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Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 03/12/14 05:19 PM Views: 957 Replies: 1
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 5:19 PM

When I add a new link in Annoucements does it automatically email to the classmates. If it does how can I stop that. I just want to change some things on our Home Page and not send it to everyone.
Thank you,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 5:22 PM - Response #1

On the PREFERENCES page, look for this section:


Classmates sign up to be notified when various pages of your site have been updated. You may not want these automatic notices to go out if you are making a small edit (e.g. fixing a typo). A checkbox is present under the editor window indicating how many people have subscribed to receive updates for the page you are editing. You can check or uncheck this box to send or not send these automatic notifications. The default status for this checkbox is settable below:

   Prechecked: Automatically send subscriber notices unless box is manually unchecked before saving
   Unchecked: Do not automatically send subscriber notices unless box is manually checked before saving

The default is PRECHECKED, but if you forget to uncheck the box, everyone will be notified.

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