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Can't Copy from CC Site

Forums: General Discussion
Created on: 05/10/09 06:37 PM Views: 1272 Replies: 1
Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 6:37 PM

I got to thinking about some of the text I have added to my pages and wanted a permanent copy of it before I replace it or change it. For some reason I cannot copy and paste anything from my pages (in edit mode or just viewing the page) to an MS Word doc. I get just a constant message at the bottom left (vista home premium) of "Contacting the server for more information. Press ESC to cancel."

How do I copy from my own site?


Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 7:19 PM - Response #1

Sounds like you must have a third party object not fully loading or something like that. Try pressing reload on your browser. Or try using a different web browser. Try clearying your cache. If none of that works try rebooting your computer. There is no raeson that you wouldn't be able to copy and paste text from your web site.

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