called christmaspage. Can you get Ava's Christmas page background onto my work page, and let me know what I'm doing wrong? (Please don't give me a code unless you can tell me how to use it; I've spent the last SIX hours trying Ava's code!)

Thanks so much! D


Ava's codes are not a background code, but a STYLE code. The Style code says to set the text to white and the background as an image for anything that uses the style.

So, in order to use that style, you would need to edit the source of all of the codes you want to have that background and put the following in the SOURCE page: class="divStyle"

I looked at your Christmas page and it seems that you have figured this out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 3:40 PM - Response #9

Brad, I kept all the code from last year's H'een stuff (I store it in the announcement sections for later use.) When I pasted all of it on the Home Page, it all works, but it also completely covered up all the left-margin commands. If I want to add/eliminate anything, I'm up a creek. How do I get the black background to leave the left margin commands alone?

Monday, October 24, 2011 at 2:42 PM - Response #10

Hi Edd,

I'm not seeing what you describe on your site. I checked it out in both Firefox7 and IE8.

You have some style tags in your code for the p (paragraph) and div tags. Those styles apply to p and div elements throughout the whole page, so you have to be careful about the effect of the styles you assign. As for other possible causes, there was so much code in your halloween announcement that I'm not sure I could find the exact problem for you, but you can try picking individual sections out and pasting them in and then reloading the page each time. This will help you pinpoint the section of code that is causing the problem, and then we'll be better able to help you figure out what in that code is giving you the unwanted results.

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