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Poll for Reunion

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 01/15/10 12:00 AM Views: 2105 Replies: 5
Friday, January 15, 2010 at 12:00 AM

I either read in a forum or saw on someone's page a clever Poll to find out who planned to attend their upcoming class reunion. I wrote the poll questions down and a week later lost them. Can anyone help with suggestions and ideas? Have you had such a poll on your page and what choices were given? Thank you.

Friday, January 15, 2010 at 12:23 AM - Response #1

Hi Nancy...
It might've been our site.I switched it up temporarily for New Year Resolutions.
Our choices, when asked if planning on attending our upcoming reunion included...
a)Yes,definitely. I'll be there.Count me in!It'll be Fun!
b)Perhaps.Maybe yes.Maybe no.I'm thinking about it.
c)No. Sorry I won't be able to join you but thanks for asking.
d)No.I'd rather eat raw lutefisk three times a day.
e)No. I'd rather walk over hot coals AND eat raw lutefisk!

You can add just about might try personalizing it to your school memories or the personality of your class. We have a big challenge getting any participation.In the original i included "Ask me again in a year.", "Depends on who else is going", Not sure but I'm considering it"."Only if it's free","No, I'd rather stay home and order a pizza"etc...i am trying not to offend anyone so have to word it carefully to illicit a response without too much emotion! Except maybe a smile or two!
Have Fun!

Edited 01/15/10 12:48 AM
Friday, January 15, 2010 at 1:44 PM - Response #2


I know I didn't ask the question, but I sure do appreciate all the detail. I have wished that within the Profile section where the question is asked that we had this "flexibility" cause most of our Reunion Planning Committee members themselves have not answered that question. Makes me wonder why three of us are doing all this work searching for classmates and developing the website, when the people that are planning the Reunion itself have never bothered to commit to attending.

Thanks for the Poll ideas--I'm going to set that up today!Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy

Friday, January 15, 2010 at 2:25 PM - Response #3

That's the one. Many thanks. I appreciate the humor and cleverness. Nancy

Friday, January 15, 2010 at 2:44 PM - Response #4

Hi John,
Thanks for the note. Don't get discouraged, although it seems like it's all so questionable at times! I haven't lived in or near the town i went to high school for over 30 years and i still believe that there's something bigger going on that we can't define at this moment! There are a total of two more who have "volunteered" to help with the reunion, but the "planning" etc seems up to me at this time.
Thank goodness for ClassCreator though! Many have said that the web site is the reason that they feel comfortable enough to come to the next reunion, citing many reasons they haven't shown up over the years. Some have shown up and no one has spoken to them and they hope that this one will be different!
The profiles section has helped many of us "open up" with our lives, share some things most others didn't know and it "breaks the ice" that needs to be broken (all this time we've been waiting for happy hour to do that, but that doesn't always turn out so well...Confused)
In the profiles section, i've included many questions, all optional of course...Do-over moments?, What's left on your Bucket List?, Read any good books lately?, Who would you most like to find from our class, maybe someone knows where they are?, Finish the sentence, The best decision I ever made was...", What was your favorite job? What did you want to be "when you grew up" and "What do you still want to be when you grow up",Favorite way to enjoy the passing of Time?etcetc...these seem to illicit a response from some, nothing from others, but i don't care at this point. i am trying to figure out how to get some to think outside their box and stretch themselves. One classmate already told me that she would be too busy in her garden to show up! Many have said thanks but no thanks, and those i thought would be behind me with the web site are basically missing in action.
BUT, the good news that keeps me going are those that really want to participate and show up, those that have found a reason to reconnect or reach beyond and find out how interesting some have become and how much so many really have in common!
It may take only one friend to turn someone's life around or be there when they are supposed to be there, and i have faith that we are "called" for this mission. I may not find out exactly why in this lifetime, but i refuse to "let the turkeys get me down"!
Once you "activate" your reunion page, the profiles include a "attending reunion" question. For planning purposes only, i included a question asking if attending, aare they palnning on bringing any helps when deciding what size venue is needed. Some may thing they are already we can pull this one off, (i've been told by some that this is "impossible" to plan this way!) it will fall under "miracles" but i do believe in miracles!
Have Fun and feel free to "borrow" anything you like from our Reunion Humor pages, or anything else from any other pages that might illicit some reaction from your class. i did post a disclaimer, hoping not to offend anyone with my questionable sense of humor. After my years as a Navy nurse, i laugh at stuff others often find less than funny...and i am not always as "politically correct" as i should be! sorry! Embarassed

Edited 01/15/10 3:10 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 12:33 AM - Response #5

Wow, thanks for sharing all this, Kris! You are correct in what you are telling him.

I think you have the Spirit of Encouragement!!

Great Cartoon! Do you have a site where you get Cartoons specifically?

Thanx for your nice message! Blessings, N

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