Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 7:23 PM
With apologies if I tread over ground previously covered. 1. Currently I have two profile page photos displayed. One is at least 70 years old, the other only one or two years younger. I uploaded the 70 year old photo months ago. I uploaded the younger one today. The older is labelled Then. The younger (68+/- years old) is labelled Now. (Each photo is the product of my phone's camera and the older image is the older jpg.) Obviously, neither image is "now". I saw that one of my classmates has multiple photos on her profile page that are not labelled at all. I've tried to learn how to remove the "then" and "now" designations. HELP! (Do these designations appear when more than two photos are uploaded?) 2. Is there a way to preview how a profile page would look without "updating" your profile. Yesterday I uploaded a photo, placed it on my profile page, didn't like how it looked and removed it, but I was shown to have updated my profile page. I feel I should know this stuff, but I need help. Barry Levinsky