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Classmate Married to Another Classmate Can't Join Website

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 04/24/10 01:05 PM Views: 1388 Replies: 3
Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 1:05 PM

I have a classmate who is married to another classmate. He’s been registered for awhile and now she is trying to register. However, when she tries to log in it says she’s logged in as her husband and she says she does “log out” but then still has trouble logging in again. In fact, she says everywhere she goes to register she’s told she’s logged on as her husband. Is this a browser cookie setting or cache problem? What do you suggest I tell her to try doing about this? Thanks, Elaine

Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 1:18 PM - Response #1

Class Creator uses a log in cookie to keep people logged in as they travel about the site. Another person can't log in on the same computer as long as that login cookie is present. When they click "Log Out" on the left navigation, what that does is delete the login cookie, thereby allowing somebody else to log in.

It sounds to me that in this case, clicking the "Log Out" link is not clearing the login cookie. Why? I have no idea why. All I really know is that it's happening. So they're going to have to clear their cookies on their browser itself in order to delete the login cookie, allowing party #2 to log in. I suspect after clearing cookies the Log Out button will function again and delete the cookie as it should. For whatever reason their cookies have simply gotten stuck on their computer, and I've certainly heard of that happening a number of times before.

Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 2:28 PM - Response #2

Any chance they are using the same email address? that might be a problem.

Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 2:31 PM - Response #3

Class creator can handle using the same e-mail address if they both use separate passwords.

Another solution would be to have the wife use a different browser or different computer.

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