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classmates current locations

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/16/08 09:13 PM Views: 1858 Replies: 15
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 9:13 PM

I think it would be really great if there was a way that we could "pinpoint" where all of our class mates are, with maybe a diagram of the US and other places, with some kind of tick marks or something to indicate which state or country our classmates are located. It would be a real visual enhancement.Very Happy

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 9:32 PM - Response #1

I think that's a neat idea, although tedious to work out, I would imagine. However, I would like to have a way to list cities, within a state. I've done this for our class in an "Afterglow" booklet after our last reunion and people found it useful in locating quickly who might live near them.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 10:10 PM - Response #2

What do you all think of creating a book like the cencus
record of everyone in each state; city; with name; adress; phone number.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 10:10 PM - Response #3

I wonder if one of those embedded maps with the thumbtacks can be uploaded to the site to show where everyone is.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 11:56 PM - Response #4

I love the idea of having a visual that shows where everyone is!

Edited 07/16/08 11:57 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 5:31 AM - Response #5

I like the idea too, but unfortunately it's just not feasible. It's a significant programming task to say the least, wouldn't include overseas Classmates, and is difficult to plot numerous Classmates all living in the same geographic area (which is common). Neat idea though. If we were going to implement something like this it would most likely be through the use of some type of third party application already programmed for the task. If anybody knows of such an application out there I'd be happy to check it out.

Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 9:47 PM - Response #6

Vicki Terry wrote:

I think it would be really great if there was a way that we could "pinpoint" where all of our class mates are, with maybe a diagram of the US and other places, with some kind of tick marks or something to indicate which state or country our classmates are located. It would be a real visual enhancement.Very Happy

You mean like this?

(Proof of concept only.. only shows classmates with valid U.S. Zip Codes.)

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 1:34 PM - Response #7

Microsoft Mappoint 2006 can do this, though you are limited to North America. They have a web service option, but I have never used it because we have the desktop software at work. Link:

Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 2:31 AM - Response #8

Interfacing with the existing Google map system is a perfectly valid solution that I have told Rick to proceed with. Moral of story: Always ask Rick if it can be done first. Smile

Monday, July 21, 2008 at 5:49 PM - Response #9

I may be mistaken, but I think "classmates" has that functionality, but I'm not positive.

Monday, July 21, 2008 at 10:11 PM - Response #10

I don't know if they do or not, but classcreator will have it.. soon.

Now that I'm finally done watching Heroes Season 1 Wink

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 10:41 PM - Response #11

That would be great ! I'm new to this and learning a lot just by reading the Forum. I'm planning our class reunion in July 2010 . It seems like there's lots of time but classmates are located in many countries like Australia, Philippines , Switzerland, Canada, the United States and possibly Turkey and New Guinea. Our 50 year class reunion will take place in the Philippines. Will the map feature pinpointing a classmate in all of these countries work ? Anybody ? Will appreciate your comments. Thanks.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 11:30 PM - Response #12

Thelma Alcordo wrote:

That would be great ! I'm new to this and learning a lot just by reading the Forum. I'm planning our class reunion in July 2010 . It seems like there's lots of time but classmates are located in many countries like Australia, Philippines , Switzerland, Canada, the United States and possibly Turkey and New Guinea. Our 50 year class reunion will take place in the Philippines. Will the map feature pinpointing a classmate in all of these countries work ? Anybody ? Will appreciate your comments. Thanks.


I can't answer the question about the maps, but could I offer you a suggestion?

Your homepage is difficult to read because of the ALL CAPS. In term of internet etiquette, it appears as one is shouting. You may want to change your page so that it is written in normal sentence structure. I could only get through a couple sentences before I stopped reading because of the all caps.

Edited to add: You may also want to adjust the formatting on your page. The 'center' alignment is hard on the eyes since it seems to jump all over the page with each paragraph. You would be best to switch it to left justified just like any normal paragraph is written in a book. It's much easier to read.

Edited 07/23/08 11:41 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 12:24 AM - Response #13

Sorry my homepage is not easy on your eyes . Sounds like we went to the same seminar on Etiquette on the Internet at Wayne State University in Detroit . I agree that typing in capital letters is like shouting at someone on email when the rest aren't in caps and you only want to stress a word or two. But when the whole email is in caps it's different. There's a few things I'm waiting on to enhance / change what's on the home page. I don't really care for it myself.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 12:56 AM - Response #14

Thelma Alcordo wrote:

Sorry my homepage is not easy on your eyes . Sounds like we went to the same seminar on Etiquette on the Internet at Wayne State University in Detroit . I agree that typing in capital letters is like shouting at someone on email when the rest aren't in caps and you only want to stress a word or two. But when the whole email is in caps it's different. There's a few things I'm waiting on to enhance / change what's on the home page. I don't really care for it myself.

It looks like I offended you. That was not my intention. People here offer their feedback and I only mentioned it to help.

Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 1:38 AM - Response #15

This feature is currently only applicable with Classmates living in the US. Many schools have all or most Classmates living in the US. So they will like the feature. Schools with international Classmates will most likely want to turn this off. We will be adding a way to disable the map link so each Administrator can decide if it's right for them or not.

Note: We are interfacing with Google maps. Should a better solution come available from Google for mapping US and International Classmates all together, we'll certainly look into it.

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