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New Feature...Reunion Attendees

Forums: Suggestions and Feedback
Created on: 12/12/08 10:26 PM Views: 1503 Replies: 5
Friday, December 12, 2008 at 10:26 PM

I see the new feature but it doesn't include the number of attendees.

Name of Attendee

Number of parties attending Can this be added?

Method of Payment
Amount Owed
Amount Collected

Also...can a list of names of those attending be available to classmates? This does not need to have partners names but the classmate. Or is this already somewhere?

Edited 12/12/08 10:37 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 12:41 AM - Response #1

The number of parties attending is the number of attendees. I believe you were proposting a wording change there and I'm open to suggestions.

There is not a default public names of parties attending field, but you could easily use Profile Generator to add this question and have your Classmates answer it. Simple as that.

Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 9:59 AM - Response #2

When I look at the "Reunion Attendees" I see my name. The cost is currently 0.00. How do I change that? I am just taking me. But Terry is taking his girlfriend/partner whatever. If the price is put in does it calculate 2 X's the price? That way I would know how many are attending.

But also...In Profile Generator there are default things that automatically add icons or numbers. For example if the person says yes the the reunion there is a number. However, it does not have a default question that generates a number for attendee and spouse/partner/other.

My Profile questions don't make a list. I can go in and look at the answer, but there is not list. If there is I don't know where to look. For example I asked what was their favorite song in the 60's. I would like to use that to make up the list of songs to be played at the reunion. I will have to go in and copy each one. This is not as important as the previous question, but ...

Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 3:47 PM - Response #3

When a Classmate buys items pertaining to your reunion, they enter the quantity of those items at that time. For example, if a Classmate is bringing himself and his spouse, then the Classmate would order 2 tickets, one for himself and one for the spouse. Thus that information is calculated into their grand total right at the time of their order. Note, you do have the option to edit any quantities thus adjusting the total owed. For instance, if the Classmate accidentally ordered 3 tickets and now only needs to, you can change that 3 to a 2 and the amount owed will automatically be updated.

You can also manually add attendees if they are not registering on your site. When you do that you can also order items on behalf of the Classmate and thus see the correct total owed in your master list.

In your Reunion Planner there is both a question that asks how many parties will be attending the reunion, and another question that also asks for the names of those parties. But you can also add your own custom questions to your registration form as well. It's possible you're looking at the wrong area since you said Profile Generator, but I think you meant Reunion Planner. Those questions are in there.

Yes you are correct, there is no collective summary list. Thats' something we'll be adding to "Reunion Planner II." At them moment you do indeed need to go one screen further to see what the answer is.

Karen Modisett wrote:

When I look at the "Reunion Attendees" I see my name. The cost is currently 0.00. How do I change that? I am just taking me. But Terry is taking his girlfriend/partner whatever. If the price is put in does it calculate 2 X's the price? That way I would know how many are attending.

But also...In Profile Generator there are default things that automatically add icons or numbers. For example if the person says yes the the reunion there is a number. However, it does not have a default question that generates a number for attendee and spouse/partner/other.

My Profile questions don't make a list. I can go in and look at the answer, but there is not list. If there is I don't know where to look. For example I asked what was their favorite song in the 60's. I would like to use that to make up the list of songs to be played at the reunion. I will have to go in and copy each one. This is not as important as the previous question, but ...

Friday, January 23, 2009 at 11:40 AM - Response #4

I have had 6 actual classmates register for our reunion, but only 3 tickets have been paid for through paypal, but I have received a check for 2 more, I went in and manually selected check on the persons name in the reunion summary, but for some reason on the reunion summary it only show number of attendees at 3. Why is this and am I doing something wrong?

Friday, January 23, 2009 at 11:51 AM - Response #5

It's not showing the # of attendees at 3. It's showing 6 attendees -- all 6 names are right there. What it's showing as 3 is the number of ticket sales. And that's because of the people who registered:

Lisa bought 2 tickets
Glenda bought 1 ticket

So, you have a total of 3. The other people may well have paid for tickets through US Postal mail, but when they registered for your reunion on your web site, they never selected they wanted to purchase a ticket nor did they enter a ticket quantity. Thus as far as your site knows, those people didn't purchase a ticket.

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