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Reunion Planner II Custom Questions

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/11/09 07:36 PM Views: 1256 Replies: 1
Monday, May 11, 2009 at 7:36 PM

Need some help with the adding custom questions and answers in Reunion Planner II.

I've added my custom questions,clicked ACTIVE,UPDATE,SAVE. Included a radial button 'Yes' for the answer,clicked UPDATE, SAVE.

For whatever reason, the registration page *will not* display the answer selection, only the question. I've tried all the answer options: fill in, drop down, radial and required for registration and still no answer showing. Does anyone have a solution?

Monday, May 11, 2009 at 9:25 PM - Response #1

It's because you're not pressing the "Update" button after selecting your answer type.

The Reunion Planner custom questions are all built dynamically, so you have to press the Update button after EVERYTHING you do. I.E. you click add new Question and type your question, you hit the update button. You select your answer type and you hit the Update button. You add an answer and you click the Update button. You add another answer and you click the Update button. After every single thing you do you need to press the Update button in order to proceed. If you add an answer type and don't hit the Update button, which is the case here, then you've got no way to actually put in answers according to the answer type you just selected.

If all of that sounds difficult don't worry about it too much, just make sure you ALWAYS press the Update button after everything you do. If in doubt just pres it, you can't hurt anything by pressing it too much.

Oh, while I was in there I selected the Yes or No answe type and presed the Update button for you. If you don't want that answer type just select a different answer type instead, and then make sure you press the Update button. Smile

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