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In Memory

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 10/24/08 01:11 PM Views: 1208 Replies: 2
Friday, October 24, 2008 at 1:11 PM

Is there a way for the programmer to put (next/previous) buttons on the In Memory page so that a viewer can scan thru rather than having to back up a page and click another link? Just an idea

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 2:44 AM - Response #1

This seems like a good idea Sandi, but I'm opposed to it for a reason you couldn't have known yet. We already have a Task List item to add the red rose next to a Classmate's name on the main "In Memory" page whenever:

1) The Administrator has posted an obit, or
2) Classmates have made a comment about the deceased Classmate

On many sites you'll find deceased Classmates have no comments whatsoever. Thus a next button would often land the user on a page that has nothing to see. If there are several deceased Classmates in a row with no info, then clicking next next next would yield nothing nothing nothing. The red rose icon on the main In Memory List will show users exactly where to click to see content.

Edited 10/28/08 2:45 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM - Response #2

That's true Brad but maybe it will spark something in the viewer to be the first to post a response. Each of my In Memory pages has something on it, a quote, pictures, music, something, even if I don't have an obit. So if the viewer goes page to next page, they will see something and maybe think about the person and make a comment. Just my thoughts.

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