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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/18/08 06:34 PM Views: 24079 Replies: 84
Friday, July 18, 2008 at 6:34 PM

Hi I was just wanting to introduce myself...

My name is Tracy Estrada. I live in California in the Central Valley. I am the mother of 3 girls. Lacie a 21 year old, Heather a.k.a. "Beans" an almost 19 year old and Jenna a 14 month old. GASP! A little over 2 years ago and after being away for 14 years I reluctantly drove to my home town to go to a class reunion/picnic and ended up meeting my husband Morrie there (neither one of us remembers the other from school) and we feel in love instantly. So planning our reunion has some sentimental reasons behind it.

I am the sole planner for mine and my husbands 20th reunion for our class (over 550 graduated.) It is open to all from the class of 88' even if they did not get to officially graduate with the class so the number is even much larger. It It is October 18th of this year with a pre-reunion party on Friday the 17th. There was an original committee formed who did not do any of the planning got in a big fight amongst themselves and disbanded. So March of this year is when I stepped in and started putting the ball in motion. Seven months to plan, organize and find 550 to 700 people is a big feat for 1 person but I have confidence I can do it. I have already located a little over 200 people that have made it to the website and out of that 200 I am expecting a turnout of 250 to 300 in attendance for the reunion. I am hoping to find even more in the next couple of months. Fingers crossed!

I am a stay at home mom. I have my own business making DVD memory scrapbooks (on hold currently due to time constraints), I am the leader/spokesperson for my Neighborhood Network Revitalization Program with my city, I lead a Lupus Support Group, and I am also remodeling my house that was built in 1918! (SLEEP? Who needs sleep?) lol

I hope that everyone on here has a great time with their websites and an even better time with the planning and the success of their reunions.

I look forward to sharing and learning as much as I can about the new features of the website and any good ideas as well as bad ideas learned from trial and error as to what works and does not work in making a FANTASTIC reunion!

Please introduce yourself and include your photo if you can. It is nice to put a face to a name.

Good luck to all of you!

PS If you see anything on my website that you like and would like to use for yours please feel free to use it!

Edited 07/24/08 9:32 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008 at 7:06 PM - Response #1

I'm Cathy. I live in Minnesota, but the reunion is in Calgary, Canada. Myself and several others planned our 10 year reunion and I got the ball rolling over a year ago for our 25th reunion by contacting people with whom I was still in contact. I bought a gold membership at that horrible place that spams you and makes people think they have to pay to read messages. I used the email function there and got some more people. I then created an evite to help get the word out and the domino effect goes through spurts.

We have a committee in Calgary organizing the venue and other things for the reunion slated for Sept. 13. I handle all the technical stuff as well as finding people online, maintaining the contact list for a class of 375.

I was so happy to find Class Creator because it's DA BOMB! I love that it's free and so user friendly.

So far, we have found just over half our graduating class. We are having difficulty finding some people because our school had many students who had a parent in the military. The PMQs and base were literally across the street from our school.

Other than that, we've had a great response and will have about 40% turnout, which we're pretty pleased about.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 7:37 PM - Response #2

I'm Lara and I live in Greenville, MS just a few miles from the Mighty Mississippi River. I'm from the class of 1964 - much older than most who have logged onto this forum. Love it! I am a greandmother of 2 boys. My son lives in Memphis - he's a police officer there. He has one son 9 who lives with his Mom in Burlington, KY. The other boy is 2 1/2 and a real active boy. I'm a retired Special Ed. teacher. My husband, whose from NJ, is also retired. We're livin' on retirement time clocks. HA! Sleep when we want, get up when we want and do what we want.
I'm looking for ideas for our site all the time.We have gone to a 5 year, instead of 10 year reunion. Out of a class of 225 we have lost 39. Only 4 were lost in Vietnam. Thanks to a wonderful classmate who does searching for a living, we have found all but about 10 of our class - mostly women whose married name we don't know. Class Creator has been a great help to our class. I get messages every week how much others are enjoying it. I'm excited about the updates planned, as well as those completed.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 7:41 PM - Response #3

Just had our 30 year. WOW what Fun.....
Have 634 in our graduating class and had 137 show up for the first night. Not bad I figure for 8 weeks of planning and the web site was only up for 7 weeks. This site is da bomb!!! Thanks Brad and the rest of the crew at class creator!!!!!

If you are curious about the bull on our site, we stole it from Sirloin Stockade our Senior stag night and took it to the front lawn of the school and flattened all the tires. There it set Monday morn for school to start. Out of six years of attempts our class was the only one to succeed!!! Wahoooo!!!!

John (Jeff) Buss. Wichita, Kansas...... South High Titans
Me the day I graduated, 30 years ago!!! or was it 3 years ago!!
Yes I do have arms!!!! check out the macrame plant hanger... and yes I graduated in the 70's

Me today.

Edited 10/21/08 6:44 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008 at 7:42 PM - Response #4

My name is Johnny Bankston I live in Mississippi Coast and I am the administrator for the web site and we are having our class reunion in Nov. 7-8 which is the 40th year reunion. In my class we 1300 classmates and I have about 30 members coming to the reunion. The commettee
is having meetings every month until the reunion. And it is looking good so far. We are still looking for other classmates to let them know when the reunion is and where it is.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 7:43 PM - Response #5

Look at you guys, using BBCode like professionals! See Brad! I told you they'd use it!

Anyway, I'm Rick Root, programmer and 1990 Graduate of Saline High School in Michigan. I'm not technically running a site (yet) but with our 20 year reunion coming up soon, we might start using it soon.

I've known Brad for over 20 years, and recently joined the Class Creator team.

That's a picture of me during the Stanley Cup Finals in 2006 when my Carolina Hurricanes went all the way and won it. Normally I don't have a full beard =)

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 8:05 PM - Response #6


That's a picture of me during the Stanley Cup Finals in 2006 when my Carolina Hurricanes went all the way and won it. Normally I don't have a full beard =)

Do you play hockey? My husband does. He is a defensemen for a local team. Robitaille is his idol. We are LA Kings fans, (NO COMMENTS please). We were at the Luc Robitaille retirement ceremony January of 07 and got to meet a lot of the greats. It was awesome!

Edited 07/24/08 9:12 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008 at 8:24 PM - Response #7

Nah, don't play, just a fan! I'm not the athletic type! Very Happy

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 10:05 PM - Response #8

Hi I am getting together our 30 year class reunion pretty much all by my self. We haven't had one since our ten year. I actually didn't even graduate with my class. I got married my sophomore year and have been married 33 years this December. I did get my GED in 1979.However I have been lucky enough to be a stay at home mom of seven for all these years. In 2000 my best childhood friend died from MS 4 weeks after we celebrated our 40th Birthdays together. Just this past December my Best friend I have had for about 23 years was diagnosed With ALS(Lou Gehrigs disease). I think the death of one close friend and illness of another has made me realize just how important friends and memories are. That is why I decided to put together our ckasses reunion. I am very pleased with all the positive responces I am getting. There were 120 in my class and I think at least 3/4 of the class will be attending. I love how easy this website is and my classmates love it also.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 11:21 PM - Response #9

Hi Everyone! My name is Diann and the picture I have attached was taken at my 20-year reunion this past Saturday, July 12th,2008. I am on the far right and I am pictured with 2 fellow reunion committee members. I live east of Cleveland in northeastern Ohio. We have a graduating class of 366 and were able to find about 297 members in 5 months time. We were not the official committee and pulled off a VERY nice event in a very short period of time with almost 1/3 of our class in attendance. It included a 50/50 raffle, $3 and $5 sideboards and many "rebel", our mascot, gift give-aways and we are the talk of the town right now. A great feeling! I am here now because we are going to be switching websites as the one we are currently operating is costing me $15/month. I am hopeful I am able to set this up in the next 6 weeks, as we are scheduled to go live then. A little rough for me because I am so ignorant when it come to technology, I have a 6-year old, 4-year-old, 2-year-old, 11-month-old and I work full-time nights! Like Tracy, luckily I do not require much sleep!! I am just not sure I have enough time for the trial-and-error it is taking my non-techno brain to build this site! We shall see! Thank you to all who are helping...I am sure all of us have very busy lives!! Smile Diann

Edited 07/19/08 1:13 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 12:43 AM - Response #10

Rick Root wrote:

Look at you guys, using BBCode like professionals! See Brad! I told you they'd use it!

Anyway, I'm Rick Root, programmer and 1990 Graduate of Saline High School in Michigan. I'm not technically running a site (yet) but with our 20 year reunion coming up soon, we might start using it soon.

I've known Brad for over 20 years, and recently joined the Class Creator team.

That's a picture of me during the Stanley Cup Finals in 2006 when my Carolina Hurricanes went all the way and won it. Normally I don't have a full beard =)

I have to tell you, Rick, the Carolina Fans were VERY classy! I loved how they sang not only the US National Anthem, but O Canada too. That was a great series!

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 12:44 AM - Response #11

Tracy Estrada wrote:

That's a picture of me during the Stanley Cup Finals in 2006 when my Carolina Hurricanes went all the way and won it. Normally I don't have a full beard =)

Do you play hockey? My husband does. He is a defensemen for a local team.

Robataille is his idol. We are LA Kings fans, (NO COMMENTS please). We were at the Luc Robataille retirement ceremony January of 07 and got to meet a lot of the greats. It was awesome!

Wow Robitaille retired? Sheeesh! I must be getting old. I remember when he was drafted into the NHL!

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 10:02 AM - Response #12

That is just the "hockey room". They have a long hallway that has framed art of all the greats down it. She has every hockey card including every rookie card for every player from every team starting from 1970 to 2006.

Edited 10/21/08 6:40 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 11:21 AM - Response #13

Wow!! That's some hockey room!

I used to hate Gretzky when he was with the Oilers b/c they are Calgary's nemesis and arch rival. The 80's heyday was awesome hockey and I remember some mighty fierce playoff games btwn Calgary and LA too.

I really admire Gretzky. Even though he's the GM of the Phoenix Coyotes and has lived in the States for a long time, he is still actively involved with Canadian hockey and encouraging young boys to play.

Here's a tidbit of trivia about Gretzky: CBC, Canada's national broadcaster had a show/contest called the Greatest Canadian where viewers could vote for who they thought the greatest Canadian is/was. They started with a top 100 with people past and present.

Wayne Gretzky didn't win, but he was in the top 10.

Edited 10/21/08 6:37 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 12:53 PM - Response #14

Hi, my name is Debbie and I live in Memphis, TN. I graduated in 1974 from Caruthersville HS in Caruthersville, MO. I am loving this forum and of course the web site. Brad and the others rock for sure! Our reunion is Labor Day 2009 and just a few of us girls got together to do this because the others let 15 years go by without planning a we took things into our own hands. Would love advice from any of you experts!

Edited 07/19/08 1:20 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 1:11 PM - Response #15

Good afternoon, Kids.....and I say that cause we are planning our 45th reunion for August 9, 2008...the "Old One" here....As Brad can attest to I am not very computer savy!!!

My wife and I live in Arizona, but we graduated from Patrick Henry HS in Minneapolis in 1963. (yes we have known each other since we were 14. Before most of you were born!!!

Five years ago I volunteered to be the "secretary" for our class by trying to locate all 330 classmates for a class Locator/Directory. One thing led to another and we are! We have been pretty successful. We only have 48 we cannot find anywhere!..We know that 37 have passed, and I have managed to get just over 100 to join the website!

Two of our classmates set this site up and kind of sort of dumped it on me... and I have really enjoyed the experience. Brad has been a HUGE help answering all my stupid questions. (He probably wonders why I was put in charge of this).

I was amazed yesterday when I browsed around this site to see what can be done! Music! Pictures! A whole yearbook! Videos! Yes, I ask for all of your indulgence and patience, as I will be seeking help from all of you...

Really looking forward to getting to know each of you in the future.....


And by the way...that school logo is of a very popular catoon character of the 40's and 50' Lil' Henry..I know, it was a long time ago! Now they use the head of one of the patriots of the revolutionary war!

Edited 07/25/08 2:09 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 10:39 AM - Response #16

Hi Jim,

We have something in common. We just moved to Minneapolis from AZ for my husband's job. We lived in Tucson and I miss AZ alot!

Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 5:50 PM - Response #17


You have a great Website.....I will be asking you many questions about how to get music and other thing on ours in the future!!


Edited 07/20/08 5:51 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 6:37 PM - Response #18



You have a great Website.....I will be asking you many questions about how to get music and other thing on ours in the future!!



Monday, July 21, 2008 at 9:55 PM - Response #19

Hello everybody! My name is Michelle Johnson and I live in Springfield, Ohio. I'm the reunion chairperson/website admin for Our 20-year reunion is Oct. 3 and 4, 2008. I've been the chair since day 1, and we've had 5-, 10-, and 15-year reunions along with a very successful Monte Carlo fundraiser for our 15-year reunion, which allowed us to make it FREE for our classmates. I still live in the school district I was raised in, my kids (two boys, Tyler age 10 and Josh will be 8 next month) attend the elementary school MY HUSBAND went to! Their principal used to be my husband's teacher! Several of the teachers in our school district are my fellow classmates. My hubby and I weren't high school sweethearts, although we did "go out" briefly. We actually "got each other's numbers" at another fellow classmate's funeral in 1992. We are a very small community, but very tight. Our class lost its first classmate our sophomore year, and the entire class was excused to attend his funeral. He was my husband's best friend. Now, we've lost 7.

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I stumbled across the classcreator website back in the spring! SUCKS. Twisted Evil Brad, you and your company ROCKS! Cool Very Happy

Anywho ... my husband is a firefighter/paramedic, and I am the City Clerk for a municipality near where we live. My husband is the JV (4th/5th grade) Coach for the PeeWee football team, and even though I don't have any girls, I'm the cheerleading coach for the Varsity squad. We had 203 classmates walk on grad day, but we actually have about 223 listed on the website--47% have logged on and updated their profiles since we launched on May 1st! Woo hoo! Wink We have included those that went to school with us all through elem/middle school, but then moved (we are also near a base--WPAFB), we included those that graduated early, those that didn't graduate ... hmmm Embarassed you know ... EVERYBODY!

I also enjoy checking out everybody's websites! Some are really fabulous! I'm still scammin' ideas! Laughing

Below are my husband's and my grad pics (think I qualify for an AquaNet award???) along with a more recent pic of us (last year on a cruise). My girlfriends and I (some from high school!) just went to a Time Warp prom (all 80's music) and I TRIED to get my hair that big again, but it just wouldn't do it!

Edited 10/21/08 6:42 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 3:13 AM - Response #20

Hi everyone! My name is Kim, and I am from Hernando, Ms. I just got started on here two days ago, so I am in the learning phase! (be gentle with me!) When I happened to email one of the officers from my class {Class of 89, SBEC} that put our 10 yr together and told her that I would help anyway I could, well, she kinda told me that the officers would be more than happy to help ME, because they lived out of town now and it would be easier for me to put our 20 yr together! HA
So, here I am! I have 4 children-Jensen Renee is 11, Tristan Steele is 7, Chase Braedan is 3, and my stepdaughter Ashley is 18. My husband and I met while I was working at the Cotton Club Casino in Greenville, Ms and going to Delta State. We moved back to my home~ Desoto County~ about 8 years ago. I am now a stay at home mother, with a home daycare and I am an Avon Unit Leader.
Any and all suggestions and comments would definitely be appreciated~ 'cuz I am sure clueless!! ha I want our site to be a fun place where everyone of my classmates looks forward to logging in and seeing what is going on!
I would try to put my pic in here, but I can't figure out how to do it!

Edited 07/24/08 3:16 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 11:51 AM - Response #21

WElcome Kimberly!

I noticed you are asking for missing classmates on your homepage, but you don't have your missing list activated. If you go to edit pages, the list of pages will come up. Activate the missing list and choose one of the four display options. That will give a separate page for missing classmates.

Make use of the email classmates feature to let them know about the site and a chain reaction domino effect will happen over a period of time.

The large photo is extremely pixilated. You can't see the faces. You may want to adjust the size of the photo and re-upload it to the site.

Finally, check the sites of others posting here. Right under their name is a link to view their site. You will get lots of ideas from checking everyone else's site.

Good luck!

Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 10:18 PM - Response #22

Thanks so much! I noticed the picture earlier when I logged on, and went in and corrected it! (had a few that had emailed me to tell me about it!). I am now attempting to add music~~ might take me a bit! Smile

Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 10:54 PM - Response #23

Kimberly Long wrote:

Thanks so much! I noticed the picture earlier when I logged on, and went in and corrected it! (had a few that had emailed me to tell me about it!). I am now attempting to add music~~ might take me a bit! Smile

it's a bit of trial and error to learn the ropes. Once you do, you'll be an expert.

Try for music.

Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:26 PM - Response #24

Ok~~got the music to work, and even have a few slideshows~~ take a look at my home page and see what you think!! Now I am gonna work on the chat room thing~~ any suggestions on that part?

Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:48 PM - Response #25

That is great How did you do that picture thing?


Monday, July 28, 2008 at 2:32 AM - Response #26

Thank you!! The slide show? I went to photobucket and did it there, then just posted it as an announcement. (and it took many, many times to get it to work!!) I also remembered in someone's post about resizing the playlist down to 270 with the width and height, so I did that with the slide also. It was coming out way to large and covering the 'Where are they' box. Trust me, it was ALOT of trial and error!! Smile

Monday, July 28, 2008 at 11:24 AM - Response #27

Very cool slideshow, Kimberly!

Monday, July 28, 2008 at 10:38 PM - Response #28

Thank you!! I know my classmates are probably already tired of seeing my face pop into every other frame!! lol told them to send me pics to keep mine out so much!! Laughing

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at 9:51 PM - Response #29

This category got buried, so I thought I post a quick message to get the others to "INTRODUCE YOURSELF!"

GO! Very Happy

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at 10:04 PM - Response #30

Good idea Michelle. I just made this topic "sticky" -- which means it'll always stay at the top of the General Questions forum now so more people will see it in the future.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 4:47 PM - Response #31

Hi, I'm Betsy, and I'm the administrator for our class website, Miami Carol City High School Class of 1969. I started this website about 3 months ago in anticipation of our 40th reunion next summer. Since I no longer live in South Florida, there is a reunion committee working on the reunion itself, and I just handle the website. We had over 900 in our graduating class, and to date almost 160 have joined the site and created a profile. We added a Guest section which includes teachers and a few students from the class before and the class after. Since I have now attached a yearbook photo to every profile (even if they haven't logged in or been found), I'm thinking I no longer need to use one of the customized links for "Senior Pictures", which are entire pages scanned from the yearbook. Especially since I have no more customized links to use.

I want to thank Brad and the ClassCreator staff for all your help - and I've asked for lots of help! Please take a look at my site and give me your suggestions.


Edited 08/13/08 4:53 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 11:52 PM - Response #32

Hi Everyone,

My name is Jodie & I'm one of 7 committee members for our 20 year reunion for La Quinta High School, in Westminster California. But, only 2 of us are actively doing anything. Smile I'm the lucky one that gets to find everyone, run this website, make all the calls & email everyone.

I'm an electrical service planner & have a home based skin care business & somewhere in my free time I work on our reunion! I live in Long Beach with my 2 dogs & am dating a fellow classmate, Larry, from class of 1989.

Unfortunately, I didn't find this site until AFTER the invitations were mailed out and AFTER another (very basic) website was created. I hope to merge the 2 after this reunion ( Luckily, my high school produced many many marriages between classmates so I keep in touch with at least 100 people from my class alone. Out of about 470 people, we found everyone but about 100, then hired a research company, and we are down to only about 17 missing classmates. We only have about 200 emails though, so the phone calls are going to begin this week. We, like other classes I've read about, have a lot of slowpokes to purchase their tickets.

We are only doing a one night event, cost is $88 for class of '88. Up through this Friday, we have had 3 early payment incentive prizes - southwest airline gift certificates, a free reunion ticket, and a free hotel stay the night of the reunion. We are having casino tables, which have been sponsored, we are having signature drinks - the "LaQuintarita" & the "Aztectini". We have tons of door prizes & giveaways, which have been donated by classmates or local businesses. We have about 10 teachers who are coming, and we have negotiated a great hotel room price for everyone. We are having a DJ play all 80's music, and then at the end of the night we are having a live band play, which consists of 2 of our classmates - the lead singer & lead guitar. We MIGHT have a night before event at a nearby restaurant that used to serve alchohol to us underage highschoolers -eh hm!!- they still remember us & said we can have the whole restaurant if we'd like. We just don't want to take a chance that people will over-do it the night before & then not make it to the actual reunion!

Anyway I've really enjoyed learning all about this site, the members, & all the tricks up your sleeves. I'm pretty much brand new at any of this website stuff so I'm learning a lot from you all! thanks! Smile
here's a before:

and after:

Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 2:38 AM - Response #33

Welcome Jodie! Sounds like you have a great reunion planned!

Have you thought of implementing paypal on your site? That may get people paying faster. We did the cheque thing at first and found once we added the Paypal option, payments started coming in at a much quicker rate.

What is this pay by cheque service you have?

Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 4:18 PM - Response #34
Vicki 2008.jpg

I am Vicki O'Neal Hedrick and I live in McKinney, TX however the 40th reunion I'm planning is for Morenci High School in Arizona. I am the committee of "1" and it's a little scary when I had to sign the hotel contract making me liable for the money if we have to cancel!

I have 2 grown sons (my oldest just went to his 20th class reunion in McKinney). I also have 2 wonderful daughter-in-laws and 5 precious grandkids.

The town of Morenci is unusual in itself. It is a open pit copper mining town. As the mine expands, the town moves further away from the pit. Because of that, the town where we grew up in the 1960's no longer exists. This includes our high school which was made of concrete and buried. (So, no high school tours for us!) Because of a nasty strike in 1983 & hard feelings, we choose to have our reunions outside of Morenci in either the Phoenix or Tucson areas.

In planning this reunion I'm shocked at how many of our classmates are deceased. The class of 1969 included 120 students. Our reunion is open to anyone from Morenci regardless of graduating year. I'm hoping to have 50 people attend.

I added Paypal to our site yesterday and I'm hoping that will generate some payments. I invite you to go to our website & am open to suggestions you might have to improve it.

Vicki Hedrick

Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 6:50 PM - Response #35

Hi Vicki,

Where is Morenci in relation to Tucson and Phoenix? I lived in Tucson for three years and miss it alot, except for the summer heat and critters. My dh was in the border patrol.

I like your slide presentation. The only thing is it's too wide and spreads over to your login and password area of the homepage. You can make it smaller by going to edit pages, homepage. Then, right click the box in the edit page and adjust the size to 270 in each sizing box. That will adjust it so it doesn't spill over.

Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 11:41 AM - Response #36

Hi fellow reunion peeps!

My name is Sherry Bazei and I graduated in '89. I live outside of Seattle by I grew in in Lacey, which is next door to the capitol of Olympia.

I've been the head of my reunion committee for almost the entire time. There was a lot of us for our 10 year and though active in the reunion, we really didn't have a committee chair so I took over that job.

This class website is my 3rd that I have created over the years and BY FAR the best and easiest. I can't tell you how many students are getting together on their own and I get e-mails a couple times a week thanking me for putting it together.

One of the biggest reason I put this site together or any site was to get people connected, make it easier to communicate and get people excited about the reunion. My thought is if they have been talking over the last year people will not have as much anxiety about coming to the reunion and once there, it's easier for people to mingle!

Anyway, I want to do a BIG SHOUT OUT to Drew Dallet. My class creator buddy. In the beginning Drew helped me out a lot. Well, some, I don't want him to have a bigger ego about his wesbite skill than he already does.

Anyway, it's been fun looking at everyones sites!

Let me know if I can help in any way!!


Sunday, August 17, 2008 at 5:11 PM - Response #37

Hi, I'm Kendall Wheeler and I live right down the road from Tracy who started this whole thread. Her school is in Madera and mine is in Los Banos even though I live in Fresno. Came across this site just yesterday. I was doing my own site using MS Publisher for 4 years and it just got way too hectic for me to make all the changes manually as they happened so my site was pretty dormant until I found this FREE site and moved all my information over in a mere 4 hours on Saturday.
Anyway, Brad & Root - you rock!!! This is a great tool and I hope you are making enough money on domains to keep this thing going for some time.
I've emailed Brad probably 5 times over the last 12 hours and I have received very speedy responses from him.
Looking forward to stealing some ideas from all you other veteran ClassCreator gurus.

Edited 08/17/08 5:14 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 12:19 AM - Response #38
my babies.jpg


My name is Teresa Bayly, and I am a graduate from Henry Foss High School Class of 1989. I am the Committee Chair for our reunion committee with four other great classmates on the committee. I found this site and found that I like going to a place where noone has to pay for it, and no spam! There are two on the committe who are IT programers and they have the full run and designing of the site.

I am married to the most wonderful man, by the name of Liam Bayly, from Arpington, England and a graduate of Lakes High in Tacoma, WA. I am an at home mom, who is a commercial and residential loan orignator, as well as Co-owner of a Wealth Strategy company, with my husbnd that provides consulting and services in commercial real estate, insurance and mortgages. We have three of the most beautiful children, Dominic 10, Liam 6 and Noni 4! They are the most blessed accomplishments in my life. I sometimes feel like I am loosing my mind with them, but can not imagine my world without them.

We are very active in our community, serving as CubScout Masters, and den leaders. My husband is on the Board of Directors for the Matt Talbott Center, where he teaches a class he designed on "conceive, achieve, and believe", to the participants in the program at the center. This center provides free drug and alcohol counsel, feeding and mentorship programs, as well as, housing for graduated participants in the program, for homeless addicts on the streets of Seattle. I cannot express how moved we have been since meeting the participants in this program. There is nothing like watching someone who did not think they were worthy to live, because they did not value themselves, to seeing the light in their eyes that, " someone loves me and I am a wonderful creation of God." Even with our volunteering and feeding at the center, my husband and I believe, that we have learned alot about ourselves through the lives of these amazing people, who have conquered their addicitons and move back into society as an individual with purpose. I can go on, but that is one of our works that we do outside of our business.

We are busy, but know our limit. By planning this reunion, I certainly have reached mine, and now just want to make a nice and affordable event for the class. It is so cool to see so many other sites that are well made with their own designs.

What we have in mind is this:
Friday: registration, social mixers with hors douevers and cash bar, in the garden and lounge. Also a gift package giveaway for the name game on that night.
Saturday: tour of highschool, late registration, and pre-social and hors douevres and dinner/dance/program. There are several gift packages we are giving away, on this night. movie night basket, NFL basket, ladies night basket,
Sunday: Family picnic: inflatables, for both adults and kids, potato sack race, three legged race, alumni idol, and food! Food will be provided for the event. Go home!

That is all for $100 for three days! alot of the items, we are leveraging client relationships to give donations for the event. Plus, I am writing alot of donation letters with free advertisements on our website when we post. Alot of work is going into this, but so far people are just excited about the news of having a nice reunion.

I look forward to seeing what everyone else is doing with their reunions. There is so much to learn here on the site!

That's all folks

Teresa "Rock" Thomas (Bayly)
ask me later how I got "rock" as a nickname. It is truly humbling...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 4:02 AM - Response #39


I'm so happy you were able to reduce the cost of your event! What you're proposing sounds affordable and fun! Good job!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 10:54 AM - Response #40

Thanks Cathy! I had to omit alot of items from the tickets sales, but we did it! Alot of the things are being donated so it helps with cost! See I did listen to everyone on the site!

Thanks again

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 2:55 PM - Response #41

Sorry it took so long to answer your question. I'm still learning my way around this system.

Morenci is in southeast Arizona in Greenlee County. Our county has 3 towns in it - Morenci, Clifton & Duncan. Safford, you might know better, is only 40 miles from Morenci.

Thanks for the advice on resizing my slide show. I did what you said and it worked.


Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 9:53 PM - Response #42

Hi all! My name is Tammy and I'm a site-aholic. It's been 60 minutes since I checked my site. Graduated in 78 from Manheim Central in Manheim, PA. Went into the Army after school and now my daughter is in the Army, in Iraq, no less. No one wanted to do the work for the reunion then I was sweet-talked into it by my 4th grade friend, Stacey. There were 250 or so who graduated and we have found all but about 27 of them. I am lucky to have put together a group of 14 of us working on the reunion.The site has been an amazing addition to the process. Two friends, who hadn't seen each other in 24 years, spent last Saturday together. It is stories like that that make it all worthwhile. The support network here, not only Brad and crew, but the other administrators as well, has been amazing. Thanks and good luck with your projects. Tam

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 9:12 PM - Response #43

Hi! My name is Jen and I'm from Liberty Bell High School Class of 88 in Winthrop Washington. Our other class admin who helps oodles with everything is Kimber. We just had our 20 year Reunion this last summer and it was a BLAST! I have to say, this fantabulous website made it all the more easy to plan and communicate with everyone. Many virtual brownies for the Class Creator Crew!! Laughing

Edited 09/02/08 9:34 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 4:01 AM - Response #44

And thank you for those virtual brownies Jennifer, much appreciated. Glad your 20 year reunion was a success!

Edited 09/03/08 4:02 AM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 7:09 AM - Response #45

Hi everyone,

I am Bill Wrenn, Class of 1950, Greensboro Senior High School, Greensboro, North Carloina.

We have had 20th, 40th, 50th, 55th, and 58th reunions. I assumed the chair of the reunion committee for the 55th reunion and contiue to be chair. I also maintain the website.

We have just started planning for our 60th reunion coming up in 2010. We plan that the 60th will be the grandest of all our reunions. I plan to do a survey to get ideas of clasmates on what they would like to do on their 60th (to cruise or not is in the options.)

I have found many great ideas from all of you and think that the Class Creator is the best tool that I have seen.
It is easier to use than other web pages that I have used.
Also, this forum is very good place to get new ideas from around the country.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 7:10 AM - Response #46

Hi everyone,

I am Bill Wrenn, Class of 1950, Greensboro Senior High School, Greensboro, North Carloina.

We have had 20th, 40th, 50th, 55th, and 58th reunions. I assumed the chair of the reunion committee for the 55th reunion and contiue to be chair. I also maintain the website.

We have just started planning for our 60th reunion coming up in 2010. We plan that the 60th will be the grandest of all our reunions. I plan to do a survey to get ideas of clasmates on what they would like to do on their 60th (to cruise or not is in the options.)

I have found many great ideas from all of you and think that the Class Creator is the best tool that I have seen.
It is easier to use than other web pages that I have used.
Also, this forum is very good place to get new ideas from around the country.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 7:03 PM - Response #47

Hello All!
GBS Class of 1978

I started the web site here on ClassCreator after many hours of research on the net back in March '08 and it was the best reunion planning move we have made!

We voted in May to push our 30th off to be a 'Thirtiest' runion in October 2009

Class size is 575+
Current alumni on our site 163
Current Reunion Committee members 23

Great to have all the help we can from all the useful tips.

Cathy- I'd swear it was a Fan Store
Brad- Thx to you and your staff for making this available to us!
Congrats on the new child!

Dale Hurst
Very Happy

Edited 09/03/08 7:21 PM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 9:07 PM - Response #48

Thank you Dale. Glad you're off to a good start!

Note, you have several elements on your page that are too large for your page. Make sure you view your site using Internet Explorer, because it's the worst at displaying elements that are too large for the page. You'll want to size any oversized elements down until your page no longer blows out. For a more detailed explanation of what is happening on your home page see this thread.

Friday, September 12, 2008 at 3:29 PM - Response #49

Hi ClassCreator community! I've had my website up for about 2 months, and I've been silently reading the forums to figure out what the heck I'm doing! This ClassCreator thing is UN-BE-LIEVABLE. Brad and team, I commend you for all you have done. I believe you are literally revolutionizing the alumni/reunion landscape. With only 2 months under our belt, more than 1/3 of my class of 632 has registered. And I look like a hero for putting it all together! Thank you, Brad and team, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I live in Charlotte, NC and was the class president of the Class of 1989 of Kempsville High School in Virginia Beach, VA. Since I was too busy with passing the bar exam the year of my 10-year reunion, I was not involved with the planning. Talk about guilt. So my desire was to atone for my neglect in 1999, and blow it out for our 20-year in 2009. I can honestly say that I expect our reunion to be absolutely HUGE, and it wouldn't be possible without ClassCreator. I have classmates camping out on the site; like a big party that we can't wait to see who is going to join next! It's actually very touching to see how emotionally invested we all can be with our long lost classmates that we may have forgotten if it weren't for the website.

I can go on and on. But I just wanted to introduce myself and officially join the party on this site administrators forum.

Edited 09/12/08 3:30 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008 at 6:07 PM - Response #50

Well...what do I say about that? Thank you so much. It's comments like yours that make every ounce of work that has gone into the Class Creator project, thank you! Welcome aboard -- glad ya stopped all that snoopin' and dived into the forums. Smile

Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 1:30 AM - Response #51

Hi Everyone, just noticed this thread and the word "sticky" peaked my curiousity. Thanks Brad for making it more visible, never saw it before.
Anyway, my name is Hilary HoSang and I now live in Virginia Beach, VA. I was born in Jamaica, WI, and grew up there and attended a Catholic all girls High School "Convent of Mercy Academy", more popularly known as "Alpha Academy" and am planning our 50th anniversary reunion for next year. In those days we were still a British colony and so our school year and curriculum was based on the British model which means the school year ran from Jan to Dec. Our Graduation ceremony was therefore held in the following year, confusing some people as to what Class year they belong to. For instant, we are the class of 1959 but our graduating ceremony was in April 1960, so when I started looking for my classmates, some of them thought they were class of 1960. We graduated in white gowns with red posies, looking like brides. My class was the last to do so as they went to cap & gown in 1960 and also went to the American School year model of Sept to June.
Earlier this year we had a 50th reunion for the entire 1950's decade in Florida, but next year is the actual 50th anniversary for our class so we are doing it right by having it on the exact date of our Graduation and returning to Jamaica and to our school for the celebration.
The school started out as a "reform" school/orphanage in the mid 1800's and has produced many well known musicians and has played an important roll in the development of Music in Jamaica and the world. if you're a music buff you might want to google "Alpha Boys School" or "Alpha Boys Band". The Academy was established later, in the 1890's, and was a separate private prestigious high school but run by the same order of Mercy Nuns. Thus the unofficial name of "Alpha" Academy and the official name of Convent of Mercy Academy. Because of the "Alpha" name we were linked with the Boys School (there was also a "Girl School") and so was dubbed the high school of "bad" girls, used much in the way today's teen uses the term.
I could go on but won't bore you with more stuff.
Nice to meet you all and agree that this is the best website of it's kind. Brad and his team are the greatest!
Please feel free to visit my site and comment. My classmates have been slow in signing up but at least they are.
PS. I posted this then noticed I really didn't tell you anything about myself. In a nutshell I'm a retired RN (Jan, this year) with 2 grown boys and a 22 month old granddaughter. I think I'm a computer addict based on the time I spend on it to the neglect of more domestic duties. That's all for now.

Edited 09/18/08 2:42 AM
Friday, September 19, 2008 at 11:11 PM - Response #52

Hi, my name is Julie Reynolds and I graduated in 1988 from Wadsworth High School in Ohio. We just had our 20 year reunion and it was a huge success! I had people write thank you notes saying it was the best party they had been to in ten years. We actually had our formal event on a Friday night with a dinner, DJ, and a 5 hr full open bar (and that wasn't even long enough for our class...we continued the event until about 4am). On Saturday we had a family picnic free of charge to classmates...we had a caterer donate the hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and condiments and then the classmates brought a side to share and their own beverages. It worked out great! I wasn't a class chairperson of any kind, I took it upon myself with two others to plan our 20 year reunion (we didn't have a fifteen and I didn't want our 20 to come and go without a reunion). I was able to locate about 70% of our class via info found on the internet and many, many phone calls and THEN I find this awesome site and was able to find all but about 20 out of 280 in our class. I wish I would've found this site a little sooner but what an amazing find!!! The ease of this site is incredible...I am by no means a "webmaster" (but my class doesn't need to know this). It allowed the rest of the reunion planning (invites, RSVP's and paying) to be so streamlined and professional. What a cost saver and time saver! I can't thank Brad and his crew enough!!! It's amazing at how connected our class is thanks to this site. Again, my deepest and most heartfelt thanks to Brad and his crew!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 11:03 AM - Response #53

Hi everyone! My name is Joy and I'm the Administrator for our class site. I absolutely LOVE this site - very functional and it really adds a professional touch. We are planning our 10 year reunion and things are going great. 10 people came out for our first meeting and everyone is busy moving forward in their prospective areas. The site has been up for maybe 5 weeks and we already have 125 classmates on the site and one former teacher! The feedback and support are tremendous. We are soooo grateful to the Class Creator for making this available to us. If anyone needs help/ideas, feel free to email me. I'm not an expert, but just want to see that we all succeed at making our reunions as successful as possible! ~ Joy

Edited 09/25/08 4:18 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 1:29 PM - Response #54

Hi everyone!

I'm Kathy Aceves, administrator for my class site, and reunion committee member emetrius. My school is having a multi-year reunion THIS SATURDAY, and I'm so excited. This is the third reunion I've had the pleasure of helping plan, and I know it's going to be a blast.

I live in SoCal and share my life with my husband Tom, my two sons Nick, who is a programmer living in Santa Clarita; Kristopher who is still figuring it out; and two daughters, Kayla is is 17 and attending a local JC and Mikaija, who is 13 and is homeschooled.

Right now our site is only for one class, but after the reunion and I talk to the committee members, that may be changed to multi-year.

Thanks guys for creating a site that is free for the users. The site we've been currently trying to get information through is difficult at best to use, and costs all the member's lots of money, for very few services, IMHO.


Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 4:25 PM - Response #55

Yup -- charging Classmates is the best way to ruin any chance you have of bringing and keeping the maximum possible # of Classmates together. I'm all for making money -- but when it's at the expense of the very mission of your service itself, then IMHO I agree with you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 9:54 PM - Response #56

Hello Gang!

Well I have just finnished signing up and making a basic class website. I am having a blast poking around and playing with buttons. I find myself reading the forums more now, so I can learn from others.

My 20 year class reunion is still in the works, just in the crawling stage and it is next year! Yikes! (shooting for early Aug) I am just waiting on the class list to show up in the mailbox!

I am really looking forward to getting this site up and running. I am in the communications field, so this is right up my alley, getting and keeping in touch with fellow classmates! Especially now that I live on the east coast and the reunion is on the west coast!

Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 11:38 PM - Response #57

Hello Everyone;

My name is Marilu Suarez I live in Georgia; however I graduated in 1979 from Colegio La Piedad in Puerto Rico.

Next year we are going to have our first ever class reunion after 30 years. I had the original idea of making this reunion, therefore I am part of the organizational committee. We are six in that committee (4 women and 2 men); however the funniest thing about this is that all our meetings are via conference calls since we have 3 living in Puerto Rico, 1 in Orlando, 1 in Texas and me in Georgia. Our reunion will be held in Puerto Rico during the weekend of the 24th of July, 2009.

It is the first time I have worked in a web page and I have been hooked to this since the first day I created three weeks ago. Thanks to Brad and his group. This is awesome!!!

I have seen very cool web pages here, so soon I will start asking questions on "how to do it"

MariluVery Happy

Monday, September 29, 2008 at 8:15 PM - Response #58

Hi. My name is Tracy and I am the sole planner for our 20 year reunion at this point. I started working on locating classmates last spring and have found about 90% of our class. I live in Florissant, Missouri...but our school is in Bethalto, Illinois. The old committee didn't seem to want to plan anything this time around so I decided to get it going. It is still in the beginning phases but we will get there. If anyone has any suggestions for me please check out my site and email me. I would appreciate any ideas. Good luck to everyone to have a successful reunion!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 1:35 PM - Response #59

Hello, my name is Bill and I'm a....

Just started on my class's reunion site, still a lot of work to go but then we don't have another reunion for 4 years.

I did our 35th reunion using space on my personal domain, which worked OK but was a lot of work and hard for folks to find. I wasn't involved in the 40th reunion and the resulting "website" was a disaster, to put it nicely. Last week I was contacted about taking over this duty again, and I smiled while silently gritting my teeth and said "Sure!".

I have a technical background, and know how to code web pages, but the time involved is a big problem for me since I usually work 50 to 60 hours at my job. I did some surfing with the intention of finding a template to purchase, then register a domain and start from scratch. When I found Class Creator I was sort of skeptical to be honest. "If it sounds to good to be true...", etc. I decided to give it a try and see how far I got before getting stopped for a payment, figuring I would end up with something pretty lousy and lots of advertising. Well, surprise, surprise...

It's a little frustrating to work with the WYSIWYG web page interface, and even directly editing the source doesn't always work since it is sometimes too "helpful" in correcting what the code logic sees as problems with valid HTML coding, but I can live with that, understanding this is great for 99% of the folks building a web site.

I started out by uploading classmate information that I had saved from the 35th reunion 6 years ago. That went well since I used an Access database back-end before and could export to the same format needed for bulk upload. Still waiting on the updated 40th reunion classmate data so I can do a refresh, but doing it this way helped me get a start.

All comments and suggestions on our class site are welcome and appreciated. Being an "Old Geek" means I sometimes think more about the technical side than about what looks good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 3:07 PM - Response #60

My name is Dionne and I live in Barbados which is in the Caribbean and I went to school at Lodge School. On our island we have the secondary school system so it's not called high school like it is in America.
I became the site administrator sorta by accident, because this was not the job I was looking for... My friends and I were always saying that we should have a reunion, so I said to myself it would be cool if there was a website and I started searching around. I was actually thinking that I would have to learn to build websites so that I could do one because every site I came across had some sort of fee attached. And at that moment in time I couldn't afford to pay to join those others sites or to buy a domain. And just when I was about to give up, I came across
I was bit skeptical at first but now that I've really gotten into it, I appreciate that Classcreator is free. Because I was so forward looking, other classmates are looking to me to be the head of the Reunion Planning Committee, I don't mind though because Classcreator has really made things a lot easier.

Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 11:28 AM - Response #61

Hello. My name is Pamela Morgan and I am the site administrator for the Wallace-Rose Hill High School Class of 1988. My high school is in North Carolina about 45 minutes from the beach. I actually found out about the Class Creator web site from a co-worker that said his classmate (Kinston High School) made his reunion website within Class Creator. I checked out the home page and history was made from there. This is the first web site for our high school class. It has been so much to chat with friends that I haven't heard from in years. Everyone is posting pictures, so that has been wonderful. We actually had people to chat in our Bulldog Chat Room for the first time this week. I guess I've been working on this site about a month. It has been a lot of hard work, but it has all been worth it! I have a lot of positive response from everyone. I am sure I can drum up some more business for Class Creator. Thanks again to everyone involved in getting this Class Creator web site/software in place. IT IS WONDERFUL!! I LOVE IT!! - I have had a great time looking at everyone's web sites and getting ideas on how to make our site better.

Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 8:40 PM - Response #62

Welcome aboard Pamela. Smile Really nice job on your site by the way. Excellent work.

Monday, October 20, 2008 at 1:13 PM - Response #63

Thank you! I keep looking for more ways to make things better. This forum helps!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 3:41 PM - Response #64
Picture 152.JPG

My name is Kimberly A. Chernosky and I am a proud graduate of the Minersville Area Junior-Senior Class of 1988, Minersville, Pennsylvania. We are called the Battlin' Miners.

Minersville is a very small town in east central PA, right in the heart of the anthracite coal region. I am a coal miner's daughter!

Our 20th year reunion will be taking place on November 1st, 2008 and it will be the best one ever....especially thanks to Class Creator. I stumbled across this site just doing some random google searches and within a couple of hours, had a class website built. I'm still working the kinks out, but the site has become a great tool for our class. We have almost 42% enrollment and over 1000 hits. Feedback from classmates has been fantastic.

As the site administrator, this project has special meaning for me. During my senior year of high school I was diagnosed with cancer and had to be home schooled from Feb-June of 1988. I always felt 'robbed' of those good times. Needless to say, 20 years has gone by and I've had two more bouts with cancer. I keep battling on, because I am a Battlin' Miner! This site has helped be to feel part of my senior class again.

I've viewed many of your sites and think every one is great in its own special way. Very special thanks to Class Creator for creating this great vehicle for us.

Good luck to all with your sites and reunion planning. I invite you to preview mine and encourage any/all feedback.

Very Best Regards,
Kim Chernosky

Edited 10/21/08 6:48 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 7:23 PM - Response #65

Nicely done Kim. Good job.

One small thing: Be very careful about pasting html generated by other applications into your editor. In your case you pasted in a line of meta information that totally changed the formatting of your page, and also blocked your second announcement from displaying at all. I zapped it and you're good to go.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 9:51 PM - Response #66

Thank you! And, thanks for fixing my screen. I noticed that today too and couldn't figure out what happened. I am muddling through this technology stuff, and do appreciate your help. I'm still having problems with my playlist, so I just removed it for the time being. I need to read more of the threads on formatting.

Again, thanks for all your help. Class Creator is the best!


Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 9:46 AM - Response #67

My name is Brad & I joined were several weeks ago. I am a member of the Class of 1985 in Waynesboro, PA. And have been on every reunion committee, so we decided that we needed a website & this site allowed me to build this site with relative ease. I have been messing around & adding things to my site regularly & we have had 25 or so folks join & that was without adding emails to the class list.

Thanks for a great site & I love the fact that I can come here to get help & ideas!

Thanks & Enjoy my wite!


Monday, November 10, 2008 at 7:22 PM - Response #68

Hello All!

My name is Dave Gutterud (Fosston Minnesota '83) and I missed our 25th reunion so I offered to put together a quick site for people to post comments and photos from the reunion. Luckily, during the process of determining how I should do that I stumbled across this site...what a find!

ClassCreator turned my quick offer into an obsession! Oh well, it's been fun catching up with the "kids".

I'm still trying to find ways to get people interested and involved and slowly but surely I'm starting to have some success and even a little help!

This forum has been very valuable as well so I want to thank everyone for contributing and sharing here! Keep up the great work everyone!


With my oldest at her wedding

Edited 11/10/08 7:23 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 11:02 PM - Response #69

Welcome aboard Dave! Your site looks terrific. Looks like you're off to a great start.

Monday, November 17, 2008 at 11:16 AM - Response #70
lisa senior.jpg

My name is Lisa. Class of 1986 in little Canal Fulton Ohio. I am a flight attendant for USAirways. I have 4 boys and not currently married. I decided to plan a reunion because our class President took off with the senior money....became a doctor and has no time for a reunion.
The gabby one that I have been, I was going thru classmates to try to organize a reunion. One day I googled ""thing to do at a reunion"" and came upon Classcreator. Not believing my eyes....that I could do all this for free...was disbelieving to me. That was in April. We have 173 graduates +30 that left during their last years. Thanks to Brad I have 150 registered users, 70% have pics posted and we had a crazy 22 yr reunion in Aug. It was fabulous and couldn't have done it with out Brad. I want to thank all of you who have helped me become much better on the pc....i didnt know what a source button was before this. Thanks a gain for all your help and thanks Brad for answering all those late night crazy questions.....see i still need help, i cannot get my pic on hear......uhg
Lisa Heinselman

Edited 11/17/08 11:22 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008 at 12:56 PM - Response #71

You're most welcome Lisa. Smile

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 11:33 PM - Response #72

Hi Everyone!
And a very BIG Thank You to this site!!!!
My name is Bill Hansom (yep, that's how it's spelled)
and I am part of a group planning our 40th in September, 2010.
Our school is in a farming community about 100kms.(60 miles) east of Vancouver, BC, Canada. We were the class of '70 from Sardis Secondary School, about 160 of us at the time.
Keeping in mind that calculators, computers, and the like were not yet on the marketplace back then, this site has allowed us to enter the real world again!
We have not yet started contacting our classmates again, (last reunion was 10 years ago) and our committee is just now having a chance to view this site I am trying to construct.
Any suggestions you have are appreciated, and I thank everyone who has asked and answered the forum questions. I was able to get great suggestions and ideas, along with many questions were answered without me having to ask on-line!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 11:45 PM - Response #73

Welcome aboard Bill. Smile Looks like you're off to a great start.

My best advice for you is to post a new item in the "Share Your Site" forum and ask for tips from other Site Administrators. When you post a reply like you've done here, nobody on the email list will see it. But if you post a new item, everyone on the email list will see it and you'll get more responses. That's the best way to go. Smile

Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 1:12 AM - Response #74

Thank you, I will do that!

Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 4:28 AM - Response #75

Hello out there in classmates land... LOL

I am Travis 8 of 8 Mosley. I did not get much involved in HS with stuff. I had too much on my plate at home at the time. This left me with a limited social life time for "friends" from school.

As an adult with 6 of 6 of my own children. I have learned to 'make time' for things.

A few months ago I went to my better half's 20 year reunion. By all accounts it was awesome. I noticed their site was only up for a few months prior to the reunion and less than 50% of the class even knew about it and someone said something about missing names etc. I did not want that for our (my grad year) 20th reunion - this year -.

I started the site even though I was not a "class officer" heck I was not in the 'Cliche' of who's who stuff when I was in school. A lot of people knew me my SR year, but I had been around them for 12 years, you'd think they would have noticed me before then. My Jr year was interesting because I "blew up", thats right, steroids and a very intense work out daily by the end of my Sr year I could not wear denim jeans or regular T-shirts.

Any hoot, If I waited for the officers to start things off we would be no better off. The only reunion info you'd hear would be two friends asking each other "Have you heard if we are going to have a 20yr reunion this year?".

Thanks to "The Team" at and me getting things going, we now have a website, a reunion committee, and have already located almost 20% of our classmates, and this number is growing at an increasing rate.

Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 11:18 AM - Response #76

Hi all,

I am Joyce, from So Cal (where currently it feels more like the south pole.) I have now been creating my class' site for a little over a month. I have managed to get about 10% of the class registered here and have received nothing but positive feedback from visitors. Class creator was the luckiest find I have made since starting to plan my classes 30 year. I have enjoyed looking at everyone else's site and glad to see there are few more insomniacs out there.

Thanks for sharing. Brad and gang thank you; I wish you the greatest success... this site is greatest reunion/alumni tool out there. Razz

Edited 12/18/08 11:28 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 3:59 PM - Response #77

Hello everyone!

I'm fairly new to this site myself. I figured it was time to say hello and let you all know how terrific your ideas are! This is truly a fantastic site!

Please stop by our page and let me know you what think. It's a work in a progress! We have a little over a year to plan our reunion and locate missing alumni. I'm hoping my BIG head start will leave plenty of time to find our missing "Falcons!"

Thanks again!


Edited 12/18/08 4:00 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008 at 10:27 PM - Response #78

FYI, you might want to post your site in the "Share Your Site" forum. Your post only goes out to the email list if you enter a new item. Responses do not, thus a ton more people will comment on your site if you post it as an item.

Monday, January 5, 2009 at 2:43 PM - Response #79

My Name is Len Walker. I graduated from Prosser High in 1963. Our schools logo is The Mustangs. If you live in the state of Washington pretty much everyone has heard of our Mustang Football legacy. We even had a documentary did this last year on our football team. We are also noted for being the center of the wine industry for the state of Washington. The Quarterback for Boise State is a gradute from Prosser. I go to most football and Basketball games to watch the Mustangs
I am new wih this web but have a little understanding of web sites.. So I would like some input on ideas and what you think. Len

Edited 01/05/09 3:04 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009 at 3:46 PM - Response #80

Happy New Year!
My name is JoAnn Zukeran and I'm thankful for this great web-site. I planned my class 31st and 32nd reunions and now planning our 40th. I found this web-site through a former student and just love it.

I graduated from Lanai High and Elementary School in 1969 and had to add Lanai to the city location on this site. Our island is so small here in the big Pacific Ocean. Lanai was once called the "Pineapple Island" and I did pick pineapples during the summer months. Yes, I live in Hawaii and the weather is beautiful. If any of you plan to have your class reunion in Hawaii...let me know and I will do my best in assisting you.

Thank you for creating a wonderful class web site.

Mahalo and Aloha,

Monday, January 5, 2009 at 4:27 PM - Response #81

my name is drew and i like to think im one of the ORIGINAL class creator "users".

we started our site in feb. 2008 and had our 20 year reunion thanksgiving of 2008 and it was AMAZING!

being the sole admin of our site, i was the ROCKSTAR of the event! everyone came up to me to thank me for what an AMAZING job i did with our site, and continue to do.

as a professional graphic designer i do my best to really keep our site CLEAN and ELEGANT.

for that reason our site has been on the featured section of class creators home page.

we have renewed our domain name for 5 more years and i look forward to keeping our site going!!


Edited 01/05/09 4:33 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 2:25 AM - Response #82

How did you get so many people to attend? buy tickets?
we have had our on sale for 2 months now and only 27 have purchased...any hints?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 2:28 AM - Response #83

great are you keeping people interested?

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6:37 PM - Response #84

Wow! What time warp! Started my 25th back in 2008 when CC was so new. Look how far it has come!

Wonder if any of the orginals in this thread are still here? I am onto our 3rd reunion planning here.

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