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In Memory for the reunion

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 08/02/10 01:29 PM Views: 7809 Replies: 18
Monday, August 2, 2010 at 1:29 PM

Our reunion is in less than 2 weeks and we want to do something for those that have passed at the reunion. I am not creative at all and need some ideas. I have thought about getting poster board and posting pics of everybody on the board but don't know what else to do. Can i please get some ideas of what others have done? Thanks for any help i can get.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 2:15 PM - Response #1

Someone posted a poem called "The Chair" for something they did at their reunion. I thought it was very clever.

I will see if I can located it on the Forums for you

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 2:16 PM - Response #2

Robin Faulkner wrote:

Our reunion is in less than 2 weeks and we want to do something for those that have passed at the reunion. I am not creative at all and need some ideas. I have thought about getting poster board and posting pics of everybody on the board but don't know what else to do. Can i please get some ideas of what others have done? Thanks for any help i can get.

I saw someone's website just the other day, and they did a poster board with their pictures kind of circling the words on the poster. Maybe when I have some time available, I can find that class website that I saw.

I am doing a DVD Slide Show for my Class Reunion, and I was not familiar with the software to build a Slide Show. Let me tell you, that turned out to be a "Learning" experience, but the end result is really nice.

Feel free to look at it on my website if you want. It is the menu item on left that says "In Memory" Video. It is about 12 minutes long, and really my first draft, as I have found a couple of minor things I want to change. My Reunoin isn't until Sept 25, so I have a little time yet.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 2:36 PM - Response #3

Thank you so much. Any pics would be greatly appreciated. I am running out of time and need to have something people can look at showing those that passed.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 2:48 PM - Response #4

Attached is one that I found from another credit union. Very nice, but might take a little work "framing". I'll look some more, for the one I recently saw.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 2:55 PM - Response #5

Oh, i like that, thanks. If you have anymore ideas or pics please let me know.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 3:16 PM - Response #6
Memorial Table.jpg

Here's a picture of our Memorial Table from last year to give you an idea -- very simply done and very well received by those who attended our event. I printed the list of names with borders at top and bottom of the pages and we inserted them into a plastic standing frame (picture frames would do too) along with black construction paper for the background. One of our classmates made a "book" (on the left) for everyone to write their memories of our classmates there that we could eventually put up on our In Memory page on our website but I have yet to get it back from the person who hopefully still has it (make sure if you do something like this that you retrieve it yourself!). The flowers were from a craft store and the ribbon decoration was easy to do with some trinkets from the craft store too. On the right we put out some info and "get well cards" we created for everyone to sign that we then sent to those who couldn't make it because of an illness. Best of all -- it was all at a very low cost. Hope this helps.
P.S. We had yearbooks nearby for people to look through if they wanted to see photos.

Edited 08/02/10 3:21 PM
Monday, August 2, 2010 at 3:24 PM - Response #7
Memorial Table.jpg

Elaine Rock wrote:

Here's a picture of our Memorial Table from last year to give you an idea -- very simply done and very well received by those who attended our event. I printed the list of names with borders at top and bottom of the pages and we inserted them into a plastic standing frame (picture frames would do too) along with black construction paper for the background. One of our classmates made a "book" (on the left) for everyone to write their memories of our classmates there that we could eventually put up on our In Memory page on our website but I have yet to get it back from the person who hopefully still has it (make sure if you do something like this that you retrieve it yourself!). The flowers were from a craft store and the ribbon decoration was easy to do with some trinkets from the craft store too. On the right we put out some info and "get well cards" we created for everyone to sign that we then sent to those who couldn't make it because of an illness. Best of all -- it was all at a very low cost. Hope this helps.
P.S. We had yearbooks nearby for people to
look through if they wanted to see photos.

Wow, that is nice. Much easier to do than the other one I found for her on someone's site..It involved framing every picture. I like the idea of nearby Yearbook too.

I was looking for a simple "poster" I recall seeing last week on someone's site, but can't find it. What you did is much nicer, and just as simple to do anyway.

Either of you can look at mine at my website if you wish. The Menu on Left is "In Memory" Video............that was a LOT of Work, but I like it. It is just over 12 minutes, and I plan to play it on DVD at my Sept Reunion.

Edited 08/02/10 3:26 PM
Monday, August 2, 2010 at 3:32 PM - Response #8

You'll need a TV screen with the capability of interfacing with computer -- find a classmate or a 20 year old with a scanner and build simple sequence on PowerPoint or Keynote software: including names, with photo from yearbook ONLY or contemporary photograph, side by side -- appropriate music can be added in if you wish.

This is really easy for anyone who has worked with this software - it's paint by numbers. Find someone who has a computer and the know-how, ask and they'll be happy to help.

You will need to find the photos in advance and make sure the venue for your reunion has a flat screen or good sized TV available -- or have someone in the class bring one to the reunion event.

(Incidentally, this sort of display is very common these days at mortuaries - and a lovely way to remember friends and family in a gentle and respectful visual way.)

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 3:34 PM - Response #9

I too will look for a picture if you wish - but what we did this year [Memorial Day Weekend]

Each deceased classmate had a name badge made with their Sr. picture on it.
Each of these were held by a single 'clip' [I believe a paper clip would work] that was stuck into a black block - believe it was a block of wood cut from a 2 X 2, and the blocks were painted black.
There was a cross on each one [a Star of David for the Jewish member who had passed away].
Later in the evening, votive candles were lit on the table.
A very sobering effect.
BTW, we had just under 600 class members, and just over 50 have passed away.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:11 PM - Response #10

Our reunion just ended and i procrastinated on our "Memory" classmates, but at the last minute, was able to combine some of the above ideas...The senior pictures (or the last known "yearbook" pic) was scanned enlarged and printed out to fit into a "dollar tree" frame (there are some very nice frames, if you take the time to look...) and we "hung" them in wall showcases covered in black cloth, on a side-bar area of the restaurant. votive candles were everywhere (another dollar tree idea, or Big lots or Micheals) and classmates had some "privacy" to speak of those they remembered, share stories,etc. we also had a "moment" of silence" before our dinner blessing, which allowed the room to quiet down and reflect, and i posted "The Chair" poem, found on these forums, hand-written on notebook paper, blocked with poster board (i ran out of time...but it worked...) on an empty dinner plate/place setting at a small corner table, much like the "Missing In Action/Prisoner of War" tables in the military chow halls.
No mention of this was necessary, but everyone passed the table as they finished the buffet line.
We also had single red roses and red carnations with babies breathe, in dollar tree vases...very easy and inexpensive.
In the past we have had poster boards and picture shows, but switched it up this time.
Everyone "grieves" in their own way and while trying to be reverential, it is a challenge to keep it tasteful and thoughtful.
I love the idea of the book, we will have to add that "next time"...especially because I have a challenge getting anyone to post anything on our Memory page in remembrance of their friends.
We decided to focus on the "celebration of friendships" and all that i=entails, but a "lest we forget" moment is a wonderful way to remind everyone that life is short, and we all might not be able to make it in person to the next reunion. There were more than a few that joined us in person five years ago whose names and pictures were on the Memory wall...)
We all need to be reminded to make the most of each day, and have few regrets. You will decide what is "perfect" for your class and may your efforts be appreciated!
Have Fun and have a great reunion!
p.s.One of the "best" parts of our reunion was our guest of Honor, the daughter of one of our classmates that wanted to hear stories of her mom from her friends of her younger years! It was the most beautfiul sight, and experience, and we could all feel her Mom's presence through her the entire evening! It was so very special! If the opportunity arises to include family that might need some "healing", or just a laugh or smile, i would most definitely recommend it.
I was able to attend one of brothers' reunion in his honor at his 20th, as we set up a scholarship in his name. It was so very special to hear stories and remind others that "friends make a difference"! And some memories last a lifetime!
Have a most special reunion!

Edited 08/02/10 4:15 PM
Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:21 PM - Response #11

Your In Memory Video is really great.Very Happy What software did you use to create it?Question

Also once it was created, what steps did you take to load it on your school web site?Rolling Eyes

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:37 PM - Response #12

picture one

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:39 PM - Response #13

picture two

[two more upon request]

Edited 08/02/10 4:39 PM
Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:47 PM - Response #14

Richard Izzett wrote:

Your In Memory Video is really great.Very Happy What software did you use to create it?Question

Also once it was created, what steps did you take to load it on your school web site?Rolling Eyes

Hi Richard,

Are you referring to my In Memory Video? If so, I used a software I had gotten some years ago, but never figured out. Finally did, and it is Adobe PhotoShop Elements. However, there are a lot of softwares out there to build screenshows. To get it on my website, I could have just loaded it into the Vault, but that would take a lot of vault space. So, I used a Video Playlist from Vimeo. It is quite nice and takes larger videos like

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:51 PM - Response #15
Memory table.jpg

We incorporated a few different ideas, mostly found here!! I've attached a copy of our memory table.

We lost one of our classmates almost 12 months to the day prior to our reunion. He was married to another classmate, and we didn't want to "ambush" her with a slide show moment. We created a memory table, and I set a slide show up with senior pics and random pictures of them through the years. I ran it on my laptop, which we disguised, and let it loop all night. A few candles and picture frames of each classmate finished it off, and it was very well received by all.

It was really very little work. I got the frames, mats, and candles at the dollar store, and used black and white photos printed on a regular printer. It didn't take long to slip the pictures into the frames, and arrange it.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 4:52 PM - Response #16

I run a multi-year website that spans 25 years or as I like to thank of it the first generation. We have multiple reunions that seem like one big class party… Yes, we were partying animals back in the 60’s! At first we kept it simple by just having a table set complete with the chairs cocked as to remind others that this table was reserved. We have a poster that showed all the fallen Vikings and a special note to our fallen heroes who gave their ‘Last Final Measure’ in Vietnam. We now show more about the table,

We use a Small Table to Show One's Lonely Battle against the many adversities in life.

We cover the Table with a White cloth to Honor their Pure Heart, when they Answered the Schools and Country call to go forth and make something in the world.

We place a Lemon Slice and Grains of Salt on an Overturned Plate to show their Bitter Fate and the Tears of Families who have Lost Loved Ones.

We Push an Empty Chair to the Table to Signify all those Missing who are No Longer With Us.

We lay a Black Napkin for Sorrow and an Overturned Glass for the drink and Meal that won’t be eaten.

We place a white candle for ‘Hope & Peace and finally a Red Rose in a vase tied with Blue and Gold Ribbon (school colors) for Hope that we will meet again one day in the ‘Halls of Valhalla’ (signifying the days when we walked the ‘halls of our high school.) And we too, will bask in the ‘Warm Days of our Youth.”

The poster now has 75 names and as another reunion comes up I am sure that there will be more added, sadly it is my job to post them and I truly want to show them all respect and honor.

This next time, I think I will make it more dynamic by participation rather than a static display... Your thoughts are encourged.

Monday, August 2, 2010 at 9:43 PM - Response #17

Thank you all for the wonderful ideas. I have taken a few ideas from several of you and going to see what i can do with it. Thank you all for your help. I wish i had started earlier. I especially liked the photo's in the picture frames. Going to see what i can do with all this.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 4:05 PM - Response #18

Robin - our reunion was just last weekend. One of our admins and her hubby did a wonderful but simple PowerPoint that displayed the senior picture of our classmates with their name underneath, against a light blue border with fading flowers (thought they were daisies or dandelions), accompanied by music in the background. Very touching, not overdone, and even the gents classmates were teary. We put this near the beginning of our program so we were able to bring the energy in the room back up... Know of anyone who can prepare or copy a powerpoint??

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