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manually flagging atendees

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 08/16/15 03:01 PM Views: 836 Replies: 1
Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 3:01 PM

I've scanned through the previous "Event Planner" posts here and probably already know the answer to this but here goes. Is there a way to manually flag classmates who are attending an event when NOT using the event planner? My work around will be an attempt to generate a PDF out of Excel and link it to text on the home page. I used the event planner for a few weeks and it was not capturing everyone attending because of our direct mailings to classmates and alternate means of registering for our reunion.It would be nice to be able to manually post those small icons on the "classmates" page for all to see.
Thanks in advance for any replies,

Monday, August 17, 2015 at 5:08 PM - Response #1

For any members who are attending the event who did not register online, you can register them by going to the Event Planner > Edit > Register a Classmate via the Quick Links on the Dashboard > Select the member's name and follow through registration as if you are the member.

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