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Photo Orientation

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/25/16 11:12 PM Views: 1528 Replies: 3
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 11:12 PM

I recently upgraded to Windows 10.
I am adding senior .JPG photos, but when they load in CC,the orientation is left or right, not portrait.
I have to open the photo in PAINT. I do NOT have to rotate photo in Paint. I save it (still as a .JPG, then it loads with correct portrait orientation.
Not just one photo, many of them are incorrect.
Using Google Chrome.
I can't do this for 1000 photos.
I tried rotating photo in Window Explorer to all four orientations, but they would never come into CC in portrait orientation until they had been saved in MS Paint.

Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 11:01 AM - Response #1

The images must be in the wrong orientation in the native file. Paint must be auto rotating somehow. When you resave, that fixes the orientation issue. If you are loading these images to the galleries, you can use the Adjust button to access the Photo Editor and use the rotation tool to fix the photo in the system. Unfortunately, this feature is not available to the editor window for site pages.

Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 6:16 PM - Response #2

Not exactly. This is code lacking on CC that does not recognize meta data (Exif) when it is saved on CC. That's the information in a file that described how the photo was taken. So if you tilt a camera (or phone) not only is there dimension data but also how to 'rotate' the image for proper display.

When one 'saves' as described using a local program (like Paint), the dimensions are redone so a older program (lacking the proper code) will display as intended.

Here's a link with details LINK

The fix is to add the code to 'decode' the information on CC. (This has been noted several times over the years).

Scott Mastenbrook wrote:

The images must be in the wrong orientation in the native file.

Friday, May 27, 2016 at 12:11 PM - Response #3

Watch this for a new way to use the Gallery Creator to load and edit your files before using them elsewhere in the site.

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