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Registration and Orders/Payment Submission

Forums: Questions and Answers About Building Your Site
Created on: 09/06/08 02:10 AM Views: 1417 Replies: 2
Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 2:10 AM

I'm having difficulty getting classmates to complete all steps in registration and payment process. Most get through the Registration Form and Order Items, but they sometimes don't "Proceed to Step 3" - for reasons I'm not sure. This is ok for those who want to send a check, but how do I advise them to go back in a submit payment on-line for items already ordered? Seems they can't do it without placing another order.
Can you please advise???


Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 3:31 AM - Response #1

It seems that way because they can't.

If they place an order, and then choose not to pay for their items, and then they leave the site completely, when they come back and now they want to order they're going to have to place another order and then pay. Thus you are going to get two orders, but only one payment. When this happens, you'll need to go in and edit the record so there is only 1 of each item ordered, instead of multiple orders.

And this is exactly why we're changing the system to a more traditional "add to cart" system in Reunion Planner II. With the add to cart system people will be able to save their orders so they can come in again and pay at a later time without having to actually order again.

Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 8:08 PM - Response #2

that would be a great enhancement!

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