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locationof excel spreadsheet

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/17/08 01:11 PM Views: 1511 Replies: 8
Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 1:11 PM

Where do I go on the website to view the excel spreadsheet after it has been downloaded?

Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 1:17 PM - Response #1

It's not viewed on the website. Once you've downloaded it it resides on your hard drive (on your computer).

When you download it, make note of where you're saving it to (ex. My Documents, etc.) and then you retrieve it from there.

Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 1:23 PM - Response #2

If changes are made on the website, then I have to take that information and manually change? It is to bad that we could not just view the information as a whole on the website instead of us having to enter the information again. When I get new addresses, I am changing on my Excel spreadsheet and then also going to the website to make changes. Is there a way to just view e-mail addresses from the website?

Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 1:37 PM - Response #3

No, not that I'm aware of. I do it exactly the way that you do. When a new classmate joins my site and I receive the notification message I copy the address from that message and update my spreadsheet immediately. I don't have to update the website as the alumni will do that themselves when they register.

Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 2:35 PM - Response #4

Have you tried to wait for several new changes then download the class list to the spreadsheet again! It should ask you if you would like to replace the file that already exists and its a done deal. I don't know, haven't tried it yet myself. Just thought it might work!!

Edited 07/17/08 2:36 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 2:55 PM - Response #5

If you're anything like me, my spreadsheet is customized and color coded so replacing it wouldn't work in my case, but I have replaced columns of information (email addresses, mailing addresses, etc.) leaving the names in tact so they remain color coded and simply go back and fill in the colors which is pretty easy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 3:19 PM - Response #6

John Jeff Buss wrote:

Have you tried to wait for several new changes then download the class list to the spreadsheet again! It should ask you if you would like to replace the file that already exists and its a done deal. I don't know, haven't tried it yet myself. Just thought it might work!!

This is what I would recco. I do this all the time. I have our contact info on google docs and when I make a change to the copy on my hard drive, I just upload it to googledocs and it updates the information.

No double inputting necessary.

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 6:46 PM - Response #7

1. Go to "Manage Classmates" area
2. Click the "Download/Upload" button
3. Scroll down and click "Download Classmates" button
4. Save Window pops up

Note- If you don not change the name of the file you are saving, and you are saving in the same location as your "old" classmates list, this will Overwrite that file....usually you will get a warning stating this about to occurWink



Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 8:20 PM - Response #8

Jimmie Anne Haisley wrote:

If changes are made on the website, then I have to take that information and manually change? It is to bad that we could not just view the information as a whole on the website instead of us having to enter the information again. When I get new addresses, I am changing on my Excel spreadsheet and then also going to the website to make changes. Is there a way to just view e-mail addresses from the website?

There is no need to enter information twice. I recommend you make any changes right on your web site, and then download your Class List in Excel format when done. Now you have all changes in Excel and you've only had to enter data once.

If you are keeping a more comprehensive spreadsheet that includes additional data from what we provide in the download, you could still pretty quickly copy and paste information out of your updated spreadsheet onto your own personal spreadsheet.

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