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A Visit To Class Creator's HQ

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/25/10 09:16 PM Views: 6879 Replies: 54
Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 9:16 PM

I had the privilege of visiting the World Headquarters of Class Creator last Wednesday in Ann Arbor. I couldn't find good brownies, so I took a to-die-for chocolate cake. Brad assured me that the cake would all be gone by the next day.

We had a nice talk about the growth of the company and his visions for the future. I planted a seed or two on 'mining' the data from the tens of thousands of class websites which might be useful to we admins as we guide our reunion events.

Now the question is: Do you want me to pull back the green curtain and reveal the Wizard of Oz -- or would you just rather enjoy your own 'image' of Brad that goes with the fantastic software and service as you've experienced it?

(Yes, I took photos of Brad with his permission.)

Feel free to post your 'visions' of Brad before I post the real picture. Does he look like Clark Kent? The Green Hornet? Batman? Or the Old Wizard of Oz?

Edited 04/25/10 9:18 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 9:41 PM - Response #1

Heh, oh no! Smile

John I must confess, it took us 2 days to get through the cake. But only because that was a big cake. Thanks for doing that, I knew we were in trouble when somebody said "somebody is walking across the parking lot with a cake." I kind of had a feeling that cake was coming upstairs after the # of baked good cracks I've made here. Smile

Pictures? What? What will happen when people find out I'm not a Wizard, but only play one on the web? Ah, so much for the facade! Wink

Edited 04/25/10 10:22 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 9:43 PM - Response #2

John Chidester wrote:

Feel free to post your 'visions' of Brad before I post the real picture. Does he look like Clark Kent? The Green Hornet? Batman? Or the Old Wizard of Oz?

My vision of Brad...Super Pumpkin Carver Laughing

Here's how I really envision him Very Happy

Edited 04/25/10 9:48 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 9:43 PM - Response #3

You mean that's not him on the homepage welcome video??? No Batman or Green Hornet. For me...that's been Brad from day one!

Edited 04/25/10 9:44 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 9:53 PM - Response #4

Ruth Shepherd wrote:

You mean that's not him on the homepage welcome video??? No Batman or Green Hornet. For me...that's been Brad from day one!

That was also my assumption, but he is someone Brad found in the witness protection program who was willing to do those videos for minimum wage. (Mostly just kidding.)

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 10:06 PM - Response #5

Whattttt????? He's NOT a KNIGHT????? On a freaking white horse?!??!??!? Come onnnnnnn. Say it ain't so!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 10:26 PM - Response #6

The guy in the video is named Patrick. He's somebody I met in a video studio for 4 hours one day and I've never seen him again. That really is me carving a pumpkin though, oh my the things that float around the Internet. I'm just glad Facebook was invented long after I was in college, he he he. Wink

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 10:30 PM - Response #7

OK, Pull back the curtain, if the video isn't YOU - let's see!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 10:32 PM - Response #8

I'd like to know if Mr. Wizard has a connection to the Oklahoma Sooners? Specifically, with the last name of Switzer? I've always wondered about that with the plug for OU on your home page?

Go SOONERS!!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 10:48 PM - Response #9

Aha! I always wondered when somebody was going to mention this. You are actually the first person to ever do so. No there is no connection, but I must confess, you are the only person who sees that image. Well, you and everybody else in Oklahoma, that is... The image you see in that spot at is determined by the state you're connecting from. If you want to see what everybody else sees, just go to this page, there's all of them:

As long as we're revealing me carving pumpkins and eating cake or whatever else, I might as well confess we aren't really putting Oklahoma Sooners images on our home page for the whole world to see. I blame John for really yanking this green curtain thing down, sheesh! Wink

Edited 04/25/10 10:55 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:05 PM - Response #10

I envision Brad as Clark Kent -- zipping through the WWW while destroying those

Tags and rearranging the "dreaded codes"!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:08 PM - Response #11

That's great marketing! I was hoping for the connection, but I guess I can live with the disappointment. ;0)

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:14 PM - Response #12

Are you guys serious about the guy on the Welcome Video is not Brad? Would you be so kind to post a picture you took at the office? No need to identify who is who and we can just keep right on guessing our image of Brad. Actually I can get to Ann Arbor in less time but this is more fun. Thanks!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:24 PM - Response #13

You know what's funny, I never realized how many people thought that was me. Me, the life long computer geek, never even considered being in the video. Patrick, who is an actor who works with Russell Video services in Ann Arbor, Michigan, who loves standing in front of green screens with bright lights in his face, seemed like a far better candidate. Smile

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:37 PM - Response #14

I think possibly I might have gotten a little sneak peak on his personal fb page...hmmmmm...did I???? lol

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:43 PM - Response #15

I have no idea honestly, last I knew there were at least 5 Brad Switzer's out there. Thus I suspect there's at least several on Facebook. I've uploaded a grand total of 2 images to Facebook, so if you're seeing more than that, it's not me. Of course, that doesn't stop a bunch of other people from uploading pictures to Facebook that include me and tagging them.

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:45 PM - Response #16

But the one FB Brad Switzer had down Ann Arbor as their place of residence...soooooooooooooooooooooooSurprisedCool

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:52 PM - Response #17

Well, since Brad always seems to be availble to provide his outstanding guidance, he NEVER sleeps or eats.

Therefore, I am thinking Robocop! Very Happy

Sunday, April 25, 2010 at 11:52 PM - Response #18

Oh, well that would be me then! I have no Profile and 2 pictures so there's not much to see. But if you want to see my daughter made over to look like Cinderella at Disney World, have at it. Smile

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 3:12 AM - Response #19

Amazing the kinds of conclusions we draw all on our own. I was thinking "Ann Arbor" -- got to be a University of Michigan guy; nope. The office is near the border between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. In fact, Packard Ave is one of the streets that the University of Michigan Stadium is on. Brad, however, is an alumnus of Eastern Michigan University.

Me? I'm a Spartan.

If you use Google Images and enter "Brad Switzer", you'll get quite a range of pictures. Here are a few:

Obviously, Google has a ways to go on that images area.

Edited 04/26/10 3:16 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 3:38 AM - Response #20

I was so certain that Brad was a Wolverine, I was wondering how long it would be before Class Creator secured the naming rights to the Stadium:

Brad: Isn't that Packard Ave on the right side of the stadium?

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 8:40 AM - Response #21

Here is what I think B.R.A.D. really looks like...Very Happy

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 9:48 AM - Response #22

Okay, I am lovin' this and so needed the chuckle this AM. Thanks, everyone. Although my school is in Texas, I am in Leonard, MI. I might have to check out CC in AA. Can we have a party? Do I have to bring the food?

I am voting for the old hippie pic above.

Actually, is there ever a "reunion" of root admins?


Edited 04/26/10 9:49 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 9:53 AM - Response #23

You guys are TOO MUCH! No that would be Stadium Blvd. And although I am technically a "Huron," at heart I am in fact a Wolverine.

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 9:59 AM - Response #24

John - that second picture is of Barry Switzer, former coach and coach emeritus of the University of Oklahoma.

Hmmmm.....I'm not convinced.....see the resemblance between Brad and Barry???

PS> I noticed Mr. Wizard is back to Brad Switzer now that the weekend is over.

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 10:04 AM - Response #25

That's okay! We'll make him an " honorary " wolverine !

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 10:16 AM - Response #26

I'd like to see Brad revealed (photo and interview) to his CC family before we see him unveiled in Fortune or GQ.
For now, he is OUR 'man of the hour' !

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 11:46 AM - Response #27

Although I only took photos of Brad, I did get a tour of the offices. I did see some "hippie" influence in the office decor. (Of course Brad wasn't yet born back in the mid 1960s.) Think big velour-covered bean bag chairs in several offices including Brads.

Brad's office included a popcorn machine (theater type) and an item in which he took some special pride: A "Google Cooler" - a miniature plug in refrigerator.

Brad says it was a gift from Google for his reaching 1,000,000 ad words clicks. Considering that ad word clicks can cost around 25 cents and up, my math says that 'gift' fridge cost Brad at least $250,000. Could that be? Rolling Eyes

Edited 04/26/10 11:47 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 11:57 AM - Response #28

Margaret Ann Swanzey wrote:

Actually, is there ever a "reunion" of root admins?

One idea I forgot to bring up to Brad was a 'one-day workshop' for Admins - sharing ideas, looking at different successful websites, basics in website content, search engine optimization, etc. Maybe it could be a road show - held in 4-5 regions of the country over the course of a month.

Useful as a way to get new CC clients as well as cement relationships with those of us who know what CC can do for our reunions.

Would YOU be willing to fly in to some nice location for a one-day workshop? What would you be willing to pay for that experience?

Edited 04/26/10 1:02 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 12:13 PM - Response #29

John Chidester wrote:

Margaret Ann Swanzey wrote:
Actually, is there ever a "reunion" of root admins?

One idea I forgot to bring up to Brad was a 'one-day workshop' for Admins - sharing ideas, looking at different successful websites, basics in website content, search engine optimization, etc. Maybe it could be a road show - held in 4-5 regions of the country over the course of a month.

Useful as a way to get new CC clients as well as cement relationships with those of us who know what CC can do for our reunions.

Would YOU be willing to fly in to some nice location for a one-day workshop? What would you be willing to pay for that experience?

It would be cheaper for everyone all the way around to use WEBEX. Our company does that, with individuals and also large groups. Simple to use, you look at the "trainer's" computer screen, all are on a conference line, you can "chat" questions. Pretty well anything you want to do over the internet. Brad wouldn't have to travel, admins wouldn't have to travel. Besides, as much as I fly/travel as I do, I would choose not to if possible as there is too much going on in the flying world these days (and I don't say that lightly since I have over 5,000 hours flying time as military aircrew).

Edited 04/26/10 12:14 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 12:37 PM - Response #30

Disclaimer: "Scandinavian Humor and other Myths" really is a published book!
Brad, we all know that you are Bionic and then some! Thanks for "everything"! Especially your extreme patience and sense of humor and profound ability to help all of us, even those of us that are "clueless but called, and on a mission..."
This arrived in an e-mail titled "Why I can't find work..."

Edited 04/26/10 12:38 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 12:42 PM - Response #31

Here's another...all in the name of Nordic Humor...(those winters are quite long, dont'cha know?!) And if you ever decide to have that "meeting" in San Diego,where the winters are much shorter!...i'll bring some Norsk chocolate chip cookies...lutefisk included!)Very Happy

p.s. Thanks for being such a good sport and letting those of us that are easily amused have some "fun" on a Monday morning!
Have a most excellent week and you and your staff are most appreciated...far beyond what words can express!
Thanks so much!

Edited 04/26/10 12:48 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 1:01 PM - Response #32

Thanks, Kris for those two images... I think.

I can assure you Brad looks lots better than either of these possibilities. ROTFLMAO Laughing

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 1:09 PM - Response #33

Derrell Pulis wrote:

It would be cheaper for everyone all the way around to use WEBEX. Our company does that, with individuals and also large groups. Simple to use, you look at the "trainer's" computer screen, all are on a conference line, you can "chat" questions.

Same for your actual class reunion, too.

But humor, hugs, handshakes, old memories and spontaneity aren't characteristics of webinars. IMHO Laughing

Edited 04/26/10 1:19 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 1:27 PM - Response #34

John Chidester wrote:

Derrell Pulis wrote:

It would be cheaper for everyone all the way around to use WEBEX. Our company does that, with individuals and also large groups. Simple to use, you look at the "trainer's" computer screen, all are on a conference line, you can "chat" questions.

Same for your actual class reunion, too.

But humor, hugs, handshakes, old memories and spontaneity aren't characteristics of webinars. IMHO Laughing

Sorry, comparing to a Class Reunion is an invalid comparison. I was referring only to Admin Meeting, for an excellent software that is done so well that it is quite intuitive. Very easy to use. However, WEBEX offerings could provide some superb tips.

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 1:42 PM - Response #35

I think Brad is really the red-headed woman from FB...LMAO!!! EmbarassedLaughingQuestionQuestionExclamationExclamation

It will be fun to see the real Brad!!!

I think having some seminars for the Admins. would be great!!! I would think a small seminar fee wouldn't be bad. I would think all or most of us...keep our websites up and running for free!!! It would be fun...and we would learn something too!!!

I'll bring some killer brownies!! LaughingWink

Edited 04/26/10 1:43 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 1:49 PM - Response #36
vikingladyviqueen2.gif was all in "jest"...that's why i posted the disclaimer!
Brad is the perpetual "knight in shining armor/miracle worker", and a picture will never do justice!
Here's my self portrait...remember the "norsk humor myth..."
is not always a "myth"!Cool
p.s. Darlene-long live the red-heads! It's "finally" fashionable! and long live that "Midwest Hospitality"! (not a myth!)

Brad, Thanks for playing along with those of us with simple minds that are easily amused!Very Happy Yet another disclaimer, i speak only for myself in that statement!

Edited 04/26/10 2:29 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 2:12 PM - Response #37

Is this ClassCreator or "Whats My Line"

OK then.....Will the real Brad Switzer Please stand up

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 3:02 PM - Response #38

okay, one last "guess", except that Brad doesn't get "weekends" off...!(We do appreciate your "Bionic-ness" though!)

Edited 04/26/10 3:02 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 3:50 PM - Response #39

Okay, one last one, just for Fun!...and just because Brad has a great sense of humor (And he is a "Man of Many Talents"!)Very Happy (We all love you, Brad and appreciate you and your staff beyond words! Thanks for "everything"!)

Disclaimer: No irreverence to anyone or anything! Just a note from a simple mind that is easily amused! There's an old Norwegian proverb that simply says(of course!), He who Laughs, Lasts"Very Happy

Edited 04/26/10 4:00 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 5:34 PM - Response #40

Here's a view of the office building in which CC 'lives'. This was a Google street-level view.

CC's offices are on the second floor -- the windows over the top of the "Two Men and A Truck" moving van are Brad's offices. (Maybe this was moving day?)

This second view shows it's not too far from the offices to snacks, gas and manicure locations.

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 5:42 PM - Response #41

Derrell Pulis wrote:

Sorry, comparing to a Class Reunion is an invalid comparison. I was referring only to Admin Meeting, for an excellent software that is done so well that it is quite intuitive. Very easy to use. However, WEBEX offerings could provide some superb tips.

Right you are Derrell. Nice way for CC to introduce new features or have instructions for new clients.

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 5:51 PM - Response #42

Oh that is too funny! A year ago we were moving out of our old office into this larger building and Google just happened to snap a shot of our moving day. Yep, that's our truck! Too funny!

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 8:19 PM - Response #43
Brad cc.jpg

I picture Brad more like this...

Of Course, that is easier for me to do since I am his sister. Very Happy

Edited 04/26/10 8:19 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010 at 11:53 PM - Response #44

What a great thread!

If I ever get to MI, I hope to visit Brad and Company - maybe take them some fresh Gulf Shrimp or Texas BBQ.

How many people make up the CC headquarters anyway??????

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 12:14 AM - Response #45

Here is an old post with the names and job descriptions. It was back in 2009 before I was hired. There are more people, but not very many more.

I still haven't met Brad or any of the others on the team.

Edited 04/27/10 12:14 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 1:07 AM - Response #46

In that previous thread Kyle linked to, I had posted a 'photo' of what I had then envisioned was an image of the Bradster:

Well this thread must rank as "#10 With a Bullet". Almost 50 responses in just one day.

We've got Brad covered from almost all the possible angles -- even a baby photo from his sister!

[BTW, Beth, my return journey from Michigan took me through Colorado Springs, too. I came down from Limon on that cold, snowy Saturday.]

I know we all love the software and the service; but we also appreciate the fact that Brad & crew have a sense of humor as well.

I promise to post the photo of the "Wizard behind the curtain" tomorrow. Exclamation

Edited 04/27/10 1:48 AM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 3:47 AM - Response #47


What a great thread!

If I ever get to MI, I hope to visit Brad and Company - maybe take them some fresh Gulf Shrimp or Texas BBQ.

How many people make up the CC headquarters anyway??????

Mmmm, if you come we'll take both! Smile

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 2:43 PM - Response #48

Meet Brad Switzer: The Wizard behind the Class Creator Curtain!

Thanks for the tour, Brad. I really enjoyed the opportunity to see the place where the alchemy is created that reconnects hundreds of thousands of classmates from the past.

Wishing you and the team continued success!



Edited 04/27/10 2:47 PM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 3:54 PM - Response #49

WOO HOO !!!! Great to see the person whom we trust out there in our CC world. Now we all can envision your kind face answering our stress calls. Smile

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 5:26 PM - Response #50

Hello Brad

You sure are a maize and blue ! Am glad Lloyd Carr didn't spot you or you won't be at CC.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 9:00 PM - Response #51

WOW Brad and no gray hair

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 10:12 PM - Response #52

There was one other photo I shot that might be a 'view' we all have of Brad glued to his cell phone device answering questions at all hours:

However the skin color didn't come out the way I remembered it last Wednesday. Which got me to thinking that maybe the super heroes we had in mind weren't the right one.

Maybe it is THIS ONE:

The smile kind of matches, don't you think?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 12:27 PM - Response #53

Brad, nice to meet you! You are definitely better looking than the old hippie I had envisioned. Gee, that was supposed to be a compliment...

Again, everyone, thanks for bringing a smile to my face.


Friday, April 30, 2010 at 11:37 PM - Response #54

Hi to All,

This Thread is just too, too much! Laughing

As maybe one of only a few Resident ClassCreator Shrinks, I will tell you my professional opinion {free of charge to y'all} that the Photo John posted on 4/27 @ 2:43 pm is "The Real McCoy!"

How do I know? If you will look very, very closely at the extreme right corner of the Bradster's mouth, you will see a drop of authentic Canadian Maple Syrup ... and that small mark on the Bradster's right lapel looks suspiciously like a Canadian Maple Syrup Stain!
{ I read once that is the official identifying mark of all true Cyper Wizards }

There is another thread that alludes to the Wiz Bradster's passionate addiction { one of my specialities} for Maple Syrup. There are many references, but her is one:

or go to Search and enter:

"How do I use an anchor?" and scroll down to 12/15/08

Also: Kyle, didn't you tell me that the Bradster wanted you to take over on last Halloween because he was going 'trick or treating' dressed as a "Bottle of Maple Syrup?" I mean really ....... how much proof do we need?

Thanks to all of you for the ministry of ClassCreators ... what a syrupy sweet blessing for all!
Dr. Nancee

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