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Missing Classmates

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 07/16/08 05:46 PM Views: 1430 Replies: 5
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 5:46 PM

I am looking for some of the classmates for my school reunion and have found some locially. How can I get the word out? I am the class of 1968 Gulfport East High School Administator. The school is in Gulfport, MS. Get the word out over the United States?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 5:53 PM - Response #1

Before I found this site, I created an evite and sent it to the few people from our graduating class with whom I was still in contact and asked them to spread the word. We got a bit of a domino effect going and it went from there.

Have you checked to see if anyone is registered there? I paid for the gold membership to be able to email people and that site has been a thorn in my side b/c many people just delete the messages as spam.

You really need to stress to those with whom you are in contact to spread the word. Depending on the size of your class, the domino effect does start to happen, although it goes in spurts.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 5:59 PM - Response #2

Word of mouth!!!!When I started my site I got 30 people on the site in about a week and a half. I emailed all 30 and had everyone pick one name off of the missing classmate list and contact them. We had a 140 in just 7 weeks. Contacts were done by the white pages on the net and parents, however we could..... Good luck!! once the word is out they will come!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 6:03 PM - Response #3


A great way to get the word out is to create a MySpace page for your class as well as a Facebook page and then make a events post. Make a Yahoo Group page as well and also any other page that is popular right now. There is Kaboodle, Yaku, Topix, Bebo, etc.

Go to all the alumni sites that you can find and post post post! is a great place to post your reunion and list your website. I have listed my website and told all to go to the website for all the details. Do the same thing for

Start making posts to your local community websites such as your local news websites. They offer free community calendars. The newspapers do too! Expand this out into the major cities.

When someone types in Class of 19XX into the search engines the more posts you have the more it will pop up your postings. I have found a lot of classmates this way.

Make up some fliers and post them at all the local businesses. It helps to have a list of the "missing" when someone sees their name or the name of a friend or family member it gets the action going than if they just see Class of XX.

I just started in March and have already generated 180 people creating profiles on my website and another 20 plus people that I have been given their addresses by family members and friends. Not bad for 1 person if I do say so myself.

Good luck!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 7:13 PM - Response #4

Cathy Bates wrote:

Have you checked to see if anyone is registered there? I paid for the gold membership to be able to email people and that site has been a thorn in my side b/c many people just delete the messages as spam.

If you just send them emails a lot of them are not able to read them unless they too have a gold account. If you go and post an event then reference it to the website you will have better luck because it also sends an email to every single person on the class list and those that do have gold accounts will be alerted. It is also there for those that come on later and join.

I also posted on the message board that there was a FREE website that you would never be asked to pay for to make a profile and that seemed to get a big response! You cannot post websites on there but if you get creative and post ie: MaderaHighClassof88(DOT)com it fools the system.

Edited 07/16/08 7:17 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 9:54 PM - Response #5

If the local newspaper (and/or) newspaper in the capital city has a column for that kind of information you can list it. We have a column called "Delta Happenings" and all sorts of meetings and reunions are written up. Just ask if anyone knows a member of the class let them know, or do an article with a list of those missing.
Most radio and TV stations have a community service announcements segment.
We are fortunate to have a court investigator in our class and he has found many, many of our lost classmates.
If you know what state/city they live in do an search on or a similar site.
However, the best way is compile a list of all those you don't have an address or email on and send it out to the known classmates. That starts a chain reaction.
Good luck.

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