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Difference in Classmate Display Options

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/16/08 06:54 PM Views: 1843 Replies: 12
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 6:54 PM

On the Manage Classmate's page, there are two options. The default not to display the classmate's details unless they join the site or to show the details even if they haven't created an account.

I tried changing my setting from 'show details even if they haven't created an account to the default and I see no difference in the display.

When I click on someone's name who hasn't joined, it still displays the option to email them if you have their email.

So, what is the difference between these two options in terms of what is displayed and to whom?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 7:20 PM - Response #1

I think the only difference is the little green check mark that shows up next to the name. The one that indicates "contains profile information" If you have entered information in and the classmate has not actually made a profile or updated their profile in the last 6 months then this green check mark is there. If you choose not to display the green check mark goes away. In my opinion it is not a helpful feature.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 10:08 PM - Response #2

Tracy Estrada wrote:

I think the only difference is the little green check mark that shows up next to the name. The one that indicates "contains profile information" If you have entered information in and the classmate has not actually made a profile or updated their profile in the last 6 months then this green check mark is there. If you choose not to display the green check mark goes away. In my opinion it is not a helpful feature.

When I changed it to the default, the green check mark didn't display. In fact, nothing looked different. I agree, it's not a helpful feature.

Brad - can you please explain the purpose?

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 12:56 AM - Response #3

When you choose the option of "Show Classmates details even if Classmates have not created an account", then if you choose "Classmate Profiles" and choose one that you've entered detail for, it will show where they live.

If you choose "Missing classmates", or choose the State which they live in and then click the "Name", then it does display the same message.

The green checkmark already mentioned seems to be the other effect.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 1:28 AM - Response #4

Cathy Plotnick wrote:

On the Manage Classmate's page, there are two options. The default not to display the classmate's details unless they join the site or to show the details even if they haven't created an account.

I tried changing my setting from 'show details even if they haven't created an account to the default and I see no difference in the display.

When I click on someone's name who hasn't joined, it still displays the option to email them if you have their email.

So, what is the difference between these two options in terms of what is displayed and to whom?

1) When you toggle back and forth between the two options, make sure you have some details entered in the Classmate's Profile, and also make sure the Classmate you are looking at is not a member of your site. If you are looking at a site member, then there will be no difference in the display you are seeing. You'll only see the difference if you have entered information on behalf of a Classmate who has not joined your site, and you've got the second option selected to show Classmate details even if the Classmate has not joined your site.

2) "When I click on someone's name who hasn't joined, it still displays the option to email them if you have their email." The only reason it would do this is if you've actually joined the site on behalf of the Classmate. If you've joined, then yes, you would be able to send an email. Technically you should never join the site on behalf of a Classmate -- you should enter Classamate details through your own Administrative Functions. I suspect that's what's happening here, as I cannot duplicate the problem you are referencing. If you are able to email a non member from the bottom of the non member's profile, please let me know the name of the Classmate you are seeing this on and I'll investigate further.

Edited 07/18/08 2:00 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008 at 1:31 AM - Response #5

Tracy Estrada wrote:

I think the only difference is the little green check mark that shows up next to the name. The one that indicates "contains profile information" If you have entered information in and the classmate has not actually made a profile or updated their profile in the last 6 months then this green check mark is there. If you choose not to display the green check mark goes away. In my opinion it is not a helpful feature.

If you have entered information on behalf of a Classamate who has not joined your site, and you've selected the second radio button to show Classmate details even if the Classmate has not joined your site, the green checkmark is necessary in order to indicate to other Classmate's that there is information behind that Classmate's name. Otherwise you'd have all kinds of Classamtes on your Class list who may or may not have profile information entered, and people would have to blindly click and guess to see who has information and who doesn't. The green checkmark tells your Classmates exactly who to click on. Not showing the green checkmark would leave your Classmates guessing.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 1:32 AM - Response #6

When I changed it to the default, the green check mark didn't display. In fact, nothing looked different. I agree, it's not a helpful feature.

Brad - can you please explain the purpose?[/quote]

See reply to Tracy, purpose explained.

Friday, July 18, 2008 at 6:23 PM - Response #7

I think that we just don't find it a useful feature at this time now because our websites are new and we are looking more at the little yellow sun/star icon as more of a useful icon at this point. Possibly in a few more months when everyone does not have the yellow icon next to their name the green check mark will appear to be a useful feature to us.

Brad is it possible to make the yellow icon appear in a smaller time frame such as in the last 3 months instead of 6 months? Or possibly do away with the yellow icon and replace it with a date on the persons profile page itself next to their name that shows when their profile was updated last?

I was also hoping that there was a feature that would allow me as an administrator to see what changes were being made to the personal contact information so that I did not have to guess. When you have a large class like I do and you get the profile update notification it is hard to tell if they have updated their page, their address, phone number or what and going on a scavenger hunt to figure it out is time that I can spend on the reunion planning itself.

PS: Just tell me what address to send the cookies to and I will get right on that.

Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 10:54 PM - Response #8

I'm not sure you're entirely understanding the purpose of the green checkmark if you turn on the second radio button. Trust me, if we turned that off hundreds of schools would complain immediately. If you have the second radio button checked to show any details you've added on behalf of Classmates who have not joined your site, and there was no green checkmark by names you've added information to, nobody would have any clue what Classmate names have information behind them and what names don't. People would have to blindly click and guess. That would be incredibly frustrating.

We have no plans to change the gold star nor the 6 month timeframe, but I do think a "last updated" date on the profile itself would be helpful. Good idea Tracy. Adding to the list. We'll also show the last updated date on the main class list if you mouse over the gold star.

Edited 07/19/08 11:35 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 11:34 PM - Response #9

Tracy Estrada wrote:

I was also hoping that there was a feature that would allow me as an administrator to see what changes were being made to the personal contact information so that I did not have to guess. When you have a large class like I do and you get the profile update notification it is hard to tell if they have updated their page, their address, phone number or what and going on a scavenger hunt to figure it out is time that I can spend on the reunion planning itself.

FYI, I have this question into the programmers. I'm not sure of the ramifications of tracking every little possible change but I've got the question in to find out.

Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 4:46 PM - Response #10

Brad Switzer wrote:

I do think a "last updated" date on the profile itself would be helpful. Good idea Tracy. Adding to the list. We'll also show the last updated date on the main class list if you mouse over the gold star.

Just FYI, both of these are live in the system now.

Edited 07/20/08 4:47 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008 at 1:18 AM - Response #11

OMG Brad you are the bomb! I just noticed the last updated feature under a classmates name and it made me smile. Thank you for doing that!

Any word on that baby? Also did you finally pick a name?

Monday, July 21, 2008 at 2:33 AM - Response #12

No baby yet, no name either. No more than a couple weeks from now we better have both. Smile

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