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Edit Profile

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 09/20/10 12:20 AM Views: 1305 Replies: 2
Monday, September 20, 2010 at 12:20 AM

Here is what my classmate sent me re: blank page when trying to edit her profile.

   Jean Umstead Brauman
09/19/10 10:41 PM

   Larry~ I logged in and clicked on 'Edit Profile' under the heading 'Member funcitons.' It then took me to a page that was titled 'Edit Profile,' but it remained blank for a long time and never brought up my profile to edit. Is there some other method that I should be using?

Let me know if you need more info



Monday, September 20, 2010 at 10:00 AM - Response #1

Go to Manage Classmates > Enter/Edit Classmates > locate their name and click on Profile, scroll down and turn off their Instant Messenger feature. This is likely a problem with IM for this user. Find out what Browser and version number of the browser, and their OS, and let us know. Also, find out if turning the IM function off for the user helped.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 10:16 PM - Response #2

She went back in and was able to edit, and didn't know what she did different. All she cared about was acomplishing the edit.



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